Fairy Winner

Chapter 2631: Don't fight

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Youtan, put away the holy relic first, don't waste the power inside."

Utan seems to have been taken away by someone's soul, and the whole person stays, and Utan is put away like a puppet.

Zhou Shu nodded, "If you don't use the holy relic, it won't come out."

Youtan was still a little stupid, but Ping An had recovered his mind first, "Zhou Shu, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Shu ignored her, opened his hand, and a strange eight-sided pure color crystal appeared in front of them.

The two women were attracted at once, their eyes fixed on them and reluctant to leave.

They don’t know what it is, but if there is a truly flawless gem in the world, it must be it. It is obviously a pure color but it blooms with colorful psychedelic colors. Every look at it has a different feeling, and it is even more strange. The thing is, there is a very small Utambula flower growing in the middle of the gemstone that is only a few inches, which is no different from the holy thing, perhaps even brighter.

Ping An opened his mouth in surprise, "Is it blocking Utambula?"


Zhou Shu calmly said, "Your holy relic grew out of here."


Youtan couldn't help saying, "Impossible, the holy thing is one of the origins of the Yinkui world, condensed from the chaos, it is the strangest flower in the world..."

She has always been educated by the saints of the past. This idea has been deeply ingrained in her heart, but she stopped halfway through her words, because she also felt that she was really not persuasive, and the facts were in front of her. It was easily resisted by this crystal, and there was an identical Utambula growing in the crystal.

"The holy thing Utambula is an artifact of the Yinkui realm. It is a child of Yuanyuan, but it is not Yuanyuan itself."

Zhou Shu knew this better than them, explaining, “This crystal is part of the source, and the holy thing comes from it, so it is naturally restrained by it. No matter how strong Utambula is, it is impossible to deal with it. It's like a child can't beat a mother."

Ping An was surprised, "Is it the origin?"

Zhou Shu frowned, "Don't just pay attention to the appearance, carefully understand the power in it, you can easily feel it."

The two women were a little guilty and blushed. Indeed, they have been looking at their appearance. Who makes this gem so attractive? No woman can resist this temptation. The same is true for fairies. Not to mention the Yinkui clan, which is naturally flawless. With its beauty, exquisite elegance, shining light, and unparalleled visual enjoyment, it feels like standing in the center of the world with it...just like the self in your imagination.

They put their minds inside the crystal, and soon exclaimed.

"This power is definitely the origin of the Yinkui Realm!"

"Even a bit taller than Utambula. I am pretty sure now that Utambula really came out of it."

There is no need to perceive more, the power inside is completely compatible with them, and there is a feeling of being immersed in the mother's body. They retract their spiritual consciousness, their eyes are on Zhou Shu, and their eyes are full of doubts, "Zhou Shu, how did you get it? Have you always had it?"

"I just got it from the Yinkui world."

Zhou Shu glanced at Ping An, "Because it only took some time and couldn't help you in time, sorry."

Ping An just shook his head and said in disbelief, "Stop talking about it, you got it from the realm? Why did I never feel it? If such a thing is in the realm, the saint can’t be unconscious, even if I don’t, other The saint will also be aware of it."

Youtan followed, "Zhetian has always been in the world, and she has got every Styx lotus, she can't miss this."

"You come with me."

Zhou Shu smiled lightly and flew down quickly.

The two women glanced at each other, and both followed Zhou Shu.

The situation in front of him is completely controlled by Zhou Shu, so he is what he says.

Ping An followed Zhou Shu, and even took Zhou Shu's hand, and said in a low voice, "You Tan, stay away from us."

"Who is rare, you two are so shameless."

A trace of contempt flashed in Youtan's eyes, but he did not go far, but moved closer.

Before long, several people fell on the world.

Ping An was quite delighted, "This is Styx City! My master's city back then!"

Gazing at the gate of Styx City, You Tan said with resentment, "The fame of Saint Styx I, because of the apprentice like you, has lost her reputation, and even worked with Zhetian to deal with me and try to win The holy thing is really shameful!"

Ping An was right for a while, and argued, "I...who told you not to use the holy relics for me."

"I didn't use it for you before?"

Youtan looked at her coldly, "When did I reject you, you are free to come and go in the Utan Sacred Palace. There are never restrictions, but that time you wanted to take it out!"

Ping An glared back, "Does it matter? Zhetian said that he helped me build the Nine Profound Star Formation, saying that as long as I keep the holy relic for one year, the holy relic will be able to support my cultivation in the next hundred years. Is it just not enough for one year? And I won’t be able to use it for a hundred years later. You and Zhetian will have more time."

"You still believe in words that cover the sky?"

Youtan snorted and sneered, "Where is your holy palace? It was ruined by the sky, and now even the safe city is gone. This is the result of your believing her."

Pingyong was stuffed for a while, "I believed her wrong, but you are not much better, if..."

Zhou Shu, who had been watching the two quarrels without a word, suddenly turned around~www.ltnovel.com~Ping, what are you talking about, Jiuxuanxing Formation? "

"Yes, Zhou Shu," Ping An suddenly changed his smile, and said softly, "That is a very strange formation. It is rumored to be able to absorb the power of all things and to maintain a perfect state for a long time. It is rare in the fairy world. I don’t know where Zhetian got it."

"I will."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "If you need it, I can help you arrange it, but it is not a good thing for the holy relic."

Zhou Shu had seen the Nine Profound Star Formation a long time ago. In the Xuanhuang Realm, suddenly there was a natural Nine Profound Star Formation on his body. Most of his extraordinary talents originated from this formation, and Zhou Shu has studied it deeply. Not only the formation, but also the wild patterns. If this formation were not too extreme, he might consider sealing on a puppet or spirit beast.

Ping An doubted, "Ah, isn't it a good thing?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, the rules used by the Nine Profound Star Formation are not weaker than the laws of swallowing. If the holy objects are used as the eyes of the array, the holy objects may be slowly swallowed by the formation. If you really use them, you will probably Become a sinner in the Yinkui world."

After staying in peace for a while, he suddenly cursed, "Zhetian, you are really vicious! I thought you were doing me good, so you were harming me!"

You Tan said coldly, "You are stupid, you don't even know what the Nine Profound Star Formation is."

Ping An gave her a sideways glance, "You know?"

Youtan said indifferently, "I don't know, but I won't believe it, nor will I believe you."


Zhou Shu pointed to the front, "I will be here soon."

Youtan's expression was slightly condensed, "Zhou Shu, what did you bring us to Styx? Besides, you are an outsider, how can you come to our forbidden area?"

Ping An scolded, "You shut up, he is not an outsider, but my messenger."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Okay, stop fighting between you two."

. Wonderful book house

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