Fairy Winner

Chapter 2050: Sky Eye

A few months passed in a flash.

Lianyun City seemed to be shrouded in thick dark clouds, and I could feel depression in it at all times, especially when I saw several torch ships moored in the port.

I have to say that the Sacred Fire Gate is indeed very powerful in the immortal world, and it has summoned a group of disciples in a short period of time, including Taiyi Daluo.

A lot of things have happened in the city, many sects have been involved, and a lot of conflicts have occurred. Several small sects without a foundation have even been turned over by the holy fire gate, but the conflicts are basically outside the city and inside the city. Still maintaining stability.

Zhou Shu was still in the city, everything went as usual, and he went to the Saitama Sect to practice once every other day, challenging others, and only practicing in the fairy house.

Lu Yiming's spirit is still on his body, and he is unlikely to do other things.

On this day, I still went to Saitama Sect.

He and his disciples were already very familiar with each other, and a few words of jokes quickly entered the state.

Chaman sat in the square with a smile on his face. Zhou Shu was allowed to practice here. The benefits were unexpectedly great. During this time, the disciples improved a lot, and their physical strength was basically improved. It has broken through the 800 mark that has not been broken in more than ten years.

Looking at it, his face suddenly changed, and he stared at the door.

After a while, an old monk appeared at the door, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and bowing his hands together, "Check the donor, how are you doing?"

Chaman snorted and didn't get up. "You bald donkey, what are you doing here?"

The old monk didn't get angry, and smiled and walked in, "Isn't the chaser a bald donkey? Hehe, in short, Lao Na didn't come to you to compete.

"You...you and I have nothing to compare, you must be inferior to me."

Zaman glared at him and said in a deep voice, "Yuanxu, is it for the holy fire door?"

The old monk nodded lightly and said, "Be quiet, check the donor, Lao Na comes over to see why there is such a big disturbance, not only in Lianyuncheng, but also in the surrounding realm and the surrounding realms, there are also fairways and holy fire doors. People."

Chaman said irritably, "I lost an important person, so I was crazy."

Yuanxu paused, "Is it the woman who helped the Holy Fire Gate find treasures to detect luck?"

Zaman was a bit speechless, "You know you still come to ask me?"

"Ha ha."

Yuan Xu smiled slightly, looked at the group of disciples, and said thoughtfully, "That little guy, do you exercise here?"

Chaman's expression condensed slightly, "By the way, why did you give him the Tan Yuan Rosary?"

"Fate with the Buddha."

Yuanxu looked at Zhou Shu and shook his head unconsciously, "I knew he likes physical exercises, so Lao Na didn't need to act to show him, he just taught him some skills. It was a waste of effort and it was not good."

Chaman curiously asked, "acting?"

Yuan Xu stagnated, "It is to summon the creatures to let him understand the boundless truth of Buddhism."

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

Chaman couldn't help laughing, but he didn't hide it. The disciples were attracted to watch, but Zhou Shu still practiced the exercises and didn't watch it.

Chaman pointed to Yuanxu, "Use the wrong place, this kid likes to train, haha, you are a body trainer, but you have to rely on the Dharma to convince others. You are really stupid..." smiling but serious Get up, "Yuanxu, what the **** are you doing, why did you fancy him? The old man doesn't believe in any nonsense that is related to the Buddha, especially you gave him the Tanwan rosary."

Yuanxu closed his eyes and lowered his eyebrows, and said, "He has a relationship with the Buddha."

When I opened my eyes, I saw only a angry face of King Kong, and he waved his hand roundly, "Nothing, Chasing the donor, there is something in him that is predestined with my Buddha, and many things may fall on him."


Chaman looked at Zhou Shu intently, and was still at a loss after watching for a while, "Why can't the old man tell?"

Yuanxu smiled faintly, "Chasing the benefactor, although you are No. 1 in Lien Yuncheng in physique, but you are a little worse in other aspects. Now he has the divine consciousness planted by others on his robe, you haven't noticed it, right? ?"

Chaman's face changed, "What, divine mind? Who planted it?"

Yuanxu stroked the rosary, slowly saying, "Burn my remains, the blazing flame, how happy life is, and why death..."

"Sacred Fire Gate!"

Chaman stood up suddenly and shouted, "Yang Rong, come here!"

The disciples were all stunned. Zhou Shu did the same, put down the hammer in his hand and walked over slowly, "Senior, what's the matter?"

He also bowed to Yuanxu, "Elder Yuanxu."

After he knew that Yuanxu was to practice meditation, he also let go of the grievances in his heart, because the practice would not use other people to practice meditation.

"You have the Divine Sense of the Holy Fire Gate in your body. Are you theirs?"

Chaman looked at Zhou Shu coldly, with murderous intent overflowing, Zhou Shu's heart was shocked, as if there were thick walls on all sides, feeling more and more crowded.

Zhou Shu stagnated, "Senior is joking, right?"

Yuan Xu frowned, and said, "Check the benefactor, don’t lie. How did Yang Xianshi know this kind of thing on the road of cultivation? Obviously, this ray of spiritual thought was planted by someone else. Yang Xianshi might as well think about it these days. It’s abnormal. Has anyone ever done anything to you."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "It seems that a few months ago, Elder Lu Yiming of the Sacred Fire Gate made a shot against the younger generation."

Chaman exploded immediately, and a layer of black air appeared on his body, and he shouted at Zhou Shu, "Lu Yiming! How dare you use Jinxian to spy on Saitama Sect!"

Yuanxu paused~www.ltnovel.com~ According to Lao Na, he just wanted to spy on Yang Xianshi. For Saitama Sect, he wouldn't do that. "

"You bald donkey always make ends meet."

Chaman, with a bright scalp, glanced at Yuanxu, very dissatisfied, and continued to say to Zhou Shu, "I have seen it now, what do you think, Lu Yiming, do you want the old man to come, or..."

Before he finished his words, the invisible flame on Zhou Shu's shirt suddenly appeared. He said "Sorry" and disappeared.

Zhou Shu looked stunned, "Ah, really?"

Chaman looked at the sky and said coldly, "Lu Yiming, this time is your unintentional mistake, but the old man never hopes to have a second time."

Zhou Shu saluted Chaman, "Senior, I'm really sorry, the junior didn't notice it at all."

Chaman waved his hand, and the fierceness on his face disappeared for an instant, "Forget it, you are just being used. Actually, that's fine, Lu Yiming should know. My Saitamazong didn't touch his people at all."

It seemed that that appearance was just for Lu Yiming.

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "How did the senior find out?"

Chaman's face blushed, and he pointed to Yuanxu, "This bald donkey saw it. He opened his eyes."

Sky Eye?

Zhou Shu's heart was shocked. Could it be that Yuanxu also saw the Demon Refining Pot?

Yuanxu waved his hand and said slowly, "Chasing the donor is lying again, Lao Na is far from reaching the level of the eye of the sky, now it can only be regarded as a diamond eye, which is similar to the eye of the heart, and can see some things, but compared with the vast world It is just a drop in the ocean. To cultivate Buddha, to open the heavenly eyes that can see everything, you must realize that Alaya Consciousness can do it. At that step, Leiyin Temple can only do three people, and the old man is naturally not among them."

"I don't understand your Buddhist things."

Chaman shook his head nonchalantly. ()

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