Fairy Winner

Chapter 2565: moss

Zhou Shu got close to the entrance of the hole and looked down, slightly taken aback.

There are solid stone walls everywhere, and nothing is empty except for a small green stall on the ground, the size of a palm.

He said that he was a little disappointed, but he went on.

My face changed as soon as I entered.

It was completely different from the outside. The cave was filled with an extremely large and dense aura of life. The vitality was so powerful that he had never seen it in his life. Even a practitioner in the Hunyuan realm might not be able to match it. It is precisely because of its existence that The Dead Sea cannot enter at all.

Standing in front of that patch of green, Zhou Shu looked very carefully, and suddenly felt a shock in his heart, muttering, "Could it be that..."

"There can be no mistake!"

The old Hu in the demon refining world was so excited that he shouted, "This is nourishing moss!"

That piece of green is actually a piece of moss. It is hard to see clearly when attached to the stone wall. You can only see it by looking carefully.

Enlarging the perception of the divine consciousness, the small moss, judging from the vitality, are the towering trees, each of which is hundreds of miles tall, and is enough to cover tens of thousands of miles. Moss is tens of thousands of big trees, big trees that can cover a world, all gathered in the palm of the hand, how can the breath of life not be strong.

"It really is the legendary moss."

Zhou Shu's heart was slightly shaken, feeling this wonder, it was difficult to restrain his excitement.

Health moss is rumored to be the moss that grows around Jianmu. It is born from Jianmu and has some characteristics of Jianmu. At the same time, it also feeds Jianmu with nourishment and assists Jianmu to mature. To a certain extent, The health moss is the birthplace of many creatures in the Xuanhuang world. Many creatures appear and grow in the health moss. For them, the health moss is their source of life.

Zhou Shu seemed to feel something, "It's no wonder that this snake can come alive from the robbery of good fortune, sleep for so long and increase its strength, it turns out that this thing is helping."

"There will be nothing else but this."

Old Hu said anxiously, "Master, great opportunity, if the master gets the health moss, the possibility of resuming Jianmu is much greater. Godsends the fragments of Jianmu, and then sends the moss, and... the whole demon refining world can Therefore, I benefited from the fact that the Nourishing Moss surpassed the Ninth Stage, it is a fairy thing comparable to Taoism, and you must not miss it.

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "Take half of it."

Ba She left him here to show him the nourishing moss. Most of them also meant to be grateful. Take it and take it, of course, it’s impossible to take them all. It’s really too greedy. The person Ba She deals with is not Lu Yiming. With the Holy Fire Gate, but myself...

Zhou Shu took out a jade knife and carefully cut away half of the moss.

The start is extremely heavy, as if holding a whole world, the breath of life burrows straight into the body, it can't stop at all, there is a feeling of flying into a fairy.

Zhou Shu had no doubt that if these nourishing moss were absorbed, it would be almost inevitable to prolong life for more than ten thousand years, but he didn't need that either.

He put the nourishing moss into the refining demon pot, and after a few words about the old pot, he left the cave and flew away from the dead.

Hu Lao put the wood fragments in the center of the nourishing moss, and carefully maintained them. Not far away, there were still gouchen cocoons.

Although Jianmu and Gouchen cocoons are inhaled, a lot of that huge life breath is still exuding, forming a white mist in the midair with a radius of tens of miles, and there are many pearl-like tiny water droplets in the mist, full of vitality , Many creatures gathered spontaneously and greedily absorbed them, and the small stones were among them, forming a wonder.

Such a spectacle may always exist in the demon refining world.

The world of refining demon has always been a place full of miracles.

Zhou Shu looked at Bian Xue, "It really is Qibao, Miss Xue, thanks to you."

Unlike usual, Bian Xue smiled not reservedly, "Hehe, the little girl still knows a lot of places, as long as Brother Shu wants it, we will find out, there are dozens of them."


Zhou Shu nodded lightly, very satisfied.

This time it was on the way, and I might follow Bian Xue in the future. If they are all such treasures...

Lu Yiming was practicing under a waterfall.

This waterfall was formed by extracting the origins of the Zheng and Chu realms, and it flows day and night without stopping, and practicing in it is similar to using immortal jade.

While practicing, he did not forget to perceive his surroundings.

The sudden wind and waves on the Dead Sea made him stunned for a moment, but he didn't see it too clearly. It was just a normal storm and didn't care about it.

After a while, he suddenly stood up.

The place of greatest concern, the location of the origin core, is being attacked by an unfamiliar huge shadow.

"Who? Get out of here! This is the old man's world! You dare to provoke the Holy Fire Gate!"

The roar passed through the jade talisman and directly reached the origin core, like a bomb exploded, but no one paid any attention. The black shadow overturned all the jade talisman in a few strokes, and then opened a huge mouth and swallowed the origin core in one go. Circling a few times, disappeared.

Lu Yiming's heart was shocked.

The original core of Zheng Chujie was swallowed by a guy who didn't know the reason.

While still thinking about it, the waterfall above my head suddenly became icy, the rich fairy air disappeared, and it turned into some dirty water.

"So fast?"

Obviously, as soon as the source was swallowed, the whole world was in chaos, and the fairy qi he extracted lost its source ~www.ltnovel.com~ the fairy qi also disappeared.

Lu Yiming immediately leaped up and looked around, trying to find the guy who had eaten the origin of the world.

Now he was even more surprised. It seemed that there was an extra barrier in the world, shutting out his divine consciousness, and the power of the law could not completely break through. The places that he could see were only one or two. There are bounded barriers, but he can also see seven or eight out of ten.

Of course he would not know that it is the guardian beast snake that swallows the core of the source, and at this time the guardian beast snake and the source have already joined together. Both exert force at the same time, and in his own world, he will not even think about it. What do you do.

While in doubt, a black light shot up into the sky and swept out of the sky.

"Grabbing my origin, still want to escape?!"

Lu Yiming was shocked, thinking that the guy wanted to leave, and hurriedly chased after him.

At the same time, he didn't forget to inform the Jinxian who was still in the world, and quickly rendezvous with him. After all, the enemy looked a little tricky.

Soon, dozens of rays of light rose from the ground, chasing the black shadow in the air together.

You Chongzhi in the mountains looked a little dazed, "What's the situation?"

Zhou Shu, who didn't know when he was back, patted him, "Who knows, what do you care about?"

You Chongzhi looked up at the sky, "Brother Yang, I saw Lu Yiming rushing up just now. Nothing will happen, right?"

"It doesn't matter to us anyway."

Zhou Shu glanced at the sky, smiled lightly, and sat down to practice.

Of course he knew what was going on. It was Ba Snake and Origin Core that flew up. They had to gather the strength of the two to fight against Lu Yiming. He didn't want to destroy the environment of Zheng Chu realm, so he went to heaven to fight. As for the victory or defeat, it should be obvious. Lu Yiming is definitely not an opponent. Whether he can escape or not depends on luck.

You Chongzhi paused, "Yes, no matter what you do, it will be better if something goes wrong."

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