Fairy Winner

Chapter 2609: At the same time

At the same time as Li Aojian recounted the past.

Zhou Shu looked at Ping An and said with a smile, "Ping An, don't worry."

"How can you not worry?"

Ping An frowned, "Utan doesn't know what she thinks? When she left, her cultivation base fell a bit, and she will definitely not be better than me now. If this is the case, I have to seek revenge from the sky? With the ability to use, how could she be the opponent of Zhetian? Isn't she going to die now?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Then what do you think?"

Ping An anxiously said, "She should just stay there, don't come and look for trouble."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "I think she'd better deliver the holy artifact to you, and deal with Zhetian together, and then obey you."

"Of course it's better!"

Ping An nodded, realized something, and said coldly, "Are you laughing at me?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "You Tan’s wits are not under you and the sky. If she is willing to obey you, you will not be forced to leave at the beginning. It is obviously even more difficult to ask her to give you the holy thing. may."

"I know, you don't need to say it," Ping An glared at Zhou Shu, angered, "Are you deliberately angering me?"

Zhou Shu looked at her and said warmly, "I don't know what's going on right now, and there is no need to be nervous. Based on my understanding of Youtan, she is not a stupid person and will never be sent to the door rashly. She is prepared for everything. She knows how to forbearance. Since she is here, she is obviously planning something. Although I don't know what her plan is, I don't think she will affect our actions, and there is no need to worry too much."

Pinging stagnated, "You really know her well..."

"Don't you understand? You spend more time with her," Zhou Shu said calmly, "I have only a few sides with her, but I don't think it's wrong."

Ping An thought for a while and said, "Then we don't care?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Just treat it as if you haven't heard the news."

Ping An hesitated, "What if she is really caught by the sky?"

"The possibility is very small. In case of an accident, I have a solution," Zhou Shu said slowly, "Since I have come with you, I am sure to do it. I have seen Utambula, and you have told me about it. Actually, I don’t find it difficult to handle. As long as you can hold back the sky, other things can be left to me.”

Ping An looked at Zhou Shu, and gradually relaxed, "Zhou Shu, what exactly is your plan, I didn't see you preparing, and I didn't explain it clearly to me."

Zhou Shu looked at himself and Li Aojian not far away, "I'm almost ready, but now it seems that it may need to be changed."

"Are you going to ask him for help?"

Ping An followed and looked over, feeling happy, "That's all right, I don't think I can understand his strength. With him, I feel that we have a much better chance of success. By the way, who is he?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It's my friend, but I won't let him go. The change I'm talking about is something else."

Ping An frowned and said dissatisfied, "Ah, then what are you talking about."

Zhou Shu smiled, "You'll find out later."

Without saying anything, he quickly entered the state of cultivation. The immortal aura here is extremely weak, but there are a lot of five element auras, and several mixed auras, which seem to be able to absorb them. For Zhou Shu, they only Better than Xianqi.

"You don't waste any time."

Ping An glanced at him, his eyes fell on the stone pillars, and he was secretly surprised when he thought of Li Aojian.

At the same time.

Zhou Shu was trapped in the pile of rocks and shook his head unconsciously, "The ninth one..."

As he explored all the way, his eyes were full of desert and Gobi. It seemed that there was no life and there was no danger, but he did not expect that those huge gravels would also flow, just like quicksand, and the speed was so fast that they would be swept away if you were not careful. Going in, he was involved nine times.

He broke free the first eight times, splitting the gravel and leaving, which was not difficult.

But this time, he didn't plan to struggle anymore.

Because the feeling of falling into quicksand is different every time, the power of restraining yourself is getting stronger and more complicated. At present, this ninth trap requires a lot of effort for Zhou Shu to break free. It can only show that this is not a natural phenomenon, but the will of other people is in it.

Is there anyone else here?

At least Zhou Shu couldn't perceive other people, so it was only possible that the will of the origin of the world was hindering him.

He still had to stay in this world, and would not easily offend Yuan Yuan. Since Yuan Yuan did not want him to explore, he had to give up.

Zhou Shu was slowly crushed by the gravel and dragged into the ground, with no trace of it.

At the same time.

The other Zhou Shu was hit by heavy rain.

The torrential rain was very strange. It followed Zhou Shu's footsteps. No matter how fast Zhou Shu was, he could never rely on the torrential rain above his head.

There is a strong water movement power in the rainstorm. Zhou Shu can still contend and understand the law from it. He regards this as an opportunity, but as the rainstorm gets bigger and bigger, it is more than any waterfall he has seen. When it is going to be fierce, Zhou Shu will understand, it is better not to struggle.

He can withstand ~www.ltnovel.com~ for the time being, but it is impossible to continue to bear it, because the heavy rain will get bigger and bigger, as if there is no limit.

It's not bad to get some insights.

In the heavy rain, Zhou Shu's body was slowly washed away and dissipated with the rain.

At the same time.

Another Zhou Shu also ran into trouble.

Unexpectedly, encountering creatures in this desert with few creatures is not a thing to be thankful for.

A group of monsters shaped like ants surrounded him. These ants seemed to be made of black iron. There was no trace of nature in the whole body. Holes of different sizes in the carapace, twisted joints, rough. Legs with burrs, teeth that are sharp to glow, huge eyeballs never turn...

They are infinitely powerful and extremely sharp.

When the magic arts fall on them, they will be split and scattered. It is hard to imagine, how can a swollen body be as sharp as a knife?

Zhou Shu would naturally analyze it carefully, but as the number of ants increased, Zhou Shu was also cut into pieces when the surroundings were blocked.


The scattered clones all got similar results.

For Zhou Shu, it was not a loss, but he also gained some insights, and it was not a loss.

This world is very dangerous, in other words, very unfriendly to practitioners. Anyone who knows how to think understands that it can only be done by the source.

No wonder this world is so desolate, because the origin of the world does not want to accept practitioners, nor does it want to grow.

This is the choice of the world, no one can interfere.

Zhou Shu gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explore. It was obviously a very irrational behavior to conflict with the origin in this world. Besides, there is no need. Even if there are excellent treasures here, it is impossible to obtain.

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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