Fairy Winner

Chapter 2574: Entry room


In a cave on the top of the mountain.

Wei Tong put down the wine glass, grabbed a handful of fairy fruit and chewed it, and looked at Zhou Shu with a smile, "I know why you don't want to stay in Lianyun City. You are really leisurely in this New Moon City. You don't do anything every day. There is a fairy jade to take, and the cultivation environment is not bad at all. I am afraid that I don’t want to leave when I change my husband."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "If the seniors come, I believe they will live better than the juniors."

"The old man is a toil, but not your blessing."

Wei Tong waved his hand, and said with emotion, "You have become tired and lazy here. If you stay a few more days, the old man will go back."

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "It's only been a few months to leave. The juniors haven't learned the essence of the law of light taught by seniors."

Wei drank the same cup after another, and smiled, "Hehe, everything that should be taught is taught. It doesn't matter if you can learn the old man, you don’t have to be grateful. This is your reward for entertaining me these days. The old man never It’s not refreshing to eat for nothing."

"Senior, sigh..."

Zhou Shu was speechless, and he could only admire Wei Tong's obedience.

Teach him the law of light was proposed by Wei Tong. He thought that Wei Tong valued him. He just didn't want to eat and live here for nothing. No wonder Wei Tong came to him these days. It is very different from before. In fact, he did it early. Plan.

Wei Tong said slowly, "Yang Rong, in fact, you are also very good here. Senior Yu is very good and will not treat you badly."

Zhou Shu thought thoughtfully, "Did you know Senior Yu before?"

"I don't know, but I've heard that for Lian Yuncheng, he is the one who needs special attention," he paused and said slowly, "I don't know how the changes over the past few thousand years, but he should pay On the celestial list."

Zhou Shu was stunned for a moment, "The heavens and celestial poles?"

Wei Tong smiled, "What do you think, if such a big fairy city can be built in Outland, it can develop steadily for tens of thousands of years. There are not many such people."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, "The juniors have never heard of it, alas."

Wei Tong took a sip of the wine glass and looked at Zhou Shu, "If you want to hear more, join the immortal trap. The old man will still recommend you."

Zhou Shu followed to drink, haha ​​said, "Senior is really dedicated..."

"The old man will leave in a few days. I still have to say something."

Wei Tong suddenly became serious and said solemnly, "Zhou Shu, I don't think you are Zhou Shu on the list, but if you are, the old man will not come to a conclusion. The old man will find a way to investigate this matter. I hope you can understand. This, but before the truth is revealed, the old man promises that it will not leak out."

Zhou Shu was not surprised, and said seriously, "Senior is just doing what he should do, juniors have nothing to say."

This matter can be concealed in the fairy world, but it is very difficult in New Moon City. As long as a famous immortal arrest is intentional, how can it not be investigated.

And he can understand that Wei Tong is such a person, and there may be conflicts that cannot be avoided in the future, but at least for now, the two are still friends.

"That's good."

Wei Tong nodded in satisfaction, and pointed to a distance, "Although they are not powerful, they can always give birth to disasters, as if they are destined. Their techniques are very special, even if there are few in the heavens that can be restrained. Yes, if you don’t have the ability to restrain her, it’s best not to get too close. The old man’s law of light won’t work.”

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Thank you, senior, for your suggestion. Junior understands."

Wei Tong refers to the Ping Witch. Although they only met once and the Witch did not die, Wei Tong still knew her identity.

"Okay, you know it yourself, the old man doesn't say much," Wei Tong stretched out his hand lazily, "You go, the old man will hang out here for three days, and then he will go back to Lianyun City directly. Take care of it."

Zhou Shu didn't move, "Senior is okay, but the younger one has one more thing."


Wei Tong looked at Zhou Shu taking out a pile of fairy jade, his expression changed a little, "I don't want it."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "These are not for seniors, please help me to bring them to senior Chaman."

Wei Tong frowned, "What do you do for him, that old guy is not short of money."

Zhou Shu smiled, "The younger generation wants Senior Chaman to help them find an industry in Lianyun City for the younger generation. The location is better, the place is bigger, and it doesn't matter what you do."

"Four thousand immortal jade, that place is not small..."

Wei Tong pondered, "Yang Rong, are you still planning to go to Lianyun City for development?"

Zhou Shu neither nodded nor shook his head, "Maybe, the junior is planning to do something over there."

The industry is prepared for small tricks. Prepare it in advance, and then you can get started directly when you go to Lianyun City and spread the pawns.

"The old man is happy to see it happen."

Wei Tong nodded his head thoughtfully, and slowly put away the fairy jade, "Don't worry, the old man will bring it for you. It's not difficult for Chaman to do this."

Zhou Shu got up and saluted, "Thank you, senior, and senior Chaman, the junior will leave."

Three days later, a ray of light faded away, and Zhou Shu also returned to the normal state of the past.

In the world of refining demon.

Bian Xue was cultivating by the side of Ciguang Mountain, Zhou Shu walked through the protection of the demon refining world, quietly approached and sat with her.

Ciguang Mountain is the mountain where the immortal heart lamp is placed. Bian Xue has a name. Now many places in the world of refining demon have names. It is either from Bian Xue or Caiying, giving people a kind of intimacy and a feeling of home.

It's just that there are too few people in this home~www.ltnovel.com~Brother Shu. "

"Snow sister."

The two smiled at each other, there was a lot of tacit understanding in it, and they soon entered a state of double repair.

It's not the kind of witch, but two people practice together, one for the Compassionate Sutra and the other for the Tao of Heaven.

This is the method derived from the Void and Reality of the Tao of Mending Heaven. After Zhou Shu's slight changes, it can allow two completely different disciples to practice at the same time and complement each other, much faster than one person.

The imaginary and true chapters are extensive and profound. With Zhou Shu’s current situation, this can only be applied to this point.

Moreover, Zhou Shu's way of compassion is not good, he can only practice with Bian Xue with the way of patching the sky, but not with the witch.

While practicing, Bian Xue touched Zhou Shu lightly, pointed to the side and whispered, "Senior Brother Shu, look."

A little green snake swam to the two of them, sat cross-legged, facing Ci Guangshan, closing his eyes and concentrating, as if he was vomiting.

"Here again, I'm bringing a snake into the room."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, not too happy.

Obviously, this green snake opened up its spiritual wisdom and even began to comprehend Tao, but the Tao it accepted was the Tao of Compassion, not the Tao of Zhou Shu.

Bian Xue glanced at Zhou Shu and said with a smile, "Senior Brother Shu, let the flow take its course, the younger sister believes that certain creatures will choose you."


Zhou Shu nodded.

At present, the Tao of Shu and the Tao of Mature Compassion have no advantages at all. He does not believe that among most of the newly-developed beings, there will be anyone who chooses the Tao of Shu in the two ways. Far away, it would be great if Shu Zhidao had similar sacred artifacts.

However, it is better to be inspired to realize Tao than nothing at all.

What's more, in the world of refining demon, Ciguang Mountain occupies less than one-tenth of a million, and it is a rare opportunity for the little snake to be here.

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