Fairy Winner

Chapter 2684: What do you think

The man and woman walked slowly in the world, and there was always a large group of eyes following behind them, accompanied by quiet discussions.

"Wow, where's the pair of gods and goddesses?"

"Although there are constant practitioners in Xuchang, it is still rare to see such outstanding people."

"These two are very unusual, don't mess with them."

"If you want to talk nonsense, the things in that body are enough to crush us, not even Da Luo Jinxian is afraid."

"It must be from the sect in charge."

The man doesn't care at all, and even a hint of joy. The woman may care, but there are more important things in her heart.

"Junior Sister."

As he walked, the man said solemnly, “It’s not that I said you. The first time I went out, I made so many mistakes in a short period of time. Who are those people, even true immortals, and you call them fellow daoists? And that Yang Rong, you don’t even know whether he is capable, just call Master Yang, is it too much? When you go out, you have to pay attention to your identity."

The woman stared at the front and said lightly, "I see."

"You just got it wrong."

There was a trace of anger on the man's face, "The most important thing is that when you came out, you promised the respected Master that you would listen to me what you do. Why did you bypass me just now and ask others? If you knew this, you would never let you leave. Zongmen."

The woman realized something, "It's my fault, Brother Li."

The man glanced at her, his eyes softened gradually, "Well, I don't blame you, wait for you to listen to me, don't make any more assertions."

The woman avoided the man's gaze and whispered, "Brother, you said that Master Yang...No, where did Yang Rong go?"

The man frowned, "Who knows, a cultivator from a foreign land is not strange and hard to find," he paused, and said to the woman again, "Junior sister, don't report too much hope, I'll be with you early. Having said that, it’s okay to get rid of the shackles of promotion, I'll help you solve it."

The woman lowered her head, "Oh."

The man said in a condensed voice, "Master and others are not willing to help you break through, but I am willing to help you, as long as you have a word, I will ask Elder Zhen to come out and help you. One step, to teach you for a period of time, to ensure that you can break through, why bother to run so far, take the risk and not say, but also..."

As if unable to listen, the woman suddenly raised her head, "Senior Brother Li, don't say anything, you will come out anymore."

The man smiled, and said faintly, "You don't believe that I can invite Elder Zhen?"

The woman shook her head, "I believe in Brother Li, but I want to rely on myself to break through this kind of thing."

The man didn’t realize it, “On your own? It’s not that easy for us. Don’t you know that Brother Qin, who was ranked third on the Immortal Miao list, was promoted by the elder of the sect. You think you are better than him. ?"

"I'm not as good as Brother Qin, but I believe I can."

The woman raised her head, staring into the distance, her eyes firm and surprisingly stubborn.

The man paused and his voice softened, "Okay, if you choose this way, I will also help you. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to get out?"

The woman retracted her gaze and nodded lightly, "Thank you Brother Li, I will repay you."

Seeing the beautiful and cold face of the woman, the man was dumbfounded. Just looking at it, his mind suddenly twitched and he couldn't help but sighed inwardly, "Junior sister, if you didn't come from there, it would be even worse. Well, then you and I can go wherever you want, and do whatever you want, no need to..."

The woman's face changed, "Brother Li, please don't talk about these things outside."

"Uh... the dojo is here."

The man pointed to the front, "This is one of the five dojos, hey, it's still a kendo dojo," a natural disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Swords dojo, haha, I didn’t think Li Zi would enter other people’s kendo dojo. Still in Outland."

"I'm going in."

The woman did not reply, and walked in indifferently.

Li Zi took two steps first, walked in front of the woman, and reprimanded in a deep voice, "I listen to me, do you want me to teach you? Remember, if you break the rules again, I can take you back anytime, think again It's impossible to come out."

The woman palpitated, slowed down and followed Li Zi.

When she came out this time, she not only made a lot of guarantees in front of the teacher’s gate, but also had special supervision. As long as the guardian Li Zi said a word, she would be taken back to the sect, and she would never be able to leave again. Although Zongmen valued her very much, the prerequisite for that value was that she fully followed the rules.

Is there any way to send it under the fence?

The two entered the dojo, which was another sensation.

After a while, Li Zi and the woman walked out, with a trace of contempt on Li Zi's face, "Whenever you see the dojo, anyone in the sect is better than them. There are really no talents in Outland, and you, sister, I heard no, the preacher of this dojo was a little girl in the beginning."

"You may have real skills at a young age."

The woman whispered, but her tone was much more euphemistic, and she no longer confronted directly.


Li Zi couldn't help but laughed wildly, "It's not that I am arrogant, you can hear it, that little girl cultivates the sword body! The sword body is what we have long abandoned, and only talents from the outside world I will practice the sword body as a good thing, ignorant and pitiful, I really don’t know what to say."

As if thinking of something, the corners of the woman's mouth rose slightly.

When she heard the sword body just now, she was inexplicably excited. She hadn’t heard the familiar tactics for a long time. It reminded her of the time in that world. It was short, but very beautiful. Although compared with the current Zongmen It's not worth mentioning ~www.ltnovel.com~ but she just can't forget it.

"you laughed?"

Li Zi looked at the woman in surprise, his gaze stagnated, and then became excited, "Junior sister, this is the first time I saw you smiling, it's so beautiful! It's better to come out, right? Is it boring in the sect? If you want to stay longer, we can also go back later."

The woman quickly reduced her smile and said, "Well, it's okay for the brother to decide."

"Hehe, I have only been out for more than ten years, don't worry, in short, I have to find a way to get you promoted."

Li Zi nodded, his expression was very excited, and he said more, "Junior Sister, what do you think of the sword body?"

The woman whispered, "I don't know, I can't see most of the sword books in the sect, nor can I see the sword."

"Oh, I forgot."

Li Zi thoughtfully said, "Junior sister, don’t be discouraged. Many people still look at you with strange eyes, including Master, but after you are promoted, they only need to do a few things to prove their loyalty. I can accept you. At that time, not only the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but Jianshan will also choose from you. You can take whatever you want to see. Don't worry, I will help you figure out what to do then."

The woman questioned, "What do you do?"

"Of course it is to take a few people to stand up."

Li Zi smiled faintly, with a cold killing intent in his eyes.

The woman stagnated, she seemed to understand something, and nodded indifferently.

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