Fairy Winner

Chapter 2544: Wanshou

For a while, the entire Wanbao Building was excited.

It's a bit like boiling water, can no longer stop the noise, everyone wants to bubble.

"This kind of breath is really worthy of hearing it."

"I didn't expect to have it...Did you get it in Outland?"

"I don't know who can get this. There is no Hunyuan realm here, right? That was picked up."

"It feels that Wanbao Building is a bit at a loss, and it can't sell at high prices in Lianyun City."

"Everyone please stay calm."

Ning Changzi glanced around and said after a while, "Everyone feels it. The next lot is the famous wonder of the fairy world, Longevity Grass Huandan. If you take this fruit, you will live forever, of course...I think you all You don’t want it to prolong your life, haha."

He paused, and his voice became solemn, "As you might expect, Grass Huandan is what we have obtained from the outside world, and it is also the best treasure we have obtained from Wanbaolou in Lianyun City in recent years. It was originally going to be auctioned in the center of the fairy world, but we still kept Coming down... This is the opportunity for the Wanbao Tower in Lianyun City, and it is also an opportunity for you all. The reserve price is five thousand immortal jade, and you can start."

Zhou Shu's heart was shocked, but he did not expect that it turned out to be a longevity herb.

Cao Huan Dan is not a refined medicine, but a miraculous fruit bred from heaven and earth. It gathers the essence of life from one world, and its vitality is so strong that almost no other fairy fruit can compare.

Immortals also have longevity. Although they can be called immortal when they reach the Hunyuan realm, they can be called immortal, but when the souls are exhausted, the Hunyuan realm can live up to 47,000 years. The true immortality cannot be done by a saint. , Zhunsheng is also one step away.

There are very few high-level golden immortals in the heavens that use life-prolonging treasures. If a Hunyuan realm has not been promoted after more than 40,000 years, it means that it is impossible to advance to the next level, even if it is more than 10,000 years, the result will be the same. In fact, most Hunyuan realms will fight to the death in about thirty thousand years. This is something later.) The immortal wants this longevity herb to return the pill, not to prolong life, nor to understand the origin of life from it, to understand the law, etc. But to get a living world that really belongs to you.

When practitioners reach the Hunyuan realm, except for the few disciples who are in charge of the sect, they are basically the city lord of Xiancheng, or the guardian of a realm.

I have talked about the advantages and disadvantages of both before.

Xiancheng is mature enough, but its origin core has long been destroyed by the city lord. Without destroying it, it is impossible to make the world a fairy city. The origin of the world has self-will from its birth, and no one can change it. But without his own life, the city owner needs to plan in all aspects, determine the direction of development, and maintain it on a daily basis. Although he gets a lot, he consumes a lot of energy.

As for the guardian of a realm, that realm has its own life, can self-improve and develop, and the guardian does not need to bother too much, but that realm does not belong to the guardian. Even if you are obedient, it cannot be the same as it belongs to yourself. Big.

If you can combine the two to get a world that is exclusive to you, has the core of origin, and the life can continuously improve and develop, it will be better for practitioners, and it is much better than either of them. The goal pursued by the practitioner.

Hunyuan realm can create realms, but that is not a real realm.

For example, the New Moon City Lord has created many realms to serve as acropolises, but none of those realms have the origin of life—even the Hunyuan realm does not have the ability to create a core that continuously breeds life. There is no origin of life. It is impossible to grow and mature, and the world will only slowly become a garbage dump.

And with the longevity grass Huandan, this problem can be solved.

With grass Huandan as the center, adding various materials and injecting the fairy’s own will at the same time, it is possible to create an original core of his own, and then build the world based on this original core, or complete the fairy city, you can get The real world completely belongs to oneself.

Simply put, if you get a longevity herb for pill, you can get a real world and take a solid step on the road of practice.

This is a temptation that no practitioner can resist.

Zhou Shu had only obtained the guidance of City Lord Crescent before he understood so clearly, and most Jinxians and even Taiyi didn't necessarily know so much.

"Five thousand!"

"Five thousand three!"

"Five thousand seven!"

Prices are rising all the way as the crowds are surging.

In fact, Ning Changzi is right. It is indeed the chance of these people that the longevity grass Huandan can appear here. Generally, treasures of this level will only be auctioned at the center of the fairy world, and the price can easily reach seven to eight hundred thousand celestial jade. In this city, there are not many people who can take out tens of thousands of immortal jade, and it is difficult for people in the center of the fairy world to come over, and the final price will probably not be very high.

Zhou Shu didn't quite understand Wanbaolou's actions. He wanted more people to live in Lianyun City? I always find something wrong.

Zhou Shu himself is a little tempted, but only a little. He is too far away from the Hunyuan realm. Unless there is a very special opportunity, the Grass Huandan may come in handy, and he already has a realm that basically belongs to him, Hu Laohe His relationship is still very strong.

"Twenty-three thousand and five!"

"Twenty-four thousand and three!"

After shouting, only two sects increased their prices.

After more than half an hour of contention, I finally got the Sacred Fire Gate, forty-seven thousand immortal jade, the Sacred Fire Gate was not enough, and I borrowed a part from Wanbaolou.

In the envious and jealous eyes of everyone, Lu Yiming just glanced at it and hurriedly put it away, extremely cautious.

By this time Zhou Shu had already returned to the room.

With a wave of his hand, Lian'er's imprisonment was lifted~www.ltnovel.com~ But Lian'er still didn't dare to move, looked at Zhou Shu pitifully, and whispered, "The slave family... didn't offend senior... Senior don't kill me... …"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, and took out a jade slip to her, "Don't tell me what happened in the past few days, this will be used as compensation."

"If the slave family doesn't say it, they must not say it."

Lian'er couldn't help nodding, hesitated to take it, took a look at it, and froze, "Ah, ah? This is... the slave dare not want it," as if being shocked, he quickly threw it away.

Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "Have you seen it?"

Lian'er nodded, with some excitement, "Well, there was the last Wanbao meeting, exactly the same, and sold more than two hundred immortal jade."

"I knew this could be sold, so I will sell it too."

Zhou Shu shook his head and put the jade slip away, but Lian'er kept his eyes on the jade slip, watching Zhou Shu put it away and couldn't help but swallow.

The jade slips are the essence of the laws of the immortal world sent by the immortal world with the ring of immortality. They are very useful treasures for the immortals who practice the laws of the immortal world, but not for Zhou Shu.

"This is really not appropriate for you," Zhou Shu nodded, paused for a while, and took out another jade slip, "This, I just copied it. The content is exactly the same, but it's not the original one. You should be able to accept it. ."

"Thank you... ex... Senior!"

Looking at Zhou Shu, Lian'er was stunned, her face was flushed with excitement, like a persimmon, her words also trembled.

This is simply a Romance.

Seeing that she took the Yujian, Zhou Shu nodded in satisfaction, and his expression became stern, "Take it away, but there are some things you must do."

"Yes, the slave family must be obedient."

Lian'er was shocked and seriously agreed.

(PS: Thank you book friends 20171203143032046 for your continuous support, thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~)

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