Fairy Winner

Chapter 2670: And be saved

Zhou Shu still did not move, and the protective cover in front of him shook quickly.

Because the speed of the vibration is too fast, not only can I not feel the movement, it seems that even the entire shield has disappeared, and Zhou Shu inside has also become transparent.

It’s not like that in sight, even the result of perception is the same. Everyone was shocked for a while, and they couldn’t see too many ways. Only Watson himself could feel the strange waves and ripples spreading out of his creation rules. The force was separated, decomposed, and then disappeared, and he couldn't see clearly what the fluctuating force looked like, it seemed that it contained several kinds of laws, but it was completely different from what he had seen.

Everyone was stunned for a while, but soon there was a cry of exclamation.

They couldn't see this kind of power test, but the result was still obvious. The shield did not break and the dojo returned to normal.

Watson's expression was slightly condensed. He also knew that he really underestimated Yang Rong. By this time, he should have stopped here, but for some reason, the evil fire in his heart could not be suppressed. He looked at him coldly. Zhou Shu, "It seems I really shouldn't keep my hands."

He slowly closed his eyes, planning to use his full strength once.

He hasn’t done this since he was promoted to the Golden Immortal. No, he hasn’t even used the previous 40% of his strength, because most of the time there is no need to make a move. Since he must make a move this time, he needs to prepare. Xu Sheng, no defeat.

While it was brewing, a voice came from the sea of ​​knowledge, "Fellow Daoist is a demon?"

There was a sudden shock in his heart, and he suddenly understood something, he stopped, and there was a big drop of sweat on his forehead.

It turned out to be a demon!

Watson has only now realized why he was so abnormal and did many things different from the past, but how is this possible?

As a disciple of Genting City, with constant elixir and immortal things, and the guidance of a famous teacher, he has never been disturbed by the demons all the way through cultivation. Why did he suddenly come this time? He had never thought before that he would encounter a heart demon. Could it be that he stayed in Jinxian for too long, and this time he failed to find an opportunity, so he could be found by the heart demon. Thinking of this, there are more beads of sweat on his forehead, and no one knows the terrible heart demon better than a practitioner. Once the mind is dominated by the heart demon, no matter how high the talent is, no matter how strong it is, it will be difficult to escape the result of fall. ...

"It's just invaded, there is still some rescue."

Another voice came. Watson looked at Zhou Shu on the opposite side, moving his lips, but didn't say anything.

Zhou Shu also did not continue to transmit the sound. What should be said has already been said. As he expected, Watson was invaded by a heart demon. He made judgments not only from Watson's demeanor and behavior, but when he fought against Watson, The power of the heart and Dao also played a role in a timely manner. The heart and Dao were created by the old man of the heart demon. He felt a similar thing in Watson. It can be seen that Watson's mind is already a little disturbed.

The old man of the heart demon created the heart, but this heart can be used to discover and contain the heart, which is like "darkness gives you eyes, but you use it to find light".

Twenty breaths passed in the silence of the two.

King Mu was the first to step forward, stood between the two, smiled and said, "Thank you for both of you. I don’t want to hurt Chen Liucheng so I didn’t try my best. Both of them are King Mu’s most distinguished guests. Since there is no winner, the two Don't fight anymore, okay?"

Zhou Shu agreed, "Watson Taoist fellow's cultivation base is far above me, and I will definitely lose if I fight under. Thank you for your mercy."

Watson was still a little stupid, and only nodded.

"Master Yang is better."

"Yes, you see Master Yang calmed down, and that Watson's face was sweaty. It's rare for practitioners to sweat."

"That's, what high-level law, it's not as good as Master Yang."

Everyone cheered themselves, but before they shouted twice, they were stopped by Zhou Shu and King Mu, and then they were all invited out of the dojo.

King Mu turned to Watson with a smile, "Your Excellency Watson, don't worry about idlers, I have already prepared a banquet there for you."

Watson didn't even look at King Mu. After a long pause, he suddenly looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes straightened, "How to save?"

"You come tomorrow and we will talk in detail."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Friend Qu Daoist, now you should temporarily suppress it, and it won't get in the way."

King Mu was a little at a loss, but he couldn't even put his mouth in. He didn't understand. The two people were fighting with each other just now. What is the situation now? It seems that Watson still asks Zhou Shu, what is the situation.

Watson settled down, "Well, I will come back tomorrow to ask Daoyou Yang for advice."

He was still ignoring King Mu, turned his head and left the dojo. King Mu's expression changed slightly, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and the guards on the side were about to follow out immediately, "It's too rude, King Mu, I Let's get him back!"

King Mu paused and said lightly, "Forget it."

The guard said anxiously, "How can this be done? The Lord insults the minister to death!"

The guard on the side also followed, "That kid is too rude, no matter what Genting City he is or whatever, he shouldn't ignore King Mu, this is Chen Liucheng in Xuchang Realm! It's our half-dragon place!"

The other guard nodded, "Damn practitioners, they have long said that they are not good people, and it is useless for you to be good to them, King Mu."

King Mu looked slightly, staring at the door for no idea what he was thinking.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Mu Wang doesn’t have to worry about me being here~www.ltnovel.com~ You can do whatever you want, but what I want to say is, Mu Wang, you better not offend him. Good friends."

The guards stared at Zhou Shu together, seeming to have found a new goal.

King Mu looked at Zhou Shu, and he was also puzzled, "Huh? Why did the sir say that, not because he is a disciple of Genting City?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It's a bit related, but not the point. I believe King Mu will not be afraid of Genting City."

"Then what's important?"

As if he had sensed something, King Mu stared at Zhou Shu, with a lot of longing in his eyes, and his expression became solemn, "Please sir to teach me."

He had a hunch that it might be important to figure this out.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I can figure it out tomorrow. If I am sure, I would like to ask King Mu for some help. This will definitely be good for King Mu."

King Mu seemed to realize something, "It was to save that Watson, right?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes."

King Mu glanced around, and several guards around him were still angry. They looked like the chief humiliating the ministers. He felt a headache. After changing his attitude, he could not care about Watson, but these half-dragon guards could not. If it is not handled well, it is easy to cause trouble.

After hesitating for two breaths, he made a decision, "You go back to the Mu Palace first."

The face of the guards changed slightly, but they walked out as per orders.

King Mu sighed and said slowly, "Sir, I hope you are right this time."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "If King Mu wants to further develop the Xuchang world, not only himself, but the people around him should also change."

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