Fairy Winner

Chapter 2605: I will remember

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "Do you hate the dragon so much?"

Ping An coldly said, "What do you think? The Dragon Race and the Yinkui Realm have always been enemies, and they haven't changed since the beginning. Cihangzong's hatred is incomparable to each other. You said I should hate the Dragon Race. ?"

Zhou Shu touched his chin, "This is strange..."

Ping An glared at him, "What's strange?"

Zhou Shu groaned, "The Yinkui Realm is a hidden realm, and others cannot find it, but the Yinkui Realm should not be a secret in front of the Dragon Clan. You are very close to each other, and you have fought many times. How did the clan survive until now? Shouldn't it be annihilated long ago?"

Ping An shook his head slightly, showing some disappointment, "I actually asked such a question..."

Zhou Shu was a little dazed and said sincerely, "Then please teach me."

Ping An said every word, "Zhou Shu, have you ever seen the Dragon Clan destroy other races?"

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, his thoughts quickly turned around, and he didn't realize it, "It doesn't seem to be."

"It's not like, it's not at all."

Ping An suddenly became serious and said in a righteous voice, "In the entire heavens, there is only one who likes to destroy other races, and that is the fairy world! Like most races, the dragon races occupy other worlds for only plundering and conquering. Like the cultivators of the fairy world, they always want a racial extinction."

Her tone gradually became severe and questioned, "And you practitioners in the immortal realm always say that you cut the grass and roots and leave no future troubles. With this idea, since the immortal realm ruled the heavens, I don’t know how many races have completely disappeared because of the immortal realm. Uncountable! Yes, this can maintain the strength and peace of your fairy world, but by doing so, it is absolutely impossible for the entire heavens to obey you!"

She looked at Zhou Shu and snorted coldly, "Compared with you, the Dragon Clan and the Demon Clan Yinkui Clan have other races. They are not smart enough. We go to other realms and only do what we should do and only take what we should take. If someone else wants to retaliate and can retaliate, then just fight back. What's to be afraid of? As for the rush to kill!"

Zhou Shu was speechless for a while.

From the perspective of safety, she is right to say so.

The immortal world’s claim is indeed to cut the grass and root out, or do not do it, there will be no hidden dangers if you do it, which makes the immortal world dominate today, not only the immortal world, most practitioners treat hatred in this way of thinking.

He shook his head slightly, "Peace, don't put me in it, at any time, I will not have the idea of ​​annihilation."

"Ah... I'm sorry."

Realizing something, Ping An blushed, "I didn’t say those words to you, but sent me feelings. I know you are not. You have the same attitude towards any race, completely different from other practitioners. You can see it all."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I don't agree with this practice in the fairy world."

Ping An sighed slightly and said softly, "Most alien races hate the immortal realm. Although they are strong, how did they become so powerful? Thirty-three days away, every realm is full of alien blood... It is really not easy for the heavens to survive, especially in recent years, it has become increasingly difficult, alas."

Zhou Shujing listened quietly, the arrogant and indifferent peace in the weekdays, it is rare to have such a time to show feelings.

"...Looking at the books of the Yinkui Realm, I actually miss Cihangzong very much. Although they have been hostile, at least they are doing probation. They have never wanted to destroy others in the past, and the current immortal realm is completely different from the past. Look like."

Ping Ping shook his head and smiled faintly, "We have been fighting with the Dragon Clan for many years, but we never worry, because they can't conquer us. Although the Yinkui Clan is not as noble as theirs, but they will never convince people. They want to crush us. It will be backlashed. As for plunder, the Yinkui Realm is much poorer than the Dragon Realm... If the Dragon Clan really wants to destroy the Yinkui Clan, it is not too difficult, but they will not do it."

Zhou Shuwen said, "I understand, I am indeed ignorant. I will remember what you said today."

Sometimes when considering a problem, you have to look at it from other people’s perspectives. Perhaps it feels completely different. Zhou Shu understands that he can’t limit himself to the scope of a practitioner. He has a fixed form of thinking, which also limits his way. .

Ping An whispered, "Then you are not angry?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I think too much, thank you for not having time, let's go."

He hugged Ping An, opened the black shell, and flew away quickly.

"If the Yinkui world is around the boulder world."

Zhou Shu unfolded the boundary map and clicked, "About ten years away, we have to start thinking about what to do. In addition, I have to go to the Gobi community first."

Ping An nodded slightly, with a trace of worry in his eyes, "You have to help me, I can't think of a good idea."

"Don't worry."

Zhou Shu nodded, his face was full of self-confidence. He knew the Yinkui realm and the Yinkui strategy well. He mastered the power of compassion and the way to mend the sky. There were so many magic weapons on his body. Great, let alone peace.

Gobi world.

As its name suggests, there are Gobi everywhere, and huge gravels are like small grains of sand, covering the entire world.

This is a barren world. The barren world is not a dead world. There are a few kinds of life in it, but it is impossible to give birth to intelligent life, so there is not much value. Of course the origin of the world is still useful, but I want to get the Gobi world. The cultivators of the origin all came back in despair.

Because the Gobi realm is one of the earliest realms of the heavens, which can be traced back to the 33-day era.

It has already matured, the origin of the realm is extremely powerful, far beyond the reach of practitioners, and even the Hunyuan realm would never want to take advantage of it.

This kind of origin is in a wild world, which is surprising. With its power, the Gobi world can be full of vitality in a short time, and it is not difficult to make the Gobi world the center of this area, but it has never done so. Let the world remain deserted.

Today’s Gobi is still desolate, but there is a little difference~www.ltnovel.com~ If you look from a certain direction, you will find a stone forest with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and there are hundreds of thousands of stone pillars. The stone pillars are all made of hundreds of flat and mirror-like gravels, and the ends are deeply inserted into the ground. Obviously it is a human effort, but it is really shocking. Everyone knows that the gravel here is more than ordinary immortal artifacts. It is much harder and cannot communicate any power.

Who did this?

How much perseverance is needed to flatten tens of millions of gravel? And even more amazing is how could he do it?

Will the origin of the world allow a person to act recklessly in his own world? It has always had a bad temper. There was a Hunyuan realm who wanted to plant trees and cultivate living creatures in the Gobi realm, but after only doing three days, he was driven out by the Gobi realm. This still wanted to do good deeds instead of cutting gravel. Shi Lin is such a boring thing, how does Origin permit it?

There is no answer, no one sees the stone forest, nor knows what is going on.

A corner of the stone forest.

A cultivator turned his back to the stone forest, holding a sword made of stone in his hand. The sword was as simple as a tile.

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