Fairy Winner

Chapter 2581: Meet up

The person here is Yang Bai.

Yang Bai has always been a true fairy.

As far as Zhou Shu knew, Yang Bai had stayed in the realm of true immortals for more than 800 years.

For more than 800 years, coupled with the resource tilt of Wufang City, a true immortal with mediocre talent can also become a golden immortal. With Yang Bai’s talent, Zhou Shu has always felt that Yang Bai’s talent surpassed him by a lot, at most two hundred years. To become a golden immortal, even if he relied on the laws of soul and life and death, he was always a true immortal, and he never broke through.

The reason is obvious. Zhou Shu is almost certain that the equalization symbol comes from Yang Bai, who practices the law of balance.

Only this can explain Yang Bai's not being promoted.

He intends to cultivate the domain of balance and use the law of balance to advance to the golden immortal. This is of course difficult. Eight hundred years is not enough. Now, he has become a golden immortal, which means that he has done it and has cultivated the domain of balance. , At least the domain of balance similar to the soul domain.

(By the way, many law domains are difficult to cultivate completely, because the power required to maintain the domain is too much, and it is not the Jinxian can bear it. For example, the soul law is like this, but it is possible to practice certain techniques to reach the soul domain. The effect of cultivating is considered to be a domain, and you can also be promoted to Jinxian.)

Seeing Yang Bai become a golden immortal, which means that Yang Bai's balance rule has broken through, how could Zhou Shu not be shocked.

Yang Bai was not surprised, looking at Zhou Shu, "What are you in a daze, don't you know me?"

Zhou Shu followed and laughed, "Congratulations, Brother Yang."

Yang Bai nodded, the smile on his face remained undiminished, "The iron tree blossoms, finally fulfilling the mission."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "How long have you been here?"

"Has it been a year?"

Yang Bai thought for a while and said, "Girl Hanruo said you will be back soon. I waited for you for a while, and got her permission, right?"

"Of course it's okay, it's just weird," Zhou Shu touched his chin, "You...how come you have so much free time, you are the busiest person in Wufang City?"

"I am free now."

Yang Bai smiled lightly, "You don't know Zhou...Brother Yang, I have already left Wufang City."

Zhou Shu was stunned, "Huh?"

Yang Bai glanced at Hanruo and did not shy away. "Master said that you can go back when you reach the Golden Immortal realm. He will teach me new things. Hehe, he is almost a thousand years old, and most of them scold me. Hundreds of times, I don’t know if I will teach such a stupid me after I go back."

"If you are stupid, there are few clever ones in this world."

Zhou Shu gave him an angry look, with a face that you know and I know, "Your master, in the immortal world?"

Yang Bai whispered, "Yes, I plan to go to him, and I heard from Miss Hanruo that you also want to go to the immortal world, right, Zhou...Brother Yang?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "Then we can go together."

Yang Bai looked happy and nodded vigorously, "Just waiting for your words, Zhou...Brother Yang," he unconsciously patted his head and sighed, "Sorry, I'm always confused. I can’t help but say wrong when I see you, I won’t do it next time."

"It's okay, there are only a few of us here," Zhou Shu looked solemn, "But when you get to the fairy world, you must not be wrong."

Yang Bai also got serious, "I know, I will try not to mention the name in the future, just call you... brother."

Zhou Shu looked at him thoughtfully, "It's okay, but the brother didn't call it for nothing..."

Yang Bai smiled slightly, "What do you want, brother?"

Zhou Shu paused, "casting spells."

"it is good."

Yang Bai was stunned and nodded quickly, "As long as you dare to learn, I dare to teach."

Zhou Shu smiled, "I have nothing to dare to learn. Don't worry, I won't use it in the fairy world."

"Well, it can't be used," Yang Bai nodded, as if thinking of something, hesitated, "Brother, Miss Hanruo told me why you want to change your name, but I'm a little curious, why is it called Yang Rong? "

He is also surnamed Yang himself, so he is inevitably curious, and Hanruo also opened his eyes wide, wanting to know.

Zhou Shu paused, "When I first started cultivating immortals, someone saved my life several times. He is also my best friend. His name is Yang Hei, and my junior sister is also surnamed Yang. When I gave my name, It naturally became like this."

Yang Bai was really taken aback, "Yang Hei?"

Han Ruo was also surprised, "Yang Bai Yang Hei, why is it so similar?"

And Zhou Shu only calmly said, "Hehe, there are so many people with the same name and surname, let alone one word missing, what do you want to do so much."

Yang Bai nodded, unconsciously apologizing, "I'm sorry, I think too much."

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "You all prepare, and when the recruits come back, they will start."

Hanruo nodded, but whispered, "Yang Rong, I want to ask, what happened to Yang Hei?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "He died very early, almost a thousand years ago."

He will not care about the past.


Han Ruo's complexion was stagnant, and her heart was a little bit sorrowful for no reason. He didn't dare to look at Zhou Shu again, and quickly walked into the quiet room.

Yang Bai slowly took out something from his arms and handed it to Zhou Shu, "I don't need to prepare, this is what I brought you Bifanto."

Zhou Shu took a look and found it happy~www.ltnovel.com~ he still did it. "

It was a mirror, divided into yin and yang, and died in a lifetime. It was an imitation of the human emperor's bone mirror, which was made by Tobyfan, but now he finally received it.

A little bit of perception reveals that the power of the law of life and death loops back and forth in the mirror. Although it is weak, it has never stopped. No matter how you draw it, it always keeps circulating. As long as you bring it on your body, you can continuously improve the law of life and death. Depending on the environment, there are more or less powers to improve. Although it is an imitation, it is also a rare treasure.

Zhou Shu was quite satisfied. He should be very happy when he handed this mirror to Senior Jian.

Yang Bai nodded, "Bifan is indeed a rare crafting master. After refining this mirror, many people asked him to invite craftsmanship, and even New Moon City rushed to it. I don’t think it will take long. He will come to New Moon City, and he will be somewhat talented in Wufang City."

Zhou Shu put away the mirror and smiled, "Leaving Wufang City, you won't speak for Wufang City."

"I'm not in my position, I will do my best when I'm there, but when I leave, I won't take care of it anymore," Yang Bai sighed slightly, "And there is no way, there is no way for Fangcheng to leave New Moon City. It's too close to attract too many talents. People like Bifan are destined to leave, and it's even more impossible for a wandering dragon like you to live in a small pond. People go to high places. You are not going to the fairy world yet."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I didn't live in the immortal world, this vast outer domain is more suitable for me."


Yang Bai had some doubts, "Do you want to come back?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Yes."

Yang Bai looked at Zhou Shu, seeming to understand something, only nodded, and said nothing.

(Ps: Thank you, Qingniu, Camel Town, for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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