Fairy Winner

Chapter 2494: Godsend

No matter how He Taiping shouted, Zhou Shu didn't stop, instead the speed was a bit faster. He Taiping was rather helpless and had to follow.

Not long after, the two stopped in front of a forest.

The forest is extremely dense, with few places to get in. I don't know how long there has been no sunlight. The fog is everywhere, and the dead leaves on the ground are mixed with the corpses of birds and beasts, giving off a faint smell of rancidity.

He Taiping frowned. The place was damp and gloomy, and the fire was impassable. It was considered the least suitable place for cultivation in the Tianshui realm.

The two looked into the forest together, their eyes falling on the darkest fog.

The black mist is obviously a phantom formation, but to the two of them it is nothingness. Through the black mist, there are two formations inside. In the formation, a young man squatted on the ground, holding a book in his hand. I am watching it with gusto.

Seeing the pages of the book, Zhou Shu was a little puzzled, "Shu Xin Sutra?"


He Taiping explained, “Many people in the Tianshui realm have the power to cultivate fire. Novice practitioners can’t control fire proficiently, so they can’t use jade slips normally. Most of the Taoist books are written in fire, and so are yours."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I see."

The young man shook suddenly and trembled all over, showing pain.

Looking closely, a transparent white flame suddenly appeared under his feet. Although the flame was fleeting, it was also unbearable for the young man.

"It turns out that there is a spiritual spring, no wonder he will cultivate here."

He Taiping suddenly realized that, looking at Zhou Shu, "It is called Lingquan in the heavens and waters, but it should be called the fire eye in other places. It is connected with the underground fire veins, and sometimes it can emit ground fire. From the fire color, this fire eye The rank is not bad, but I have to admire him, dare to directly touch and absorb the earth fire, which is not something that ordinary practitioners can tolerate, and if it continues for a long time, it may be harmful to the body."

Zhou Shu nodded, only looking at the young man, with a look of appreciation.

This young man is the inheritor of Shu Zhidao. It seems that he is only fifteen or six years old, but he has reached the level of Ming Dao. The future should not be underestimated. Only when he used the law of good and evil and the heart to do some exploration, he could not see the young man. Any evil thoughts should be worth training.

He Taiping saw Zhou Shu's thoughts and smiled, "Brother Zhou, don't you want to take him away? It's okay."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Brother, wait for me here."

The figure disappeared suddenly, He Taiping waited for a while, but did not see Zhou Shu coming back, but saw that burning eyes suddenly erupted, and a flame of several feet high appeared.

Not to mention the fierce flames, the color also turned blue-white, and the surrounding moisture disappeared instantly.

The young man was shocked, dodged a few steps anxiously, but reluctant to leave, staring at the flame for a long while, finally couldn't help it, and slowly stretched out his hand.

He Taiping frowned. Obviously Zhou Shu made the ground fire. However, the level of ground fire has increased so much. The young man dared to touch it. It was ignorant and fearless, but since Zhou Shu did it, he is not good. What to say.

Just when the teenager was about to touch the flame, the flame suddenly retracted and pulled up a bit, becoming more vivid and condensed, gradually forming a fuzzy human form.

The young man retracted his hand with a look of stunned expression.

The fire man was vague, but he could vaguely see the appearance, his mouth opened and closed up and down, and he was actually saying something strange.

The young man was surprised at first, then dull, and then ecstatic. He could clearly hear that what the fire man said was the essence of Shu Xin Jing, which was much better than what he had seen from the book.

While he listened carefully, he took out a pen and paper and quickly recorded it.

But half an hour later, the flame slowly disappeared, and the fireman disappeared, only a faint red mist floated on the eyes of the fire.

"Fire mist, this is fire mist!"

Fire mist is the essence of earth fire, but it is condensed into a mist that is easy to absorb. Generally, only the best fire eyes can have fire mist, which means godsend.

After the young man had no time to express his emotions, he only put his hands into the fire mist, desperately absorbing it, and at the same time silently muttering, "What is going on? First, the fire man taught the Taoism, and then the fire mist improved his cultivation. , Did I meet a god-given chance?"

Zhou Shu had already returned and said slowly, "Brother, it's time to go."

"You really took great pains, he might never think of who is helping him."

He Taiping smiled and shook his head, and said thoughtfully, "I hope he can live up to your hard work in the future."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I don't care what he thinks, as long as he can remember that these are given to him by the Heavenly Water Realm. Only when a practitioner loves his realm can he achieve better and carry forward the Shu Xin Sutra. "

He Taiping looked at Zhou Shu and sighed unconsciously, "Brother Zhou, you wrote this sentence at the beginning and end of the Shu Xin Jing, and emphasized it again and again, and I was worried that the Tao you preached would be an evil way, it is..."

"It's okay, everyone knows the evil of evil ways, and it may destroy a world."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I can only be a guide. I am not sure whether the Tao I preach will become an evil way. The quality of the Tao is not determined by a guide. This requires all people who learn the Tao, and A manager like you, brother."

He Taiping paused for a while, and only said slowly, "I almost can't understand what Brother Zhou said~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Then don't think about it. Just do what you want. "

"I will."

He Taiping smiled and nodded, "I want to tell you that after decades, in addition to the most basic laws of fire, most beginners in the Tianshui world can access the Shu Xin Jing. As for whether they want to learn it, that's their business. , But it seems that most people are still happy."

"Thank you, brother."

Zhou Shu bowed without realizing it, sincerely.

He Taiping was able to give Shu Zhidao such an environment that Zhou Shu never expected. If it develops smoothly, Tianshui Realm will definitely help him a lot in the future. If most people can know Ming Dao, he will come back to Tianshui Realm. It can improve some cultivation bases. If someone uses Shu Zhidao to break the catastrophe and leave the Tianshui realm, Zhou Shu can get more. Even if it is a few realms away, the furnace can get feedback and grow and evolve.

He Taiping frowned, "Brother Zhou, don't thank you. Without you, most of the Tianshui Realm is gone."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Then don't mention it, where are you going now?"

"Go to Tiantan Palace."

He Taiping pointed to the distance, his eyes full of pride, "Let you see, the pride of everyone in our Tianshui world."

"Good! Tiantan Palace, very good name."

At the beginning, Zhou Shu and many golden immortals built Tiantan Palace, but it was just a shell. Now Zhou Shu is also very curious about what will happen inside. It is conceivable that the experience and wisdom of most Tianshui elites are definitely concentrated. These two points are also what Zhou Shu wants to see most when he comes out to experience.

The growth of Shu Zhidao is the growth of Tao itself and Zhou Shu's personal growth. It is a process by which Zhou Shu constantly draws on the wisdom and experience of others.

(PS: Thank you for the lone wolf who has been waiting for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have booked and subscribed to vote~~) ()

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