Fairy Winner

Chapter 2599: Lu Gong 0

The demons who were present made their bids one after another, and they soon raised them to 17,000 cents and 500 jade.

But the price is almost at the end. Most practitioners watch the excitement and will not make a price at all. Without their participation, the price cannot be raised at all, and the demons have few channels to obtain immortal jade, and it is hard to get more than 10,000. .

"Eighteen thousand."

After Zhou Shu spoke, the demons suddenly lost their voices and only cast their hateful eyes.

Many practitioners were also surprised that an authentic immortal would shoot magic soldiers at such a high price.

"This kid has money but no money..."

"You are right, he just has money but no money."

"The Demon Soldiers also grabbed it. Are you not afraid of being retaliated by the Demon Race after you leave the Xinghai Realm? Now the Demon Race knows him. It's really bold."

"Hehe, someone is willing to die and take care of us."

No one continued to bid, Zhou Shu got the Great Desolate Halberd as he wished.

With a halberd of dozens of feet, lying flat in front of him, Zhou Shu's first feeling was not the vast demonic energy in the magic soldier, but the vicissitudes of the years, unconsciously recalling the past of this magic soldier... in his heart Suddenly, this feeling has appeared frequently recently, especially when he saw something long ago. He has a vague idea. This is somewhat related to reincarnation. Is it because his law of reincarnation has improved?

No matter what, you must take a look at Kunlun mirror later.

Ping An was a little surprised, "You buy this too? Really there are so many immortal jade that you have nowhere to spend?"

Zhou Shu smiled and put away the Great Desolate Halberd, "If you want fairy jade, I will give you some. What do you think?"

Pinging stagnated, shook his head and said, "Take it back to Yinkui Realm and talk about it."

The Great Desolation Halberd did not stir up any storms, and people quickly invested in the next auction. After about two quarters of an hour, a seemingly ordinary scroll appeared in the middle. Everyone's eyes fell on it, and their heartbeats speeded up involuntarily. .

Many people come for this scroll.

The drawing axis slowly opened up a bit.

There should be a woman in the painting. The scroll is half-scrolled. There are very few pictures to see, only the sideburns and headdress, not even half-hidden with the pipa, but just seeing one point, it is as if seeing the woman standing In front of him, he was like a fairy Lingbo, unconsciously obsessed with a smile.

"It's really Lu Gong hundred rolls!"

"There can be no mistake! Except for painting Shenglu Daozi, who can make a simple picture of a lady to this level? Just showing a corner is charming? I can even be sure that as long as the scroll is fully opened, the person in the painting will walk away come out."

"It turned out to be the real thing, the real thing!"

"In any case, grab it!"

The atmosphere was ignited at once.

The painting sage Lu Daozi of the Xuanhuang World, after becoming a sage, left a hundred paintings to the heavens, that is, Lu Gong Baijuan.

Lu Gong’s hundred scrolls are equivalent to the book of saints. Any practitioner can get an epiphany from these paintings. It is no different from a saint’s personal guidance. If all 100 paintings can be collected, it is rumored that the saints of paintings will come and be transformed. This is good luck. General chance.

It is worth mentioning that there are basically no rubbings or reproductions of Lu Gong’s hundred scrolls, because the paintings of the master cannot be imitated at all. The shape is similar but not the gods. The difference can be seen at a glance. The Lu Gong hundred scrolls here are obviously genuine. .

Only need to collect a hundred saint books, anyone will be crazy about it, Zhou Shu is no exception.

He was a painter in the past, how could he not be excited when he saw such a rare treasure? However, Zhou Shu also knows that he might not be able to buy it, but as long as he can see the true face, it is worth it. Unfortunately, this is also difficult to achieve. The power of the saint in the book of authentic saints cannot even be his eighth sense. See through.

"One hundred thousand!"

The first price shouting shocked people's spirits and ignited most people's jealousy, as if to burn the auction house.

"One hundred and ten thousand!"


The higher the price, the fewer people shouting.

He was finally taken by a Hunyuan Golden Immortal. At the moment when the scroll was in his hand, everyone’s eyes were fixed on him, unabashedly jealous, as if he was going to eat him. After numerous winds and waves, there was a little emptiness at this time, and he put it away in a hurry, turned and left.

Zhou Shu remembered his appearance. Most of the others were the same, but it was probably useless. Buying such a strange treasure would change his appearance even at the Hunyuan realm.

There should be a different person after going out.

Not long.

A very simple jade slip was put up, with a few interlaced golden lights on it, which faintly recognized the word "forbidden".

That's right, it's the immortal ban.

Xinghai Realm occasionally sells some immortal bans, which makes the immortal world a headache, but in the eyes of foreign races and demon demons and others, it is better. Being able to sell immortal bans indicates that it is a good thing to do right with the immortal world. Up.

In Zhou Shu's view, this was a means by the Xinghai Realm to win the trust of the alien race, and it was deliberately disconnected from the Immortal Realm, but this was not the case.

"Eternal prosperity!"

Hearing the name of Fa Jue, everyone's expressions became strange.

"Sell this too?"

"This is the real immortal world forbidden..."

"Not only the fairy world, but other worlds are also forbidden, right?"

"Yes, no one in the Demon World will learn this."

Long prosperous gong sounds good, but it is actually a very sinister practice.

Casting this kind of exercises can squeeze a person's essence to the greatest extent, allowing a person to exert extraordinary abilities in a short time, but after the time limit, they immediately become exhausted and there is no possibility of recovery. The most commonly used The place is used to force a confession, to force double cultivation, etc. Many evil cultivators deliberately practice similar exercises to harvest the sun and squeeze the opponent's cultivation base, so that a young and energetic immortal can become an old man who falls in the wind.

It is worth mentioning that the Long-Prosperity Gong is the most effective and famous of similar exercises.

It originated from Fairy Caiyu, who was once ranked 173 on the list of real murderers. There were tens of thousands of immortals who died in her hands. Among them, there are many Hunyuan Jinxian. The foundation of her cultivation is her own creation. By using this technique, you can squeeze Taiyi Daluo’s cultivation base into dryness in a few months, and become so weak that it is not as good as a mortal. Later, the elder Ni Liqun of Shu Mountain pursued him for three hundred years, and finally Cut her under the sword.

This matter was spread widely in the heavens, and no one knew it.

Fairy Caiyu died, but the long-lasting success has not been lost, and her disciples passed it down.

"The reserve price is three thousand celestial jade!"

For a while, no one kept up with the bids, only whispers.

"This is cheap~www.ltnovel.com~ you can buy it."

"This, I really dare not buy it."

"In fact, it’s not bad to buy it, and it’s good as a collection."

"Forget it, if this evil technique is learned by family members, you won't be able to cry."

"Cheap is cheap, but it's embarrassing to buy it. This kind of exercise should be completely lost."

After a while, when it was about to pass, a voice rang.

"Three thousand immortal jade!"

Everyone looked surprised, and they all looked towards the source of the sound, only seeing Zhou Shu with a calm face.

It was indeed Zhou Shu called.

On the side, Ping An was stunned, "You...what are you doing? You called it wrong, right?"

She instantly felt that I didn't come with him, I didn't come with him.

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