Fairy Winner

Chapter 2553: Backtracking

Li Xing smoked into the Wanbao Building, and quickly reached the main building where the Wanbao Club was held, standing in the middle.

People came and went in Wanbao Tower, but the formation was not activated and no one noticed him.

A few invisible flames scattered around.

No matter what the flame touched, it would ignite when touched, and the flame continued to expand, and within a few breaths, Wanbao Tower was completely surrounded by flames.

Of course, it is not surrounded by real flames, but just wrapped in special spiritual consciousness.

Li Xing closed his eyes and entered a state of no self.

Not long after, a picture appeared in Li Xing’s Sea of ​​Knowledge. It was exactly some of the things that happened in Wanbaolou during this period. There were some vague influences in the picture. It was not clear who was who, so I could only see it vaguely. With a little trace, the picture transitions very slowly, but even this is shocking enough.

It seemed that Wanbaolou could speak, telling him little by little what he had seen in the past.

By the way, Zhou Shu had this kind of experience in the Xuanhuang Realm. Using the origin given by the Xuanhuang Realm, he perceives the sound of all things, plants, birds and beasts, and he will tell Zhou Shu what he has seen and experienced. What happened in the past in a region is a kind of magical feeling, but the duration is really not long, and there will be no more after leaving the Xuanhuang Realm.

However, what Li Xing is now using has nothing to do with the origin, but the power of law.

Taiyi Daluo has already begun to master the law, drifting away from the fire elements in the Wanbaolou materials, seeing Li Xing is like seeing the master, following his guidance, and then telling what he saw in Wanbaolou.

Of course, this is definitely not something you can do if you master the law.

Most Taiyi Daluo who practice the law of fire can guide fire, make better use of the tool of fire element, and exert the power of the law to a greater extent, but it is almost impossible for them to perceive and transmit information.

Unlike the plants, birds and beasts, in addition to the already refined fire spirits, the fire elements that are widely present in other materials are extremely small and not essential. It is impossible to give birth to spiritual perception or the ability to transmit information. To forcefully obtain information from them, they must first be endowed with intelligence and perception.

The Holy Fire Gate can do it.

The almighty sacred fire gives life to the fire, so that the fire elements that can be seen everywhere become flame elves, with a sense of wisdom, and then follow the call of the sacred fire.

Powerful practitioners of the Sacred Fire Gate can make all the fires of the whole world become their own servants, and if they are in a rich world, they will do whatever they want.

Of course, the current Li Xing can't do this, and the elders may not be able to do it either.

To do these things, mastering the law is only the basis.

What he can do is to use the law of fire and his own spiritual consciousness to explore the memory of the elements of fire-if that is a memory, he can perceive some past images in a small range, the images are blurred, and the time that can be perceived It was only one year at most, and as it is now, he called it Huo Pu backtracking.

He felt that this should be enough.

At the stage of mastering the law, practitioners are no longer limited to the existing methods, and they can have their own unique methods how to better use the laws.

Powerful tactics are always of great use. They are the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors and the excellent inheritance that has been verified by countless people, but the innovations of future generations are also very useful and rare. Like Li Xing, he can use God Consciousness and the Law of Fire does this, creating new useful tactics, not only in the Sacred Fire Gate, but also rare in the entire heavens.

So he has always been a little proud.

Before long, he made some discoveries.

At a certain moment, on the third floor, in front of the room where the Sacred Fire Gate was located, there was some abnormal disorder in the image. At this time, nine people could be seen vaguely.

The nine people, according to the previous investigation, should be Lu Yiming, He Bai, and the two worshippers of Wanbaolou, Chaman, Wei Tong, Yang Rong, Xiaohong, and of course Bian Xue.

Li Xing showed a rare excitement, feeling that the answer was about to be revealed.

This is his most enjoyable moment.

Suddenly, the picture suddenly became a ball, and the picture at the door of the room became completely blank, and nothing was seen.


He almost yelled out, and it was the first time he saw this situation since the study of Huo Servant's backtracking.

At that moment, the condensed fire elements seemed to have encountered something huge and terrifying, and disappeared instantly.

The picture took a long time to recover.

At this time, the chaotic image has calmed down and basically returned to normal, but the picture in front of the room has permanently disappeared.

No matter how you look at it, it never appeared again.

A figure can be seen in the next room, and that should be Yang Rong.

Sometimes a figure walks out of the blank space, passing something back and forth, it should be the waitress Xiaohong.

It was not until the end of the Wanbao Club that two figures appeared from the edge of the blank and left together.


Withdrawing his spiritual sense, Li Xing took a sigh of relief as he seemed to understand something, his eyes sharpened.

According to the record left by Lu Yiming, that time should be when he and He Bai bought Cao Huan Dan and left. In other words, there was no one else beside them, and Bian Xue had disappeared, just in that blank time.

Now, he has made great progress regarding the disappearance of Bian Xue, but there are also two big doubts in his heart.

What caused that gap?

Bian Xue is gone ~www.ltnovel.com~ and why didn't the two elders notice?

If you think about it, you should be able to find the result, but as you think about it, there is a sudden shock in his heart, and there is a shuddering feeling.

As the fire-holding elder of the Sacred Fire Gate, his knowledge and wisdom are extremely high, and he seldom falls into a daze without a clue. Although these two questions are strange, he soon has some vague answers, but that The answer is not what he wants to explore to the end.

The fire servant can get the perception of the fire element during that period of time, but there is something that the fire cannot perceive, obviously the two elders can see it.

There are many ways to do it, and the most famous one is that.

That long period of blank space meant that the fire element near the room was completely erased in an instant, so what happened in the blank, there is no way to know, Li Xing can’t do it, the stronger Elder of the Holy Fire Gate Nor does it work.

The reason for seeing the blank is the feedback from other fire elements in Wanbao Building.

This is not caused by the power of the general law, the law of the immortal world cannot be done, it is destroyed to disappear, not dispelled or defeated.

With unbelievable thoughts, he quietly skimmed up to the third floor, and scrutinized the room several times.

"nothing left."

As expected, Li Xing's expression was slightly condensed, and the shuddering feeling was even greater.

It seemed that something inexplicable was poking his mind down and down, making him feel a little uncomfortable. This was an experience he had never had before, and it was a natural fear in the face of an unknown powerful force.

"Go see those two waitresses."

He did not continue to think, and floated to the building behind the main building.

Maybe he can get more clues from there, and he also feels that it may not be useful if he gets it.

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