Fairy Winner

Chapter 2536: dispute

"Wow, Chaman is out!"

"This is interesting..."

"Sacred Fire Gate is clearly against the Saitama Sect. It is not easy for Chaman to endure until now."

Among the buildings, the discussion grew louder.

Ning Changzi was rather helpless and secretly mobilized the worship.

Zaman glanced to the side, and walked towards the room of the Holy Fire Gate without saying a word.

Zhou Shu was in the middle, raising his hand respectfully, "Senior."

Zaman glanced at him, did not speak, only a few steps to the room at the door of the flame.

Feeling Chaman's anger, Xiao Hong shivered with fright and couldn't help shrinking back.

The two big Luo Jinxians appeared suddenly and landed in front of the room, bowing their hands in salute, "Check friends, please calm down."

Chaman said coldly, "Xu Gongfeng, Liu Gongfeng, if you don't do anything, get out of the way."

The two worshippers were stagnant, and they groaned secretly, but they didn't let go.

They have stayed in Lianyun City for a long time, and they all know who Chaman is. Aside from the Saitama sect behind him, Chaman himself can’t afford to provoke him. A horizontally trained muscle is comparable to a sixth-grade immortal weapon. Being able to move mountains and seas, Taiyi Daluo in Lianyun City is afraid that none of them are his opponents, but if his duty is to let go, Wanbaolou's reputation will also be bad.


Chaman glanced at the two faintly, and walked in slowly.

With each step, the pressure on the two of them is greater. The pressure comes from Chaman’s physique, as if a mountain is pressing on the top, and the force of mobilizing the law of the whole body can only withstand it, but the pressure is still constant Getting bigger...

The two worshippers were secretly shocked, and they thought they could stop them before, which seemed a bit naive.

At this stage, body refiners are indeed too scary.

The result of the Taiyi Daluo realm of body refiners and ordinary practitioners is the same, but the process is different.

Taiyi Daluo, the body is like the law. Generally, practitioners integrate the cumbersome body into the power of the law, so that the body is no longer the shackles of power, so that the power of the law can be better used. For the practitioners, they The body is not a shackle, the power of the law is the problem, and reaching this state will integrate the power of the law into the body, and both the physical power and the power of the law can be exerted to the greatest extent, reaching the degree of perfection.

From a theoretical point of view, body refiners are more like practicing both internally and externally, which is more difficult and naturally more powerful.

However, one thing to note is that almost all practitioners of body refinement practice the laws of the immortal world, and the method of combining the body and the power of the immortal is the most mature in the fairy world, but for this reason, the upper limit of the practitioners of body refinement is often not too high.

Seeing that Chaman was about to break in, Ning Changzi felt a kind of burnt head.

It's not that you can't activate the formation in the building to stop Chaman for the time being, but if you really did that, you would undoubtedly offend the Saitama Sect, but if you don't do it, it will be difficult for Wanbao to continue, but the Holy Fire Gate is really treacherous. He shouted the price but turned his head down, and only let the waitress come out to fight.

In the room of the Holy Fire Gate, the two elders looked at the picture with a depressed expression.

No matter what Bian Xue said, no matter where he wanted to be, Bian Xue, who had always been quiet, could poke out this kind of basket. The waitress also had no eyesight at all, and she could shout out anyone who stood at the door.

The two looked at Bian Xue, helpless.

Bian Xue is very important to the Sacred Fire Gate, and the two of them are also responsible for looking after Bian Xue, but it is impossible to deal with Bian Xue, even Bian Xue can't touch a finger.

Lu Yiming paused, "Elder He, do you want to go out and talk about it? But don't involve Snow Maiden."

"we can only do this."

He Bai smiled bitterly, "Try it hard, if you don't go out, Saitama Sect will be fine, but Wanbaolou is not easy to explain."

The door opened, from the inside.

He Bai walked out slowly. He closed his eyes as soon as he showed up. He seemed to be shocked by Chaman's coercion, but he returned to normal in an instant. His eyes were bright and he walked slowly in front of Chaman. The walk is slow, but the pace is not messy.

The two worshippers could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Every time He Bai took a step, the pressure on them was reduced by one point, and they were completely able to bear it by now.

Worthy of being the elder of the Sacred Fire Gate, he has over half of Chaman's might.

In fact, the worship of Wanbaolou is not bad, but the difference between the border town and the center is a bit big.

He Bai arched his hands and smiled, "Taoman Chaman, long time no see."

Chaman said coldly, "I don't know who you are, don't get close, I only ask you, is it the price you bid?"

He Bai smiled unconsciously, "Didn't the waitress shout it?"

The little red on the side softened, and if it were not supported by a railing, he would almost fall down.

The onlookers in the distance became noisy.

"So shameless!"

"There is such a thing, and the price I bid is pushed to the waitress. This is really shameless."

"I didn't expect the Holy Fire Gate to look like this..."

He Bai paused and glanced around, "Just kidding, this is an auction. Don't be too nervous, everyone. Of course, the price is what we shouted at the Sacred Fire Gate." When the noise gradually subsided, he turned to Chaman. Slowly said, "Guy Daoist, are you not allowed to sell things, but when did Saitama Sect become so domineering?"


Chaman took a step forward, "You want a bone shaker, don't you? The old man will give you one!"

Walking like a mountain ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the drooping right hand is changing at a visible speed, quickly condensing into a hammer, dark and shiny, round and full of strength, densely packed with bone spurs behind the hammer. A glance can make your scalp numb.

At the same time, the momentum has risen a lot, even He Bai can't bear it, and shrinks back.

The surrounding practitioners evaded one after another, but the two consecrates took a step forward.

Enshrinement is for eating this bowl of rice, but they didn't expect that Chaman was so irritable that he would do it directly in Wanbao Lou.


Ning Changzi rushed up, ignoring the rules, and rushed to stop him.

He Bai reluctantly stood still, his expression was awe-inspiring, his robe instantly changed color, just like the coal in the furnace, although there was no flame, the heat wave twisted the surrounding space.

The door opened and Lu Yiming walked out quickly.

He knew that He Bai would not be Chaman's opponent. If he really wanted to fight, he would definitely suffer, and he had to come up to help.

Bian Xue stood behind him, protected by a protective cover.

As a guard, no matter what happens, he can't let Bian Xue leave him at any time.

As soon as Bian Xue came out, she was looking for pity, but she didn't notice, she felt a little confused, but soon met Zhou Shu who was looking at her.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, and Bian Xue seemed to recognize him, but the doubts in his eyes grew.

For a time, the situation was very chaotic.

At this time, a ray of light shot over suddenly and fell behind Chaman.

Soon, a hand was stretched out from the light, and when the light disappeared, a figure stood behind Chaman, smiled and patted Chaman on the back, "Chaman, a little thing, what are you doing with such a big temper? ?"

Everyone was taken aback, dare to touch Chaman at this time?

. Wonderful book house

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