Fairy Winner

Chapter 2513: Tianchi

Under the blue sky, among the misty clouds, a dark blue mountain loomed.

On the top of the mountain stands a strange stone, hundreds of feet high, with a pointed top and a round bottom, red on the top and white on the bottom, just like a longevity peach.

On the side of the strange stone, there is a lake of dozens of miles, the lake is clear and clear, and the bottom is seen at a glance, and the surface of the water is floating with smoke, condensing but not scattered.

A gray-black eagle falcon was passing across the lake, accidentally got into the smoke, almost fell into the lake, and flew out with a cry of surprise.

After only a few ups and downs, the gray and black feathers all turned into pale gold, and they seemed to be shining, and the figure was a bit bigger. Between the flapping wings, it was hundreds of feet away and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

When the falcon flew away, the little snake with the black ring around it carefully climbed to the lake and lowered his head to drink.

After only drinking a drop, he shivered, curled his head and curled into a ball. The black ring quickly faded, and the whole body quickly became red, and the scales kept vibrating, making a crisp sound like a rattle.

Not long after, the little snake poked his head out, and a bright white unicorn suddenly appeared on his forehead, which was brilliant.

The snake has melted away.

After a while, Xiao Jiao swam away quickly and disappeared.

Suddenly there were shouts and shouts from the Shou Tao stone, but a large white-haired hunger, leading dozens of little monkeys, climbed down the Shou Tao and fell to the lake.

The white-haired hozen squatted down slowly, pointed to the lake, and motioned the little monkey to drink with him.

The white-haired hozen drinks water like a whale swallowing the sea, and there is a big whirlpool on the surface of the water, and the little monkey only takes a few sips, and then jumps up excitedly, and the color of his body starts to turn white slowly, and his cloudy and ignorant eyes A little aura flashes from time to time.

Two figures stood on the opposite side of the lake, looking at all this, quite gratified.

Old Hu said slowly, "Master, Tianchi has been built."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Thanks for your hard work, Old Hu."

The many immortals in the Lu world that day, through the transformation of Hu Lao, finally became this Tianchi.

Tianchi, whose name comes from the Xuanhuangjie, means the pond of the heavenly immortals, which can travel for nine days with water.

It is not only a simple condensate of fairy qi and so on, but also the crystallization of Hu Lao's hundreds of thousands of years of wisdom, and of course Zhou Shu's fantastic ideas are indispensable.

It is a treasure in the world of refining monsters, and its appearance indicates that the world of refining monsters has reached another level, just like the great miracle of ancient civilization.

A heavenly pond can benefit many creatures in the world of demon refining. Ordinary creatures who have access to the lake may ascend to the sky in one step and evolve as it should be. The chances of unleashing spiritual wisdom are also greatly increased. As for small stones, etc., they can also use this place. Cultivation, the immortal qi and the five elements qi here are extremely rich, and Shangqingju and other good cultivating places are not comparable. For the old man, although they have not been able to convert them into cultivation bases, it is further, but in the long run, More benefits, greater impact.

The miracle of a civilization means that a period of rapid development of civilization has arrived.

And the fact that the world of demon refining has such an excellent blessed earth and cave like Tianchi means that a truly intelligent creature is about to appear.

For Zhou Shu, the better and more complete the demon world, the more it would help him.

For example, he can start preaching now, influence living beings, wait for the predestined, and even directly bring believers who have completely converted to him into the demon refining world, and pass on the power of comfort to him day and night, and improve the way of comfort.

He has plans.

Leaving some spiritual knowledge, Zhou Shu left the world of refining monsters.

He has learned a lot from the source of the Tianlu realm, the growth process of the Tianlu realm, information on many laws, etc., which is no different from a treasure. This is the first time, so it takes a lot of time to understand and absorb, at least to think carefully. For several decades, he decided not to go to the realms headed by Liren Realm, and went down the wind in the rapids.

The journey is long, but very lively.

Being in the group realm and leading to the fairy realm, this rapids belt is like a main road in the heavens, from time to time immortals pass by, and sometimes you can encounter two or three flying boats in a day, and Wufang City and Crescent City The loneliness is very different.

Meeting in the rapids is also an opportunity, and we always have to talk a few words with each other.

It's not too speculative, but if it's a contract, it's not surprising to say a few days and nights.

Zhou Shu was very happy to do this. He was able to get a lot of the news he wanted, and he just talked about it, and it didn't affect the understanding of the law and cultivation, and occasionally he could get some insights, which was considered a kind of practice.

On this day, Zhou Shu was chatting with others again.

That Jinxian was called Wang Chuer. He had a profound knowledge of Fu Dao, and his language was very funny, and he was also a man who had been to many circles. The two had been talking for three days, and there was still no sign of stopping.


After flying the boat, there was a muffled noise.

Wang Chuer took a look at his spiritual sense, and quickly led Feizhou away, "Brother Yang, get out of the way, or you'll be hit!"

A big ship was galloping over, and that ship was several times larger than the Linglong treasure ship. The torrent belt that was dozens of miles wide could not fit. Only half of it was in the torrent belt, and the other half stretched out, being carried forward.

Seeing Zhou Shu and others ahead, the big ship rushed forward without slowing down.

There are several golden immortals standing on the bow of the ship, all dressed in costumes, and the posture and eyes are seven points proud and three points unruly.

Zhou Shu drew away the shuttle, waited for the big ship to pass, and reunited with Wang Chuer.

Looking at the big ship going away, he seemed to think, "What is the origin of this ship, it's about to reach the immortal realm and is still so overbearing, aren't you afraid of being hunted down?"


Wang Chuer smiled unconsciously, "Brother Yang, you are here for the first time. You may not have seen it before, but you should have heard of the Holy Fire Gate?"

Zhou Shu was stagnant. It was said that there was indeed a blazing flame on the bow of the big ship just now, and it did not shake at all in the rapids zone. It was very strange, "They are the people of the Holy Fire Gate?"

The Holy Fire Gate is a large gate in the fairy world.

They claim to spread the sacred flame of the fairy world to every corner of the heavens, so they continue to expand, threaten other worlds and even plunder, do not care whether to provoke disputes, these years, the fairy world and other major forces have basically battled with each other. The torch gate is related.

Many people think that they are very ambitious and have bad behavior. They want to replace one of the swords and clouds to become the master of the fairy world. For this reason, they do not hesitate to disturb the normal order of the heavens, so they are very contemptuous. Some people think they really want to make the fairy world become The real master of the heavens ~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the methods are bad, they are worthy of appreciation.

In the heavens, the Holy Fire Gate is a troublesome and disgusting sect.

In the fairy world, the Holy Fire Gate is also very controversial, but because it rarely causes trouble, its reputation is pretty good, and the managers of the fairy world also indulge them.

"It can't be wrong, the torch is the mark."

Chuer Wang nodded and said slowly, "I'm in a hurry, I don't know what they are going to do, but it's probably not a good thing."

Zhou Shu nodded and didn't speak any more. He had nothing to do with him, so he didn't need to think about it.

Seeing that the big ship went farther and farther, a person came out from the stern, Zhou Shu caught a glimpse of that person's face, and his heart shook slightly.

The man's cultivation was far inferior to Zhou Shu, and naturally he couldn't feel Zhou Shu's existence. After looking at both sides, he went straight to the bow of the ship.

(Ps: Thank you Hong Niu for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who have booked and subscribed to vote~~)


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