Fairy Winner

Chapter 2614: Bold ideas

"There are traces of her staying in this world, almost a hundred years ago."

Zhou Shufei went out of the air and wind layer and said slowly, "Peace, it seems that Youtan really went to the Yinkui Realm, if the Yinkui Realm is around the Giant Stone Realm."

There was a trace of anger on Ping An's face, "I just want to know when she became so stupid."

The two passed through many realms, and found traces of the saint Youtan in several realms. Judging from the time and direction left by the traces, Youtan went to the giant stone realm.

"It's almost time for us to go."

Zhou Shu still looked indifferent, "Are you ready, safe?"

Ping An is very decisive, "It's this time anyway, I have to go to life and death."

The boulder world.

As its name suggests, this realm is a huge stone. On the realm, you can't see any mud, it's all hard and gray rocks.

This kind of stone is called gray shale. The stone is very **** and brittle. It does not seem to have any other advantages except being hard. It is not a good resource, but the gray shale contains a mineral called green jade. It is a kind of weird jade material with life, only produced here, it has very good value in refining tools, especially magic weapons and magic weapons.

The development and acquisition of green jade mother are concentrated in the hands of Shiju people.

Shijuren are the aboriginal people of the megalithic realm. They dug many caves in the realm and lived in them, so their name is derived from it.

They are not very strong individuals, but as long as they are in the boulder world, they are strong people that no force can ignore. They can make full use of the advantages of boulders and let most opponents return without success. Both the fairy world and the devil world wanted to occupy The boulder world paid a lot for this, but in the end it was not successful.

Passing through a special passage, Zhou Shuhe Pingan landed on the boulder world.

The landing place should be a port, with hexagonal holes everywhere, like a honeycomb.

Soon Shiju people came out to greet them. They were very short, with strong limbs and claw-like palms. Their heads were small, but their eyes were big, and they could shine like a searchlight.

Naturally, Zhou Shu would not go against the Shiju people, and only used fairy jade to open the way, because he knew that the Shiju people were one of the most greedy races.

A pile of celestial jade smashed down, Zhou Shu collected a lot of good-quality green jade mothers, and at the same time learned a piece of news that made Ping An very disturbed and angry.

About a hundred years ago, near the megalithic realm, a Yinkui woman with dozens of golden immortals was intercepted by many Yinkui tribes. In the end, the Yinkui woman escaped in a hurry. It is said that the loss was great and all the golden immortals were killed. Not to mention, he was seriously injured, and even the treasures he carried with him were taken away.

"Youtan, it's definitely her!"

Ping An angrily said, "Why is she so stupid? Bring dozens of golden immortals and dare to **** back to the Anemone Realm? This time even the Utanbula flowers have been snatched away. What should we do? If you don't help, you can add chaos. ,hateful!"

Zhou Shu waited quietly for her to finish venting, "Shiju people should not lie when they see the money open. It seems that Youtan did come and indeed lost...Of course, we still have to go to the Yinkui Realm, which is the difficulty you face. It’s a little older, and I will ask Caiying to help you at that time."

Ping An thought for a while, "No way."

She said solemnly, "Caiying is very powerful, but she is the incarnation of a sword spirit, unable to withstand the unfeeling holy flame that covers the sky, and is the holy flame blessed by the holy things... If something happens to her, you must not hate it. Me? Forget it, I'll do it myself, it's a big deal to run around and drag time."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Alright."

What Ping An said made him feel good, indicating that Ping An has not lost his reason and knows how to consider him. However, since Zhou Shu dared to let Caiying go, he was naturally sure that he would not let Caiying fall into danger. He would let True Soul. Physically protect the surplus, and if necessary, leave the car to protect the handsome.

He said slowly, "Shijuren also said that there is indeed a hidden world nearby, it should be the Yinkui world..."

"No need to look, I already know where it is."

An expression of peace was condensed, "Shall we go now?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Yes."

The two left the boulder world and flew towards the Yinkui world.

Ping An tried his best to keep calm, but the emotions in his heart couldn't hide, and there was anxiety and worry in his eyes unconsciously.

In order to return to the Yinkui realm, she waited for thousands of years. When she really had to face the Yinkui realm, no one could control it. Moreover, for her, this was the most important battle in her life. Winning or losing determined the future. fate.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Peace, how does the Yinkui Realm hide itself?"

"Didn't I say it?"

Ping An is a little impatient, "Because of the holy tower, the holy tower built by the saints of the past, it can continuously emit the evil wind and the evil miasma, forming a special protective cover in the air wind layer, like a thick layer , Swallow all external perception and power, you don’t have to worry about it after you have practiced Yin Kui Ce."

"I'm thinking, can the Santa be controlled?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think thoughtfully, "What if it fills up the entire Yinkui world?"

Ping An thought for a while and said, "It can be done, but it will consume a lot of money. The caster will waste hundreds of years of cultivation. With a disguised personality, she can't do that. She is better than anything else. heart."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "That was before, now she has Utambula~www.ltnovel.com~?"

Ping An’s heart was shaken, and it took a long time before he said, "If the Yinkui Realm is in danger, I am sure she will do that. With Utambula acting as the core of the sacred tower, the evil wind and the evil miasma will increase many times, yes. You and I may both have threats. Although the general Yinkui tribe in the world is difficult to resist and all face death threats, she probably won't consider these."

"I am not afraid of myself, mainly because it affects my control of the puppet."

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "The Yinkui realm has a size of nearly 10 million square meters. If the divine consciousness is disturbed too much, I can't guarantee that I will fully control the puppets, and trouble may occur at that time.

"It's really troublesome, **** Youtan!"

Ping An complained again, "What should we do? Should we think of a way?"

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "I have a bold idea, how about destroying the holy tower in Yinkui Realm first?"

"Destroy the Holy Tower?"

Ping An stared at Zhou Shu for a while, "I... didn't expect you to say that, can the holy tower be destroyed? How can this work?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "If it is ruined, it can be rebuilt. I will help you. If the holy pagoda exists, you and my plan may be frustrated, especially after Zhetian has Utambula, even if I don’t have much confidence. ."

Ping An just shook his head, "Zhou Shu, you don’t understand. The Holy Pagoda is the core of our Yinkui world, and it is also a symbol of the Yinkui clan. Losing it not only means losing the protection of the sky, but also for the Yinkui clan. A big blow, no matter how we fight between the saints, they still regard us as saints, but if the saint tower is destroyed... I can't even imagine that if it is because I let the saint tower collapse, the Yinkui people will still Wouldn't you think of me as their saint? I think it's difficult, so even if I regain the Yinkui realm, I also lose the support of the Yinkui tribe, which is meaningless to me."

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