Fairy Winner

Chapter 2612: I promise you

meet again.

The familiar volcanic eye brand.

The many alien races who invaded the Xuanhuang world had such a mark. According to Xiangru, behind the mark is a **** who can bestow the divine power of the Dijiang clan, which is comparable to a quasi-sage. He transmits power through his brand. Control the alien race, observe everything around you, do everything.

This time, the brand was imprinted on Yuanyuan.

Compared with the city lord of Xiancheng erasing the origin and the realm master oppressing the origin, this is another step forward, directly stamping on the origin and world as a slave.

Analyzing the situation in conjunction with the outside world, it is obvious that most of the ground herring tribe here have been conscripted away by the god, maybe the group that invaded the Xuanhuang world.

Zhou Shu stared at the brand, very calm, because panic was useless. If the God was behind the brand, he had already seen himself. Not only did he not escape, he even tried to communicate with the brand, trying to know that. What kind of person is the God, and why is it necessary to invade the Xuanhuang Realm?

This has always been a mystery he wants to figure out, and it has a lot to do.

It is a pity that the divine consciousness enters the sea like a clay cow without any echo.

Perhaps the **** hasn’t paid attention to this. It’s not surprising that he kept sculpting imprints, countless, even if he has thousands of eyes, I am afraid that he will not be able to see every imprint, or he has fallen asleep, according to the emperor. According to Jiang, God is asleep most of the time. Of course, it can also be said to be practicing in retreat. This is a realm that Zhou Shu still cannot understand.

"Are you still alive?"

Zhou Shu began to communicate with the original core.

By the way, the origin here is not strong. Judging from the aura layer, it is about the golden immortal level. This is the case in many alien realms, especially the low-grade alien races like the Herring. They are the same as their realms. Can't withstand blows.

Without answering, I didn't even feel any vitality.

As expected, there were many cracks in the core of the source. Except for the one with the imprint, the other places were basically broken. Obviously, it has gone through a lot of struggles, but it has not been able to get rid of the imprint. In the end, it is overwhelmed and it is on the verge of Death, there is no way to save it.

This original core is very desperate, but it still can't resist the strong.

"excuse me."

Zhou Shu raised his hand and included this core of origin into the demon refining world.

It was the first time he did this to extract the source directly, but he knew that if he left the source in the realm, he would die completely and become nothingness in hundreds of years at most. Instead of wasting it for nothing, it would be better before death. Make good use of it.

Old Hu walked over quickly, with a hint of excitement on his face, but was stunned when he saw the mark, "Ah! Is it him again?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It's okay, Xiangru should have a way."

If he deliberately uses this source, he must remove the brand in advance. If he does his hands and feet outside, he will definitely be discovered by the person behind the brand. For example, you will not look around when you are asleep, but you will still wake up if bitten by a big bug. There is no need to worry in the demon refining world. There are similar examples before, and the imprint cannot be used in the demon refining world.

Xiangru came over quickly, looking at the brand, a fire suddenly appeared in his eyes, "It's him!"

He used to indulge in the dream weaving for the Dijiang Clan by the God, but now he understands that it is a bubble that shatters at the touch of a touch, and only disasters are brought to the Dijiang Clan. The God not only used them, but also made them bear them. Raise human hatred.

"Don't rush to retaliate, we may meet him again in the future."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Xiangru, it's not difficult to erase the brand, right?"

"Give me seven days."

Xiangru looked at it carefully for a while, and said firmly, "The origin core has struggled many times, and the brand is not reliable anymore, and now I have supernatural power, which is more than a thousand times stronger than before. I will definitely be able to completely wipe it. Drop."

"Wait first."

Thinking of something, Zhou Shu took out the Kunlun mirror and took a few pictures.

He is not the origin of the world.

The origin of the world is the most unique life in the world. It can exist without relying on anything else. It is chaos before birth, and chaos when you die. It never goes through any reincarnation, and it is useless to take photos. But you can try the imprint on it. .

Sure enough, the mist on the mirror gradually dispersed, revealing a dark shadow.

The triangular black shadow, like a tall giant wearing a full-length cloak, only reveals a pair of eyes. Those eyes are exactly the same as those on the brand, except that the mirror is clearer and deeper. Red threads are entwined together to form Countless concentric circles, layered inside, like black holes, are very mysterious.

Suddenly, his eyes seemed to be looking over here, and the minds of the few people in front of the mirror were shocked, and Xiangru couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Xiangru said in horror, "Is he here?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "No, this is an image of the past."

Soon, the brand appeared on the origin core, and the black shadow quickly dissipated, and dust fell to the ground, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "Is it just a projection..."

Xiangru nodded, "What our people see is also a projection. It is impossible for God to show people in his real body~www.ltnovel.com~ It's okay."

Zhou Shu put away the Kunlun mirror, his expression condensed slightly.

There was not much information, and he couldn't tell who that person was, but it was certain that such a pair of eyes was unique, and if he saw it again, he would never admit his mistake.

What makes him happy is that his law of reincarnation seems to have improved somewhat.

The brand did not give him the feeling of vicissitudes of life, indicating that there was no power of reincarnation in it, but he could still use the Kunlun mirror to recover the past of the brand.

Obviously, it was the benefit that was gained from those magic soldiers.

However, he later tried to photograph other things and did not have the same effect. It may be that the brand was too strong, or there was some special power in it, which attracted the power of reincarnation in the Kunlun mirror and induced the Void Law of the First Life. Tactics.

In any case, progress is great. Zhou Shu is looking forward to the next growth of Law.

He has been pursuing the law of reincarnation for nearly a thousand years, and perhaps the breakthrough will be at a certain moment.

Seven days passed quickly.

The eye of the volcano disappeared without a trace, and perhaps a little bit remained and remained in the demon refining world, but that was not important.

Underneath the disappearing brand, a bleak crystal was revealed. The original source of brilliance is now a pile of burnt out cinders. Mortals would not look at it again. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed from the cinders. The light instantly illuminates the surroundings.

"Help me and my world revenge, I will give you everything!"

The voice full of hatred shocked both Hu Lao and Xiangru. This was the harshest and most decisive voice they could imagine.

"I promise you."

Zhou Shu was very calm. He didn't mind giving promises, "You and I have the same enemy."

The core of the source shook up sharply, and the fragments were scattered all over the place. The crystal lay quietly in the middle, emitting a faint light, and it seemed particularly lonely among the piles of powder.

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