Fairy Winner

Chapter 2579: Buy a promise

Xiansheng is unhappy, ninety out of ten.

Zhou Shu didn’t care much about the treasure in the cloud. He never cared about temporary gains or losses. However, if it was something that must be done, let alone one-tenth, even if only one-hundredth. Shu will also put in 200% effort.

However, this treasure is not among them, and if it remains in New Moon City, it will still be of great use in the future, and it does not have to be obtained now.

If not unexpected, in about a few hundred years, the treasure will give birth to a monster, but it is hard to say if it is not a bone scorpion.

After swaying in the cloud for a few months, Zhou Shu left the North District when Hu Lao was satisfied.

The ninth pawnshop.

Zhou Shu glanced at the tips, "Is it all handled?"

The little trick wagged his tail with a relaxed expression, "Of course, it has been solved long ago, I have already sold it."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Who did you sell to?"

The little trick grinned, "I asked Bai Yujing and Linglongge to bid together, and then took a mid-range price, and then sold half of them, I made almost 50%, and they are still very happy... In fact, I am also I know, what they want to buy is not a shop, but my business method and the name of the ninth pawnshop. From this point of view, they have also made a profit, but I will never lose."

"I can't say anything in this regard. You can't do anything wrong."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and he was also quite admired. He didn't offend Linglong Pavilion and Bai Yujing. There would be no problem with the city lord. He also made money. If he changed it, he would not be able to do it. "The name is also sold, then What should I call it when I went to Lianyun City?"

Xiao Gun smiled triumphantly, “Of course it’s the eighth pawnshop! Haha, as long as the owner is me, it’s okay to open from eighth to first, and the business is still booming.”

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Then not much to say, you are ready to prepare, we will set off to Lianyun City in a few days."

"it is good!"

Xiao Zhao and Old Jian agreed at the same time, and Xiao Zhao quickly said, "By the way, I have something for you."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "What? Don't give Xianyu to me. You have given enough of those before. You can keep it for Xiancheng."

Xiao Zhao shook his head and snarled at Old Jian, "It's not a fairy jade, but two book pages. Old Jian said you once had one, and we happened to encounter two more, so we bought it, maybe it's useful."

Old Jian handed over two book pages, which were similar to what Zhou Shu had got before. They were pale gold and square, like a torn page.

Zhou Shu looked at the pages of the book and shook his head secretly. This type of book page is called the wordless secret slip. It contains either rare tactics or secret information. The value is generally great, but it must be opened by the corresponding law. If you don’t know , It’s almost impossible to open, the last time I haven’t figured it out, (I still got it in the ghost world, he was a miscellaneous immortal at the time, and now he is a golden immortal, but he still hasn’t opened it), but now there are two more .

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "Who sells it?"

Xiaozhao said, "Ordinary golden immortals, I can't see anything special, and I can't ask them."

"talk about it later."

Zhou Shu put away the page, "When you're done, go back to Shangqingju, I will find the city lord farewell."

Dome top tower.

The city owner was obviously not surprised at Zhou Shu's departure, "Is it going to help Yinkui Clan?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Yes, the city lord also knows?"

"The relationship between the two of you, although I can't see clearly, but obviously the bond is not small," the city lord looked at Zhou Shu with a slightly solemn expression, "Yang Rong, what is the most important thing for a practitioner? You are already a golden immortal. I won’t be able to see clearly anymore, but I also want to remind you, don’t waste time and energy on these things, and the Yinkui Clan is not a suitable choice for you."

Zhou Shu nodded and said seriously, "Junior understands."

His view is slightly different from that of the city lord. He only pays attention to the original heart. As for other things, even if it affects the practice, as long as the original heart is stabilized, it is not a matter. Besides, it will not affect at all. Of course, he will not argue with the city lord. this point.

The city lord glanced at him, and he seemed to understand that it was useless, so he didn't say more, but his face was also solemn, "This time you have moved out of your property, don't you plan to come back?"

"Don't worry about the city owner."

Zhou Shu laughed, "It's the same thing from the past, no matter where you are, the junior will not betray New Moon City, and the junior will come back, but at that time, I think the city owner will take the initiative to drive the junior away, haha."

"Yes, you will definitely be promoted..."

The city lord seemed to be thoughtful, his face gradually calmed, "Always have to go. If you can say that you will never betray, the old man should be satisfied."

Zhou Shu saluted, "The younger generation still wants to ask the city lord for many things in the future, and hope that the city lord will not drive me at that time. Thank you very much for the younger generation here."

The city lord smiled, "Hahaha, I hope our fairy city will not be too close, nor too far away."

Zhou Shu saluted again, "City Lord, that junior will leave."

"and many more."

The city lord raised his hand, and a Wanfang Ring appeared on the palm of his hand. He looked at it with cherishment. When he raised his head, he saw Zhou Shu's greedy and expectant eyes, only frowned, "What is your expression? Yang Rong, I won't give you fairy jade."

Zhou Shu got stuck~www.ltnovel.com~ The juniors didn't say to..."

The city lord took another look at Wanfang Jie before throwing it to Zhou Shu, "Take it, remember what you said today."

Zhou Shu took a look and found that there was a lot of space in Wanfang Ring, but it was empty as if there was nothing. While he was puzzled, a gust of wind blew him directly out of the spire.

The city lord looked at Zhou Shu outside the tower with emotion, "Buying him a promise, it should be worth it."

Zhou Shu took the Wanfang Ring and looked for a while, only to see a few things in the corner.

Three talismans, one pill, and one armor.

The talisman is undoubtedly a magic talisman. The whole body is dark red with two layers of black borders. There are only a few simple lines on the back of the paper, but it gives people an extremely depressed feeling. It seems that after a few more glances, you will be This Fulu was overwhelming.

With a little bit of perception, Zhou Shu could perceive the majestic and somewhat familiar power in it. His Shu Zhili was far beyond the reach. Even if he had strengthened a lot of Shu Zhili now, he quickly understood it, and his mind was shocked. Shocking names in the heavens flooded his lips.

Doomsday sign.

A talisman derived from the law of destruction, destruction is the superior law of the law of destruction, equal to the law of power.

Zhou Shu had no doubt that the destructive power in these three magical charms was enough to destroy Taiyi Daluo, and they might not even have a chance to escape.

There is no doubt that it is a killer's general existence.

"Could it be that the city lord practices the law of destruction?"

Suddenly, Zhou Shu thought, thinking that it is indeed possible. There are very few Hunyuan Golden Immortals who can enter the celestial pole list. Very few rely on the laws of the immortal world. The laws of destruction are very consistent. And the city lord with such a terrifying power, anyone They are all willing to have a good relationship with him, and will not destroy his New Moon City, otherwise...They definitely don't want to bear the anger of the city lord, especially the anger of giving up Xiancheng.

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