Fairy Winner

Chapter 2503: Frank

In silence, a pottery tortoise crawled over.

In the stone prison, the movements are not as agile as outside, and it is almost no different from a snail.

Carrying a thick shell on its back, it crawled up Zhou Shu's clothes little by little, and finally climbed onto Zhou Shu's hands. The whole process took hundreds of breaths of effort.

Tao Gui poked out his small head and looked at Zhou Shu up and down. Although his eyes were small, they were very agile and lovely.

Zhou Shuzhi was controlled by the skeleton and smiled, "This little thing is really funny."

The skeleton said calmly, "If you like it, this one will be given to the respected driver. You can have as many more as you like. You can pick it up."

Before the words were over, a few more pottery tortoises carrying their carapace climbed over and leaned towards Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu looked at Tao Gui and shook his head, "It's a good thing, but it's useless if the younger generation asks for it."

"it works."

The skeleton said seriously, "The old man teaches you how to make armor, you can use the ceramic tortoise shell to refine the diamond armor, and the old man also teaches you the method of breeding, so that you can have many ceramic tortoises, and in the future, you will be able to refine them with endless energy. Make a diamond armor."

Zhou Shu shocked, "Senior didn't you laugh, why did you do this?"

The skeleton said faintly, "The Tang family was rude to Zunjia before, and now of course they have to pay enough to make Zunjia satisfied."

Zhou Shu looked at the pottery tortoises, thinking, "It's too expensive."

Skeleton shook his head slightly, and suddenly sternly said, "Before it was too little, but now it is too much. Does the driver want to apologize or want something else?"

The atmosphere was solemn for a while.

Zhou Shu stagnated, "Senior should have other conditions, can't you tell me what's going on here?"

"Do you think it should be?"

There was a lot of chill in the hollow frame of the eyes, "Only our two families can do drills, and we can make a fortune together. Is it better to let everyone know? Then no one will benefit. What does it mean to you?"

The surrounding suddenly became cold, like falling into an ice cave.

Zhou Shu sighed unconsciously, "Senior has really misunderstood the younger, and the purpose of the younger is not for Taogui and Mingzuan..."

I feel a little weird right after I say it, how can I say that?

During the negotiation process, it is unwise to tell the opponent directly what his purpose is.

The mind is still not as good as this old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years. He was temporarily taken advantage of by his rebellious attitude, and his statement of attitude suddenly lost the means to suppress the opponent, which was basically equivalent to surrendering.

Sure enough, even though the skeleton was still sitting, it was smiling everywhere.

The smile was a bit cunning, but more, but gratifying.

Zhou Shu looked at the bone armor and seemed to have a sense of understanding, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The surrounding stagnation, like snow in the sun, quickly melted away.

Perhaps, being unwise is also a manifestation of wisdom. If one party admits defeat, both parties can become honest.

The skeleton paused, and said slowly, "This sentence, the respected driver is sincere, so the old man also sincerely said sorry. It was the Tang family who misunderstood the respected driver before, and I am really sorry."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "The junior collided first."

Skeleton said slowly, "But the driver has never been a killer, and I have tolerated them again and again. I still want to thank you."

Zhou Shu waved his hand unconsciously, "Senior needn't say these things, do the previous Q&A continue, senior? To be precise, those are the things the juniors want to know, and the juniors can guarantee that they won't leak half of them."

The skeleton looked at Zhou Shu and said calmly, "The old man promises the same, it's because we are all in the same situation, right?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, nodded, "Almost."

The so-called same situation is probably the Xuanhuang world monk who is swaying in the same sky. Zhou Shu is 90% sure that the old man in front of the skeleton is from the Xuanhuang world, and the entire family has been suppressed by the fairy world, and the family name must be changed. It is possible to survive in the heavens, and once this secret is revealed, the family may be destroyed.

Somewhat similar to Oeting, but the situation is more severe.

Judging from Zhou Shu's years in the heavens, the normal state of the Xuanhuang Realm aristocratic family sect in the Immortal Realm is roughly like this.

The skeleton nodded, "What do you want to know?"

Zhou Shu thoughtfully, "The younger generation wants to know why this is?"

The skeleton froze, showing many surprises, "Could it be that the driver just came to the heavens not long ago? The driver must know what's going on there? Can you..."

Suddenly the skeleton became excited, but Zhou Shu hesitated for a moment, then stopped talking.

As if he had realized something, the skeleton said loudly, "It's okay, the old man will do the same. You and I have the same news, and no one can help each other, then no one will be in danger, the old man will still I can assure you that if you tell me what I want to know, the Tang family will open the door for the car in the future. Whatever you want, the old will accept it."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay, what do seniors want to know?"

The skeleton's heart tightened and he involuntarily leaned forward, "The Lin Family, how is the Lin Family?"

Zhou Shu immediately searched in the sea of ​​knowledge, "There are many Lin families, the senior refers to the Weibei Lin Family or Jianbai Lin Family..." Suddenly he thought of something, he didn't read it anymore, and said directly, "It's from Shenmu Mountain. The Lin Family? The family that guarded Kunlun in the past?"

From the perspective of that five-element wheel, the Lin family that the skeleton wants to ask should have something to do with Kunlun.

"Yes Yes!"

The skeleton almost stood up.

The earth mountain shook for a while, Tao Turtle ran away hurriedly, one or two panicked too much, even the shell fell off, but the skeleton didn't care at all.

After tens of thousands of years, I can finally hear the news of the younger generation, how can I not be excited, and nothing else.

Zhou Shu seems to have realized that, speaking of him, he has a big advantage. Almost all things in the Xuanhuang Realm are in the Sea of ​​Knowledge. It is easy to get a good impression when encountering people who have been promoted from the Xuanhuang Realm or their descendants. Gain benefits.

If you used this as a bargaining chip, maybe you wouldn't have to test for so long.

Just think about it.

It took a long time for the skeleton to calm down~www.ltnovel.com~ respected driving, the old man wanted to ask about the Shenmushanlin family. "

Zhou Shuwen said, "Senior, the Lin family is very good, maybe it is possible for Senior to see the Lin family."

The Lin family is well-known in the Xuanhuang world. It is one of the few great families that rely on Kunlun. However, unlike the family that went to later, the Lin family has guarded Kunlun for generations. The children have always been Kunlun disciples, at least the elders, and in Zhou Shu The most famous of the Lin family in the ages was Lin Qingjue of ten roots. Without surprise, Lin Qingjue would be able to reach the Mahayana realm within a few hundred years. If he had the chance, he might have reached the immortal realm now. Would say so.

Hearing Zhou Shu's words, the color of the skeleton suddenly changed, and even the white bones became black. He said anxiously, "You can't come, absolutely can't come!"

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized something, and said slowly, "Senior, don't be anxious, I don't think Brother Lin will not necessarily lead to the immortal world through the envoy."

He can understand that with the current relationship between the Immortal Realm and the Xuanhuang Realm, if those who ascend to the Immortal Realm directly enter the Immortal Realm, the fruit will be unpredictable. They will either be brainwashed and separated like those on the Tongtian Tower, or they will be allowed to fend for themselves, or even be imprisoned directly. Not impossible.


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