Fairy Winner

Chapter 2485: 1 half

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Have you seen those tornadoes and whirlpools?"

Caiying nodded vigorously, "Of course, we are arguing about this."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Then what do you think?"

"Master, don't go in."

The demon refining pot said in a deep voice, "My power disappeared without a trace. I guess it will be the same no matter how much it is. It is not something we can resist at this stage."

Xiangru thought for a while and said, "Lao Hu is right. It is a secret realm, but it is not a secret realm that Jinxian can explore."


Zhou Shu sighed, "Maybe it may not be possible to reach the Daluo realm. I am very strange now, how did Luo Xiping get in? Perhaps a more reasonable guess is that he is not here at all, so where did he and the others go? Why did the others die?"

Xiangru nodded, "I think Hu Lao and I shouldn't have disappeared here. It is impossible for him to pass these tornadoes."

"No, he can go in."

Caiying shook her head and looked at Zhou Shu. "Zhou, have you forgotten that Luo Xiping has a special ability?"

"Special ability?"

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, and he suddenly stagnated, "Caiying, are you talking about life changing magic?"

Caiying repeatedly said, "Yes, yeah, did you finally remember it? Mr. Jian was muttering, saying that Luo Xiping was obviously just dispersing immortals, but why did he change his life, even he hadn't learned it, he was already transparent. The law of life and death can only be touched a little."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "If you don't tell me, I will almost forget it."

Roxiping is indeed very special.

Life-changing magic is a powerful technique that can only be learned after the law of life and death is clear. It is labeled with the word "God". It is naturally good. After casting God, you can exchange life with other things when you are dying. A dead thing can also be a living thing. Luo Xiping originally assassinated Zhou Shu in the ghost realm. He fleeed under the condition of death on both occasions. One of them was even pierced into the body by Wuhen, and it was still safe. .

Luo Xiping himself said that he could not be regarded as a divine word, but the effect was real, and he was worthy of the name of divine art.

When the letter of entrustment was given to Zhou Shu, Luo Xiping gave Zhou Shu a jade slip, which contained the magic trick of life-changing magic, but Zhou Shu never learned it, and the sword elder who understood the law of life and death was no exception. And entering, but Old Jian always remembered, Zhou Shu temporarily put it down.

It is also because the memory is too large, and some information is too deep to find out if you don't pay attention to it. Caiying just mentioned it.

Lao Hu nodded, "Life-changing magic, Jian Lao seems to have mentioned it."

Zhou Shu looked at the void storm in the distance, seemingly thoughtful, "I understand about half of it."

The life-changing magic is born out of the law of life and death. It is no worse than the power in the tornado column outside, and it can naturally be cast there. Moreover, the life-changing magic is not only a replacement for life, but also a long distance in silence. Appropriate items can be used as substitutes. You can even use other immortals or things on your body as a springboard, and then go through the tornado. It is indeed not a big problem.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Even if he can pass the tornado, he cannot escape when he reaches the black vortex."

Old Hu nodded, "Yes, the attraction of the whirlpool is too great, he can't get rid of it, he will definitely be sucked into the wind column."

"That's amazing, how can his body block the white wind pillar?"

Zhou Shu stared into the distance and understood half of it, but he still couldn't understand the remaining half.

Caiying touched her head and whispered, "Maybe, maybe the white wind pillar doesn't hurt people at all?"

Xiangru thought indulgedly, "Could it be that it is just a cover, the wind pillar is infinite, but it can't hurt people?"

"I will try."

Zhou Shu nodded. Although it was unreasonable, it might be possible.

Old Hu was startled, almost jumped up, and hurriedly said loudly, "Don't, this can't be tried, Master! You may not be able to get out if you go in!"

"I didn't try it myself."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's not like you don't have the remains of Jinxian here, even the arm you picked up last time is still there."

The remains of Jinxian are very important resources.

It takes a cultivator to Jinxian to consume many resources, most of the resources are lost in the process of cultivation and return to heaven and earth, while the essence remains in the body, and will return to the heaven and earth after death. It repeats itself, and the flow of resources is uninterrupted. A realm will not die because of the exhaustion of resources. Therefore, all the immortals who died in battle will be taken away by Xiancheng and returned to Xiancheng, and those who died for the realm will also be recycled by the realm.

The corpses of Jinxian in Heishawu were all recovered by Wufang City, and those who died in battle in the Tianshui realm were buried in the Tianshui realm.

Generally speaking, there will be no Jinxian deliberately collecting or snatching the remains of the Jinxian from other worlds. This approach is tantamount to an evil way, and it is even more against the natural law.

Of course Zhou Shu would not, but the corpses of people like Vernal Equinox, Xiao Han, etc., did not return to them. Zhou Shu stayed in the demon refining world, not for refining the demon pot, nor could it be refining. , But buried deep underground, slowly decomposing the essence, adding resources to the demon refining world.

Old Hu put a little heart down, "So that's it, it scared me."

Return to the edge of the black whirlpool in a familiar way.

One arm, wrapped around the sword intent, fell on the whirlpool and quickly moved closer to the wind pillar.

The power of the Five Elements Law is a very modest power, it is good to test ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the sword meaning is a very special power of the law, since you have to try it, then try it by the way.

Zhou Shu's expression was focused, as did several people in the demonic world.


A soft sound.

The arm suddenly shattered and instantly turned into dust. The debris flew upward in the wind column, and after a few breaths, there was no trace of it.


Caiying's face paled in shock, and the others were about the same, sensing the power of the wind pillar with his own eyes, and the demon refining world was quiet for a while.

They all know that this arm was taken out of the void storm at the beginning, and it can survive the tornado. It can be imagined that it is tough, comparable to the third-grade immortal implement, and most of it is stronger than Zhou Shu's body, but in this white wind column Can't hold on for half a breath.

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "No, the sword intent is the same, I will try the power of the dragon again."

The sword intent he sent out was already very strong, but it separated instantly in the wind column, and then was shattered silently.

"Come on, Zhou."

In Caiying's urging sound, Zhou Shu left the black vortex.

After trying this, the result is obvious. Except for the power of the soul and the energy law attached to the strength training formula, no other powers work. The flesh body and the magic weapon cannot stop the white wind pillar at all. You will die.

"Zhou, don't go in, don't even think about it."

"I can't figure out how Luo Xiping got in... He shouldn't be in the secret realm."

"Yeah, maybe the direction was wrong at the beginning, maybe I am still at home somewhere."

Hearing what they said, Zhou Shu was just silent, and it really seemed like that.

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