Fairy Winner

Chapter 2682: Practice again

"How is it possible to collude? The top ten demon lords do not accept anyone."

"Now it's different. The demons have changed so much over the years. Maybe there is collusion secretly. You beat me, I beat you, and in the end, you can score each other, and they all take advantage."

"How can the Demon Race have such thoughts? As long as the Demon Race is still in power, where can it change?"

"The last time I went to the Xishan Realm of Phosphorescent Demon Lord to give tribute, I heard them say that now the Demon Realm even has practitioners, which is different from before."

"It must be a rumor. The Demon Race and the Immortal Realm have always been mortal enemies. How could it be possible to recruit practitioners? You are enough."

"I heard it clearly."

After hearing the argument between the old man and the young man, Zhou Shu walked away without much interest.

He also does not believe that the demons will accept practitioners. The demons and practitioners are naturally mutually restrained. There is basically no possibility of getting along with each other, unless one side has developed a method for the coexistence of immortal energy and demon energy, or there is a practitioner who can use demons. Qi and magic blood pool to increase cultivation.

In Zhou Shu's cognition, this is impossible.

Caiying came over quietly, "These foreign races are so pitiful, will they just disappear?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I have seen so many circles all the way, these are common things, don't underestimate any race, they won't disappear so easily."

Caiying seemed thoughtful, "Should we help them?"


Zhou Shu said slowly, "Like the previous worlds, we stayed for ten days and left. During this time, you can do whatever you want, but... Frankly speaking, it may be useless. This world has been invaded by demons for several years. Nearly half of the place is contaminated by demon blood and demon qi. Even if there are enough demon crystals, it will take hundreds of thousands of years to recover, and it will consume a lot of resources and manpower...The old man is right, leaving is the best They choose, it's not that they can't go."

Looking at the dark green sky in the distance, Cai Ying said bitterly, "These devil blood and devil qi are terrible!"

Zhou Shu’s eyes are like Pinghu, “This is what the demons rely on for survival, and they are absolutely indispensable. Without demonic blood and demonic energy, the demons may perish, and other races have similar things, even the fairy energy in the fairy world. , There are some races that can’t be touched at all, they will get sick and even die if they encounter them.”

Caiying's eyes widened, "Ah, there is such a thing? There is a problem with Xianqi?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, such as the Seven Jiang tribe, the scale mouse tribe, the Flint tribe, etc., etc., there should be some alien races that I don't know. The heavens are so big, there are so many strange things."

Caiying thought for a while, "That's what I said, but this palace still hates the Demon Race, from the Xuanhuang Realm, and the Demon Race is the most harmful among the heavens. If everyone focuses on dealing with the Demon Race..."

Zhou Shu paused, "I can't do it. It is said in the ancient books that there were 17 quasi-sages in the immortal world who planned to do this. They joined forces to deal with the demons, but instead of succeeding, the immortal world itself was greatly injured. Of course The demon world has lost a lot."

Caiying said in surprise, "This can't be done? The demons are so powerful?"

Zhou Shu said seriously, "It's not just the demons. It is impossible for humans to want such a huge race to disappear."

Caiying thought for a while and said, "What about the saint, the saint should be able to do it?"

Zhou Shu looked at her curiosity in her eyes and smiled, "Yes, if a few saints join forces, it is indeed possible to do it. Assassinate the devil in advance, and then reverse several laws of the heavens, so that most of the demon world The world collapses... but the demons also have demon gods. Even if the saints seize the opportunity, can they really withstand the other's revenge? Think about it, if there are reincarnation demon gods everywhere in the fairy world..."


Caiying paused, as if she understood something.

"There are rules in the heavens, even the saints can't mess around."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "In the age of saints, saints, demon gods, witch gods, and once glorious gods were all in the same heavens. At that time, many things that we did not know might have happened. The big price, in short, the end is that now there is no saint, just like the demon **** and witch **** only occasionally show the saint... When a person's power is strong enough to change the heavens, the best choice may be to leave."

Caiying seemed to realize something, "My palace understands a little bit, as if we left the Xuanhuang Realm?"

"Maybe, but the situation in the Xuanhuang Realm is different."

Zhou Shu touched her head and said spoiledly, "But you think it's useless now, study the sword body well."

Caiying paused and scratched her head blankly, "Speaking of the sword body, my palace feels very upset recently! It's all that Pu Lao, nonsense, Feng Yuan, my palace doesn't know what it is, and Li Aojian The master didn't say what the realm of the sword body is, I don't understand it at all."

Zhou Shu pondered for a while, and said slowly, "Lao Li's practice methods are basically researched by himself. If you choose to learn from him, you have to learn his self-taught ability. If you don't understand, you have to rely on yourself. Think about it, practice more, and you will definitely find a way out. As for Pu Lao, it may be the realm of ancient sword body cultivation. There should be nothing wrong with his realm. His realm will not lie to you and me, but his statement is correct. I don’t know if you are useful, and I don’t make judgments. I will ask him for you in the future, or ask Shushan, but now..."

Zhou Shu looked at her and said seriously, "Palace Master, you just focus on yourself and don't think about anything else."

"I don't want anything else... I got it~www.ltnovel.com~ Caiying thought for a while, then suddenly waved his hand vigorously, as if to shake off the burden in my heart.

Watching her relax, Zhou Shu showed a satisfied smile. She could figure out that it was not easy. Before the change, she would definitely ignore it and only listen to her own opinions. This also shows that she is completely a qualified practitioner. .

Not in vain cultivation.

As if thinking of something, Caiying suddenly said, "Zhou, he also said that it was a mistake to practice the sword physique, and this palace decided to ignore it!"

Zhou Shu smiled indifferently, "It's a good mistake, just look at the result, I believe you and Lao Li..." He added, "Lao Li is the number one sword repairman in the Xuanhuang Realm, and no one else can keep up. As for You, will you be worse with me."

"The palace will go to practice again."

Caiying was very happy, and fluttered away like a butterfly, before it took a few steps, it turned into a sword shadow and disappeared.

In the distance, there were screams, and it seemed that she was looking for a demon to practice sword.

As for Zhou Shu himself, he will not make a move. This time he is going to the Demon Realm. He intends to use his identity as a merchant, so it is not convenient to expose it. As for Caiying and Xiaoshitou, just use them as they enter the Demon Realm. .

Except for the lucky beast clan, practitioners are the best merchants in the heavens, and every clan is indispensable.

Of course there are many in the Demon Realm. Even Wanbaolou's business name has been opened to the Demon Realm. This identity shouldn't be a problem.

(PS: Thank you book friends 20190514224522708 for your support, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)

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