Fairy Winner

Chapter 2577: More wars and more courage

More than four years have passed.

Zhou Shu was still in the cloud, but his expression was quite different, and he followed the little stone leisurely, like walking in a leisurely garden.

The effect is better than expected. The energy in the cloud is surprisingly large. In only four years, all the Tiangang orifices have been full, and it is no longer possible to hold a trace of comfort, and it will be difficult to gain further improvement, unless Shu The way is further improved, or the mastery of a certain law is achieved.

Zhou Shu could only develop one hundred and eight celestial orifices. After Daluo Jinxian, his body will be like the law, and it will not be difficult to have more.

The lost clouds that are collected again are scattered in the demon refining world, adding vitality to the demon refining world, and adding cultivation power to the old pot.

At this time, Miyun has lost more than half, but it is not visible on the outside, because Zhou Shu started collecting from the inside, like digging watermelon flesh.

"Jie Hehe!"

Little Stone suddenly screamed, excitement hard to suppress, and rushed over with the Fighting Eagle.

In the mist in front of them, there were large tracts of black spots scattered, and the black spots were all ferocious misty cloud beasts.

This is the Lair of the Cloud Beast and the location of the mysterious treasure. Zhou Shu has already figured it out clearly, and he deliberately saved it until the end to deal with it.

Old Hu couldn't help shouting, "Little Stone, be careful!"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't worry about it, just see how capable it is."

"Okay, Master."

The old pot stagnated and said thoughtfully, "I don't know where its limit is. It never seems to be tired. Every time the owner forcibly put it away, I never saw it once. He took the initiative to cease the war, and no matter what opponent he faced, he always maintained a high fighting spirit, which is incredible."

"Yeah, it is a miracle."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "We can all see that he uses all the targets he defeated to restore his strength. What is the black mist?"

"The master doesn't know, and I don't even know," Hu Lao paused, "I think it may not be worse than the law of energy..."

After speaking out, he regretted it a little bit. Could it be that the little stone has a higher power than the law of energy, perhaps he was wrong.

Zhou Shu said affirmatively, "Yes, I have the same opinion as you, and it is obvious that the cloud beast it killed will also have black mist floating out to help it recover. The cloud beast is derived from the law of energy, even The essence is not pure, but it is also the law of energy after all. This is enough to show that the power used by the little stone is at least not lower than the law of energy."

Old Hu was stunned, "Does the master think so too?"

Zhou Shu sighed, "Is it cause and effect? ​​Or order? Or is it a power we don't know at all?"

Old Hu just shook his head, "I really don't know, Master."

"I do not know either."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "In any case, it was born in the world of demon refining, and it will never cause us to mess up. Go and collect it, don't waste it."


The white mist kept flying out, enveloping all the scattered clouds and beasts.

Zhou Shu wandered in it, picking up colorful spirit orbs one by one. It was a great joy. Over the past four years, he has obtained tens of thousands of colorful spirit orbs, and each one is no less than fairy jade, and in many cases it is better than fairy jade. It is also useful-especially in the alien outland that does not accept immortal power.

This wealth is surprisingly large.

Because of this, Zhou Shu a little bit didn’t want to collect the treasures in Miyun. If these Miyun clouds continue, it will continue to give birth to Miyun Beasts and Miyun. This is a fairly stable source of money. He can collect, although doing so will make Miyun continue to consume the power of New Moon City, but the city owner should be used to it...

More than a month passed in a blink of an eye.

The black and crushed cloud became clear, and most of the cloud beasts were solved by small stones.

Zhou Shu and Hu Lao watched the battle all the way, and never attacked once.

Of course, there is assistance. Zhou Shu's three domains of laws, killing, five elements, and life and death, are covered on Little Stone almost all the way, helping him improve his strength, which adds a lot to Little Stone's strength.

At this time, the little stone not only did not have a trace of fatigue, but became more and more courageous.

Even a cloud beast comparable to a golden fairy can't hold on for a quarter of an hour under its big stick, and those smaller cloud beasts have no resistance, they can be broken into powder with just one stick and will never be used. Second time.

Old Hu was shocked, "Where is its limit..."

"If there is an opponent, it has no end."

Zhou Shu seems to have some understanding. As long as Xiao Shiu arranges an appropriate opponent, it can fight endlessly, and every time an opponent is solved, it can increase its combat effectiveness. The more you kill, the stronger, Zhou Shu has no doubt , Even if you go up to fight with the current little stone, you may not be able to win easily.

However, there are not many opportunities for such exercise.

The floating beast last time was once, and the cloud beast this time was also once, and the next time, I don't know when it will be.

In the front corner, a huge black figure suddenly appeared and slammed into the small stone.

The black shadow was extremely fast and powerful. The little stone was caught off guard, and was hit and flew out, flying out several hundred feet to stand firm.

The Black Shadow Show revealed the whole picture.

It was a big fish several hundred feet long, covered with spikes, like a hedgehog, with hundreds of long whiskers hanging down its neck~www.ltnovel.com~ The long whiskers are like living creatures, twisting back and forth like a snake. The eyes protruded from the body and hung with a string. It was a lantern shining red, but the top of the head was flat and smooth. Upon closer inspection, there were several weird characters on it, like written in ancient seal script.

It can be vaguely distinguished, it is the word "Minghai".

"Jie Jie!"

The little stone wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, screamed in excitement, and rushed up after swinging his stick.

Qiang Qiang!

If the sound of Jinshi, the Nether Golden Pillar suddenly bounced, this rod, except for sweeping away a small piece of spikes, causing the strange fish to shake, it had no other effect.

"This guy is so strong."

Old Hu didn't notice, "Why didn't I notice it before?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I didn't see it before, and I almost couldn't perceive the breath. If I don't show up, I don't know its existence... Now it seems that it is the source of these clouds, or the treasure is in it. Inside the belly."

Old Hu worried, "Little Stone, there will be nothing wrong, right?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "We are all here, what else are we afraid of? And I believe it can do it on its own."

The little stone couldn't do the work with a single blow, and he was not discouraged at all. Instead, he became more violent. The fighting spirit instantly climbed to the apex, and his figure suddenly became dozens of times bigger, not much smaller than that strange fish.

Zhou Shu also nodded slightly. It was talent after all. The method it used was better than himself.

"Yeah", accompanied by a loud roar, the golden rod stood up in the air and fell suddenly.

The sky is overwhelming, and the sky is full of stick shadows, completely covering the strange fish inside.

The strange fish seemed to be very recognizable, and shrank slightly, shaking all over, countless spikes, like a torrential rain, shot in mid-air.

(PS: Thank you for the support of the waiting lone wolf, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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