Fairy Winner

Chapter 2679: Remembered

Zhou Shu looked at him, "What are you laughing at?"

Looking straight over, with full sarcasm, "Guaranteed? A golden fairy actually promised me that he shouldn't laugh so loudly?"

Zhou Shu only acted indifferently, "You never believed me when you were in the Xuanhuang Realm, but I did. You can still distrust me now, but if you miss it again this time, you may not have a chance to regret it."

"what did you say?"

Tiandao seemed to be angry, and his voice trembled.

At the same time, several powers of laws that could not be named rushed towards Zhou Shu.

Previously Zhou Shu deliberately stayed, but now he also shot Zhou Shu.

I don't know what law it came from, a sharp and silent strange wave quietly invaded the body, constantly hitting Zhou Shu's mind.

After a short while, the space around Zhou Shu began to warp and vibrate, and the whole figure seemed to be torn into many pieces.

The attack disappeared quickly, and the process only lasted for a few breaths. Zhou Shu stood still without any damage, and all the power of the law was eliminated by him one by one.

This is the world of refining demon.

It is Zhou Shu's home field. Zhou Shu can freely mobilize all the power in the demon refining world, and the law of energy can be easily deployed. As long as the power is not as good as the law of energy, it can be resisted, not to mention those powers are not very strong.

After all, what was here was just a projection of Pu Lao, it was not easy to tear the space to the demon refining world.

As for Caiying, Hu Lao, etc., they were shocked by the force of a certain law at the beginning, and they lost their square inch, otherwise they would not be so embarrassed.

They are not like Zhou Shu, who was a founder. Zhou Shu’s mind was protected by the Taoist furnace. Even if the power of the highest law had to be torn apart, it took a lot of hands and feet. They lost their mind from the beginning. It's hard to block the subsequent attacks, even if it can mobilize the power of the demon world, it won't be used.

But don't worry, Tiandao's shots are more about deterring than killing.

"It seems I misestimated you."

The voice of Heaven came again, with many surprises, and even a little surprise that was hard to feel.

Zhou Shu was very calm, "It's not difficult to bring a Heart Sutra, shouldn't it violate the rules?"

Tiandao said coldly, "What Heart Sutra, is it the kind of mental method used by the disciple Du Jie of the Heyin School? It is called Shu Xin Sutra, right? It is plain, simple and boring, demanding and has no future, and only those Only foolish cultivators are willing to learn."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "This book may be different."

The Shu Xin Sutra he stayed in the Xuanhuang Realm is indeed unremarkable, but it is different now. After hundreds of years of improvement, there are thousands of practitioners' experience. The current Shu Xin Sutra is not only very low-level, You can start practicing in the Qi realm, and you don't need to change your mind all the way to the Tribulation Realm. Of course, there are very few who can do this.

Heaven was silent for a while, "Take me a look."

Zhou Shu agreed, without seeing any actions, and soon appeared in the air one by one golden characters, the total number is over 10,000, one by one floating in the air, like stars, particularly attractive but not dazzling.

He can freely control the Demon Refining Realm, and doing this is like writing in a jade slip, which is not difficult at all.

But Bai Xi, there was a voice, "Compared with the broken book before, it is indeed a lot stronger, and it has some advantages."

Very plain voice, but it seems to be deliberately suppressed, and there is some surprise and excitement in the plain?

This emotional shift could not escape Zhou Shu's perception. He clearly sensed that it was profitable and immediately said in a deep voice, "Does Tiandao have any opinions? Or, what insight did you get from it?"

Tiandao scolded, "Children's graffiti is nothing but a graffiti, what can you think of!"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It is against your heart."

Heaven stagnated for a while, and then said, "Even if you understand something, it's not worth mentioning."

Zhou Shu looked solemnly, and calmed down, "Excuse me, what have you realized?"

He could not be sure of Tiandao Pu Lao’s cultivation base, but what is certain is that it is definitely not just Jinxian, Daluo, etc., he made those guesses before, only because he has too little knowledge, such a strong person can get it from Shu Xinjing Feeling, it shows that there must be something in Shu Xin Jing that can impress him, and understanding this will definitely help his Shu Zhi Dao.

Tiandao said coldly, "It's useless to tell you, you're too far behind."

Zhou Shu frowned, "I wrote the Heart Sutra."

"What's the matter? Ordinary people may also say things that make saints think deeply, but do they really understand the meaning of their words?" Tiandao contemptuously said, "Similarly, you will never understand until you reach the realm. You don't have to worry about it. Think about it now. These are not good for you either."

Zhou Shu settled for a while, "I understand."

What Tiandao said is very reasonable, because he himself was obsessed for a while.

In fact, Zhou Shu also understands that Tao will grow on its own, not to mention the Tao that he created, he must be able to understand it. There was a period of time before that the development of Shu Zhidao surpassed Zhou Shu's own abilities, and only later did he catch up. .

He stopped demanding, and smiled and said, "But, you have benefited from me, shouldn’t you also give me something? I don’t ask too much. Just tell me a little about your usual practice rules or something. ."

Tian Dao couldn't help saying, "This is obviously the Heart Sutra you asked me to pass on, don't you let me read it? You are shameless, you deserve to come from the Xuanhuang World.

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, "What did Dao want me to deliver that day? The message can also be ~www.ltnovel.com~ Tian Dao said coldly, "No need, I won't give you anything, you don't need to Thought about it. "

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "I feel like I am still losing a little bit. Or, can you help me identify something? It's just a talisman."

It seems that it is basically impossible for Tiandao to teach any high-level laws or tactics. He can only retreat and secondly, there are many things that Tiandao cannot see, but some are possible, which Zhou Shu really wants to understand.

Tiandao was rather helpless, "Take it out."

Zhou Shu took out the magic talisman from Watson and threw it into the sky. Fulu flew to the purple crack and stopped moving.

He glanced at it, and then he heard a calm voice, "It turned out to be it? It's not bad that you can get this kind of talisman, but don't use it to people whose realm is higher than yourself, otherwise you don't know how to die."

What he said was the same as Watson said, Zhou Shu seemed to think, "This talisman is divided into strengths and weaknesses according to realm. Even if I am stronger than a Taiyi Jinxian, after using the talisman, it will be affected by the difference in realm. Forced to lose?"

Tiandao said in a deep voice, "Yes, the realm that has been determined by the law cannot be broken by you."

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "That seems to be useless."

Tian Dao snorted and said with disdain, "Zhou Shu, the more you practice, the more you go back! Have you never seen the power of order when you were in the Xuanhuang Realm? What did it do for you at that time, did you forget? Do you want me to remind you?"

Zhou Shu's heart was shocked, and a trace of comprehension came to his heart, "No, I remember it!"

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