Fairy Winner

Chapter 2525: proposal

Chaman didn't speak, but walked slowly to the stele.

The right fist was swung lightly, and the stone monument that hadn't moved before suddenly shook. After shaking it several times, it slowly returned to its original state.

A number emerged.

Four thousand seven hundred fifty-four.

Zhou Shu stared at the numbers above, nodded unconsciously, showing a lot of admiration, "Senior is great."

His own weaponry, that is, a fraction of Chaman, is not a level at all. As far as physique is concerned, Chaman is afraid that it far exceeds himself.

Chaman shook his head, not looking satisfied.

Turning to Zhou Shu, he said slowly, "Yang Rong, first of all, you have to understand that the standard of instrumental strength is set by the Saitama sect. It is useless if you leave the Saitama sect. The immortal world does not recognize it, and it is not a measure of practice. The basis of the strength of a person can only be used as a reference, you know?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "The younger generation knows."

The strength of a practitioner is difficult to measure, and even the realm is not accurate, because there are countless things to overcome the opponent by transcending the realm. What's more, if the numerical value can determine the victory or defeat, then the practitioner can only take a test.

Chaman nodded in satisfaction, "It's okay if you understand, but for our Saitama sect, weaponry is still very important. In the past, the Saitama sect did not have an instrumental monument, so I don't know how many disciples died in vain, alas... …As for the weapon power, you can understand it as the power from the immortal artifact. The power of the one-grade fairy artifact is between one and ten. Do you understand that?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Almost understand."

If you link the weapon power with the immortal weapon, it is much clearer. According to this standard, 600 weapon strength is almost a full blow of a fourth-grade fairy weapon, while Chaman's 4 thousand and seven weapon strength is close to Yu Liupin Xianqi.

Thinking of this, he praised it without realizing it, "Senior takes it seriously."

"Damn shit!"

Hearing Zhou Shu's words, Chaman burst into flames and said angrily, "The threshold of five thousand years, the old man has not been able to cross over three thousand years, but has started to fall in recent years. It is really hateful! If it is not for a long time to progress, How could that old fellow Yuanming laugh?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Does Elder Yuanming also exercise?"

Chaman glared at Zhou Shu, "Nonsense! If you don't train, what does the old man compare to him? Do you sit in meditation?!"

Zhou Shu became sluggish and had no choice but to stop talking.

I was quite puzzled. Yuanming was actually stronger than Chaman. What’s even more strange was that Yuanming was actually practicing meditation. As we all know, practitioners continue to develop their bodies to push their abilities to the extreme. Only by cultivating oneself, it is impossible to rely on the power of other people, so what did you do when absorbing the Zen power of other people on the day of Yuanming? Could it be that you misunderstood him?

Chaman calmed down quickly, "Yang Rong, what else do you want to know? Let me talk about it first. Many tactics can only be practiced by disciples of the Saitama Sect, and the old man cannot give it to you unless..." He looked at Zhou. Shu, his eyes were burning, "You are willing to join the Saitama Sect."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "You can't join juniors."

Chaman nodded, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, "That old man can teach you not much."

Zhou Shu saluted, "The juniors have learned a lot, even if the seniors don't teach anything, the juniors will benefit a lot."

Chaman laughed unconsciously, "Haha, your comprehension in physique is indeed very high, surpassing most of the disciples of Saitama sect. If you are allowed to watch here for ten or eight years, it may be Most of the methods will be stolen by you."

Zhou Shu shook his head quickly, "The juniors can't do it, and don't dare."

Speaking of the practice, it is indeed easier to learn secretly. Of course, it is also for Zhou Shu alone. Others will not observe more carefully than Zhou Shu, and they have special talents to continuously deduct, so as to obtain the correct cultivation method.

Zaman looked at Zhou Shu meaningfully, "If you can really learn anything, that would be great."

Before Zhou Shu spoke, a black jade brick flew straight over and almost hit him.

"Take it, there are some tactics on it that can teach you. When the old man is here, you can come over, whether you can watch or practice. The cultivation facilities here are also open to you, but there is one thing to say first," Cha Man pointed to the disciples in the distance, and said slowly, "You are not yet a disciple of the Saitama Sect. If they challenge you, the old man will not stop him."

As if they had noticed something, those disciples looked towards Zhou Shu, and their eyes lit up with fire.

Most physical exercises are full of vigor, and always have unlimited energy, and these people are probably no exception.

Like most sects of body cultivation, Saitama sect also forbids disciples from challenging or private fights-body training has excess energy and indulges in challenging private fights, so too many disciples who die or lose their cultivation have seriously affected the sect Strength-this is actually one of the reasons for the emergence of the weapon monument.

Zhou Shu is not a disciple of the Saitama sect. If he cultivates here, he will almost certainly be challenged by these disciples.

Obviously, on the one hand, Chaman meant to mention Zhou Shu, and on the other hand, he also wanted to let his disciples get more opportunities for actual combat.

"it is good."

Zhou Shu understood what Chaman meant, and nodded calmly.

This is a big challenge, but also an excellent exercise opportunity.

Such precious treasures as Ming Liuli Juice and Tianhuoshenjin can be used for cultivation ~www.ltnovel.com~ and masters such as Chaman give advice, and there are many opponents practicing moves. How can Zhou Shu have such good skills? Refining opportunities? Of course not to be missed.

The result of losing is terrible? Broken arm or leg?

Zhou Shu never thought about it, because he would not come when he was not sure.

Chaman smiled and said with satisfaction, "I have good courage. You'd better think about my previous proposal."

Zhou Shu thanked him once, and left in a respectful manner.

Unknowingly, I spent seven or eight days here, and there were only a few other places I wanted to go to later, Zhou Shu thought about it, and went back to the city.

In a few days, the Wanbao Club will begin. Zhou Shu is looking forward to getting something out of it. Of course, his capital is more than a few hundred immortal jade, and he also has a lot of things to sell.

I was not idle on the road, picked up the black brick, and slashed it with one palm.

One split into dozens of pieces.

On each cross section, there are written immortal world characters large and small. This is how the Saitama sect's law book is, and it cannot be opened without the strength.

I quickly recorded all the text. There are four methods, including the method of transposition and borrowing. In fact, this is the method that the Saitama sect cannot be spread, but Zhou Shu has learned it, and Chaman also gave it to him. Up him.

Concentrate on deducing the tactics on the road and forget the others.

When only passing by the port, Zhou Shu stopped to look for a while, the particularly conspicuous flame ship still stopped in the middle.

Next to the blazing flame, no familiar white figures were seen, only five people.

They should all be disciples of the Sacred Fire Sect. Two of them have reached the realm of Taiyi Daluo. They seem to have noticed that someone is spying, and their eyes are shot over here, the beam of light generally swept a few times.

Zhou Shu looked away calmly and left the port slowly.

just wait.

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