Fairy Winner

Chapter 2616: Majesty

Yinkui world.

Holy Palace.

It was a gorgeous and exquisite small palace, and words could not describe its beauty.

Every pillar, every brick, is an incomparable work of art, and the whole is built together, instead of reducing the aesthetic feeling due to excessive emphasis, it is more harmonious.

On the jade platform in the middle of the palace, a perfect flower stands.

The flower does not shine, but the surrounding pearls and lights are all lost. The flower has no color, but the gorgeous palace is also eclipsed in front of it.

The flower is like a combination of peony and lotus, with ice muscle and snow bones. It is gorgeous, luxurious, pure and elegant. It is three feet, five inches and six points tall. One point is too little, and one point is too much. The petals are layered, one inch and three points thick. , One more point is fat, one point less is thin.

Everything is perfect.

The branches and leaves are like the finest jade, and the flowers are like phantoms in dreams, or real phantoms.

The huge breath of life on the flower is enough to prove that it is a miracle of heaven and earth creation, but it also makes people deeply feel that such a perfect thing should not appear in this world, it should be a beauty that everyone yearns for. A imaginary miracle, such as a star that can never be touched, a moon in the water that can never be retrieved, but it is indeed right in front of the eyes.

In front of the flowers, stood an elegant and beautiful girl.

It is difficult to find such a perfect woman in the world. Her appearance and posture are very similar to Hua, at least one or two points difference, but it is these two points that make her dejected before the flower, and she can't feel her. That shocking charm.

The girl stared at the flower, a smile appeared on her bright face, a greedy and intoxicated smile.

She sat opposite to the flower, calmed down, as if she merged with the flower.

If you observe carefully, you can find that a wonderful connection has been established between the two. The power in the flower is transmitted to the girl little by little, making the bright girl more radiant, and it seems that she can compete with this flower.

But half an hour, the girl stood up and stretched her waist lazily.


She shook her head. The feeling of fullness in her whole body made her really reluctant to stop, but she had to stop. The corners of her mouth trembled slightly, with hatred and disdain, and she spit out a few words, "Damn Youtan."

Damn it indeed.

A hundred years ago, she personally defeated Utan who wanted to regain the Yinkui realm, and also snatched back the holy thing Utanbula.

She still remembered what the holy thing looked like at that time.

Colorful variegated colors, not pure power, and even a trace of exhaustion. This sacred flower that has been passed down for eternity in the Yinkui realm has only been in the hands of Youtan for a thousand years, and it has become like this, this excellent What did Tan do?

At that moment, she was so angry that she lost her mind, and she really wanted to catch up and kill Youtan.

But she also knew that she couldn't do this, and the series of void storms and the sudden appearance of Shiju also calmed her down, gave up such thoughts, and watched Utan escape without moving.

With resentment, she brought Utambula back to the Yinkui realm.

Returning to the embrace of the mother world, Utambula gradually regained her radiance and her original pure color.

This is not easy. Although Utambula itself can absorb the aura of the Yinkui realm to grow and recover, it can be restored in less than a hundred years. It is the result of Zhetian ordering all Yinkui people to continuously worship the holy artifacts day and night.

——As long as it is the Yinkui clan, they must stop practicing and give everything to the holy thing.

Some members of the Yinkui tribe are willing, some are reluctant, and even opposed.

It is certainly not a good thing to enshrine the cultivation base of the tribesmen in the long-term view. The holy relic is to protect the existence of the anemone world. If in turn, let the tribesmen worship the holy relics at all costs, it will be very harmful to the tribe , Strength cannot be guaranteed, inheritance cannot be continued, and it is difficult to resist against foreign enemies.

But the girl would not listen to them.

Instead of listening, the opponents were either imprisoned or sampled for cultivation, and many died.

After the strict control of the girl, two years ago, the sacred Utambula finally recovered.

The sacred object is glowing with its former appearance, and the girl can't do without it anymore. Every day in the holy palace, she uses the sacred object to improve her cultivation. The progress is extremely rapid and full of satisfaction. The only pity is that the sacred object seems to be limited. You can only stop practicing for half an hour, otherwise you will absorb your own cultivation base in turn.

"It's a pity that the deity cannot be photographed with the holy object, if there is a Utan..."

The girl thought silently, with a little anger in her clear eyes. Among the three saints of the Yinkui realm, the only one who can be in complete harmony with the holy thing without any restriction is Youtan. This is the real reason why she can't kill Youtan. What she wants to do more is to let You Tan completely surrender herself. With the holy relics and You Tan, she can become the real master, not just a mere female emperor, but the first female emperor in the Yinkui world for tens of thousands of years. .

Zhetian Empress.

"Failed a few times, think of a perfect solution."

The girl frowned thoughtfully, should she lay a trap for peace talks, or send someone out directly...

While meditation, a shout came from outside the palace, "Holy Lord!"

"Excuse me when the deity is practicing, you know the result."

The girl's voice became very cold, making people feel like falling into an ice cave. Was this girl made of ice?

As soon as the voice fell, there was a series of crackling noises outside. It was obvious that the guard was fanning his face with great force, and even the air oscillated~www.ltnovel.com~ brought a **** wind.

The girl calmly said, "What happened?"

The guard tried his best to stand firm, and said slowly, "Master, there is a golden immortal who broke into Skynet and came down directly from the middle of the Yinkui realm."

"It's just to disturb, or use trivial things to disturb the deity, what's the crime, you know?"

The girl's voice changed again, with a murderous intent in the cold, like a butcher knife that had been suspended, and the viscous blood was dripping continuously.

The guard panicked, "Holy Lord, no, no, the golden fairy has come down."


The girl was slightly taken aback.

As a hidden world, the Yinkui Realm was often strayed by practitioners, especially after she came to power, more practitioners strayed into it. In recent years, every year, because she kept sending the Yinkui tribe to explore other things. World, some of the location information of Yinkui World has also been leaked.

Of course, she dismissed this kind of thing. No golden immortal could pass through the canopy formed by the holy tower, and Taiyi Daluo would be trapped in the canopy for at least one or two hours when he came over. During this time, the elders would go. Punishment and punishment are also very simple, planting silk or killing. Like Jinxian, no Taiyi Daluo can escape punishment.

By the way, the only one who let her do it herself has become the nourishment of the Yinkui world.

This time, someone broke through the sky, and it was still a golden fairy. Is this possible?

"Are you right?"

The girl walked out of the holy palace, staring at the guards crawling on the ground, and said lightly.

She is not tall and tall, she is a bit small and not enough, she is only four feet tall, but this cannot conceal her charm and majesty.

The guard didn't dare to move. "My Lord, the eleven patrols have seen it, and they won't be wrong."

. m.

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