Fairy Winner

Chapter 2560: Mirror

There was that weird bead in front of him, and Zhou Shu was observing very intently.

With his little knowledge of reincarnation, it can almost be concluded that this bead is indeed related to reincarnation, but it is not clear where the relationship is and whether it can be used or not, and there is nothing to be sad about, just seeing that there is a relationship. I'm afraid there are not many in the sky.

As if thinking of something, Zhou Shu took out the Kunlun mirror and shone at the bead.

The beads have not changed, but on the Kunlun mirror, there are many pictures.

Zhou Shu stared at the mirror and stopped moving.

It was born in a dark demon world, in a dark forest, silently absorbing the surrounding nutrients and gradually growing.

Except for grass and trees, there are almost no other creatures in the forest, and occasionally there will be a few goats with three horns.

When the entire forest was swallowed by it, it was discovered by several tall demons. They argued over it. Some planned to kill it immediately, but some wanted to stay. It took the opportunity to turn these people into its own food.

Just as it was about to leave, a fairy appeared in front of it.

The color of ecstasy on that fairy's face was deeply imprinted in the memory of the evil eye demon, and also imprinted in the Kunlun mirror. Zhou Shu could see it very clearly.

He is an old man with peculiar bones and strong spirits, dressed in white clothes.

The old man took it away and fed it with various fairy and spiritual things until he came to a small world.

The old man directly pierced the ground and placed it at the origin core. It remained there until death.

Unknowingly, Zhou Shu had watched the life of this evil eye demon from birth to death. The process was not tortuous, but Zhou Shu was shocked.

This is the first time he has seen a complete life in Kunlun mirror showing an object.

——This should be something that can only be done after understanding the law of reincarnation.

Did he understand the law of reincarnation? Zhou Shu doesn’t think so. He understands the law of reincarnation better than others, but it is not as strong as he can understand it. The only possible reason is the power of reincarnation in the beads and the Kunlun mirror. Only when induction occurs can there be such a result.

A similar thing happened last time. When the Guanyin niche was illuminated at the former site of Cihangzong in Wufang City, the stone tablet showed the original writing.

There should also be the power of reincarnation.

Putting away the evil eyeballs, Zhou Shu felt a sense of continuity. He could use the Kunlun Mirror to collect more things with the power of reincarnation. The more things he collects, the more likely he is to understand reincarnation. Can use that power.

That is the power of reincarnation.

Thinking of this, he intends to try out everything on his body.

The first choice was to build wooden fragments, which he was looking forward to most.

Old Hu carefully took out the fragment and placed it in front of Zhou Shu. Several people gathered around, with curiosity in their eyes.

As soon as the Kunlun mirror was placed in front of him, it trembled inexplicably, as if frightened, and there was no scene that Zhou Shu was expecting-such as Jianmu's birth or Jianmu's collapse - appeared in the mirror, but chaos.

Zhou Shu hurriedly removed the Kunlun mirror.

He could feel that the tremor of the mirror was getting bigger and bigger, and it might break when he looked at it.

Unknown Bian Xue stared at the mirror, "Senior Brother Shu, what's the matter with this mirror, there is only a large cloud of entangled clouds in the gray inside?"

"It can't be photographed."

Zhou Shu answered the question but had an uncertain answer in his heart.

The image of the fragment cannot be reflected in the Kunlun mirror, indicating that this is a real fragment of built wood, and built wood is by no means a legend.

Jianmu is the root of the Xuanhuang Realm. The three laws of creation may all be in it. Space, time, chaos, and Kunlun mirror with the laws of reincarnation are rare treasures, but they are still much worse than these three laws. However, the fragments of built wood cannot be photographed.

"Sister Xue, this mirror is weird but fun. Would you like to try it?"

Caiying smirked and encouraged Bian Xue.

Bian Xue nodded and looked at Zhou Shu with inquiring eyes, but said nothing.

Zhou Shu explained the origin and usefulness of Kunlun Mirror, and at the same time said seriously, "Sister Xue, you can try it, but you have to make sure that it will not be affected. If you don't prepare enough, then it won't work."

Bian Xue contemplated for a while, and said with a smile, "Little girl still doesn't try."

Caiying asked suspiciously, "Ah, aren't you curious about your past life? You can obviously know..."

Bian Xue gently shook her head, "Master Palace, I am very satisfied with my present life. The past reincarnations have long been nothing to do with me."


Caiying opened her mouth, as if she couldn't believe it.

Zhou Shu knocked her head and smiled, "You think it's all you."

He turned to Bian Xue and nodded, "You did it right."

Not everyone can resist the temptation to understand the past life. Bian Xue’s will is stronger than he thought, and he does not want Bian Xue to be affected by the past life. In this life, she has the opportunity to understand the law of fate, but she doesn’t know. How many chances were exchanged in previous lives, and if it was disturbed, it would be a huge loss.

Bian Xue smiled, with a kind of unspeakable tenderness~www.ltnovel.com~ Caiying rubbed her head and pouted, "I knew it, I knew I wouldn't look at it, hum."

Zhou Shu ignored her, and only summoned Hu Lao Biao Gou Chen Yu to take a photo.

The mirror surface has changed, only a faint layer of smoke hung on it. It looks very thin, but I can’t see through it at all, because there are other people’s past lives in the mirror, and Zhou Shu doesn’t have the ability to look at other people’s past lives or memories. You have to wait until you understand. Or the law of transparency is possible.

Zhou Shu knew this, but he also took photos like that, hoping that the real Chongyang person in the cocoon could feel it.

But it has no effect.

Zhou Shu took out each piece of magic weapon, even pill, and so on.

Zhou Shu really had too many things. Before he knew it, Caiying and Bian Xue both went to practice, only Hu Lao was still with him.

A little bit of time passed, and there was no gain, until a jade slip was put on.

This made Zhou Shu very strange, because it was a new-looking jade slip, no more than two thousand years at most, and so many ancient jade slips had no response before the Kunlun mirror, but this one did.

...It was dug out from a small mine without edges, polished by a craftsman, and then purchased by a merchant. It was placed with a lot of blank jade slips. A young man bought it and cultivated himself. The magic formula was lost and given to his beloved junior sister. Then junior sister was killed by the monster. This jade slip became her relic. The young man found it in the mountains and swore revenge for the junior sister. This jade slip was treasured by him. Until death.

The jade slips fell to the market and were bought by Zhou Shu.

Its life is short, but there are many stories behind it.

Zhou Shu had no intention of exploring those stories. What he was curious about was the power of reincarnation in the jade slips.

The answer is not difficult to find, the mine, it is likely that there is a problem with that mine.

Unbounded, where is it?

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