Fairy Winner

Chapter 2527: 1 hi

(PS: Happy Holidays to the book friends~~)

The old man was about to start with a black face, and suddenly stopped, staring at Zhou Shu's hand for a moment.

Soon, the killing intention disappeared, his face eased, and he said warmly, "My little friend, what sect do you come from?"

Zhou Shu turned around, smiled and saluted, "Senior, juniors don't dare to speak rashly."

"Hehe, it's really young and promising, this simple and easy to let you."

The old man nodded, smiled generously, and turned away.

As the old man left, the surroundings returned to normal, but the onlookers could not calm down.

Compared to the old man's sudden killing, it is even more incredible to leave like this, that is the elder of Liuhuaguan.

"what happened?"

"Who knows, but the old man can be sure, this young man is probably not easy."

"Even the elders of Liuhuaguan don't want to mess with it, nothing more."

Zhou Shu looked indifferently, and greeted the stall owner, "Daoist, how many wooden slips are this group?"

The stall owner slowly moved over, with some fear on his face, "Since the senior likes it, then take it."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously and put down a piece of fairy jade, "Business is business."

The stall owner looked at Xianyu, his eyes were a little straight, until Zhou Shu was far away, he picked it up in a hurry, looked left and right, his face was full of joy.

Before Zhou Shu took a few steps, Wei Tong caught up and patted his shoulder, "You are a good boy, even Jia Busan was fooled away by you, hahaha."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It was because the senior was there that scared him away."

Wei Tong shook his head and said solemnly, "This old guy won't give me face, and he is not on the list of fiends, I can't control him, Yang Rong, you still take a risk, if he doesn't look at you Where's your hand?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's all Taiyi Daluo. You won't be so reckless, right? If you kill the wrong person, you can't fix it."

Jia Busan temporarily stopped, not because Wei Tong, but because he saw the fairy ring on Zhou Shu's hand.

At that moment, Zhou Shu put the fairy ring on his hand, and deliberately let go of some concealment, so that Jia Busan could see clearly.

As everyone knows, the fairy ring is not ordinary. Most of the geniuses who can wear it are the geniuses in the top of the immortal seedlings list. Jia Busan suddenly felt hesitate not to be afraid of defeating the genius, but to worry that he would be killed by the genius by accident. The people behind came to the door, it would be bad, even Liu Huaguan might not be able to protect him.

Although Liuhua Temple is a big sect, it is still far from the real big sect.

It's fine if it's in the wild, but in Xiancheng, so many people watched it, and they couldn't escape the relationship.

Arrogance is fine, but it depends on whether you can bear the consequences.

Before figuring out the truth, Jia Busan would naturally not be able to attack Zhou Shu, but Zhou Shu could perceive that Jia Busan just pretended to be generous and left with resentment, and the killing intent has not disappeared, and may still be in the future. in trouble.

"Do not bother you."

After Wei Tong reminded Zhou Shu, he left soon. Zhou Shu glanced at him and was very grateful.

When I was about to see Mujian, there was a noise from the sea of ​​knowledge, and he shook his head and walked to his booth.

In this session, dozens of people have been surrounded.

There was no end to each other, and it was more lively than Mu Jian.

It can be seen from the fact that there are people robbing the wooden slips, the immortals here are all knowledgeable, it is difficult to escape their eyes whether they are good or bad, and Zhou Shu’s booth is basically good, and it is not surprising at all. .

For example, those two artifacts from the Tianlu world.

The Heavenly Lu Realm was robbed by the ghost king, all creatures and treasures were looted, and Zhou Shu, who had obtained the origin, naturally gained the most.

Most of the treasures were turned into demon refining pots and their own cultivation bases, while other creatures and some ancient monuments and ancient books were kept in the demon refining world and became part of the demon refining world, and they also left fire for the Tianlu world. , Among them there were two artifacts, the old pot could not use it to improve the cultivation base too much, so he kept it, and it happened to be sold at this time and replaced with immortal jade.

One of the Xiangming cups has been promoted to a third-rank immortal artifact, and the other Luoyu rod is still a native artifact.

For immortals who know goods, artifacts are better than immortals and have more training value. First, they bring their own spirits. Second, promotion is much simpler. Third, they can change according to their own ideas. Fourth, they can explode in critical moments. The original power is much stronger than ordinary fairy weapons.

"Brother don't fight, if you want that cup is not better, the grade is also higher."

"I just like that stick. I can't do it if I want to be blinded. The life source in that stick is much more than that of a cup, and it hasn't been polished. It takes only a few hundred years to be promoted to the third rank. What's the difficulty? ?"

"Hmph, let's see who gets it!"

They are all people who know the goods, no one can deceive anyone, and there is no result in the fight.

You Chongzhi was also in the crowd, but he did not see the two artifacts but a knife.

"This knife is only a second-grade immortal weapon, much worse than your puppet killing, what's so good about it?"

"If you don't practice the knife, you can't see its benefits."

You Chongzhi didn’t look back and knew that it was Zhou Shu. He only said, “Its original owner is extraordinary, and he may be better than me in the knowledge of swordsmanship. The intent of the sword is condensed but not scattered, and it is mostly inside. Swordsmanship has been formed. If the swordsmanship can be incorporated into my killing puppets, it will definitely be helpful. It is not difficult to promote to the first rank. In time, it is possible to form a sword soul."

The soul of the sword, like the spirit of the sword, is also the soul of the fairy, but the soul of the sword is much less than the spirit of the sword ~www.ltnovel.com~ Because of the killing intent of the sword owner, it is easy to give birth to the spiritless and bloodthirsty evil spirit. However, it is extremely difficult to give birth to the soul of the sword that is capable of helping the owner.

The evil spirit on the knife is also helpful for knife repair, but if you want to achieve greatness, the evil spirit is better.


Zhou Shu seems to have realized that this knife was taken out at will, but he didn't want to have a chance to be in it, "Then why don't you buy it?"

"The second brother said that you must not be impatient in buying and selling things, otherwise it will easily lead to chaos, and there are so many people now. What if I want to buy something and others are fighting, and if I raise the price, I can’t buy it again. I didn't bring much..." You Chongzhi was halfway through, blushing, and he said nothing.

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "It came out sneaking out again, right?"

You Chongzhi lowered his head, "Hey, I have already come out anyway, and I have met you, Brother Dao, so don't worry."

"When fighting is decisive, you are like a demon. How do you think of it as a child? Are big families all such freaks?"

Zhou Shu's abdomen slandered a few words, and commanded the soul body to hold up the knife and send it to You Chongzhi. The soul body said, "The Taoist fellow stared at the knife for a long time, he must be the one who loves the knife. Selling it to the predecessors, I'm quite relieved to find a master for it, haha."

You Chongzhi was stunned, looking at the soul body and didn't know what to say.

Before he spoke, the stall owner sent the knife over. Could it be that he knew what he was thinking?

It doesn't seem to work if you don't buy it now.

After a few glances left and right, no one seemed interested in this knife, and he was secretly happy.

In fact, it should be like this. There are many people in Lianyun City who can see the evil spirit, but there are not many who can see the guts, and it may not be here.

(PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~Spring is here~)

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