Fairy Winner

Chapter 2686: Snap your finger

After entering the door, Li Zi was a little surprised.

Compared with the previous dojos, there are far fewer people here, about a dozen, and everyone is staring at them with scorching eyes.

Well, like looking at the eyes of an enemy or opponent.

Li Zi quickly realized that he was already ready.

Obviously, these people knew that they were coming, and deliberately asked most of the practitioners to leave, so as not to cause any trouble. After all, the practitioners in the first few dojos were a little bit angry. At the same time, if Li Zi would encounter any trouble , Most of it is here.

Li Zi smiled faintly, and raised his hand, "Li Zi, ask everyone for advice."

He also changed his opening remarks. Since you are waiting here, then take the initiative and let you see my skills.

Those practitioners were slightly startled. They dismissed the practitioners in advance to avoid conflicts with Li Zi, but they never thought about what they would compare with Li Zi. What did Li Zi do? Challenge the dojo?

Misunderstandings arise, and there is no need for explanation.

The practitioners only delayed for two breaths, and then got up one after another, "How does Li Daoyou plan to ask for advice?"

Li Zi glanced at a few people, everyone's cultivation was in sight, and his knowledge in the formation was also guessed. He calmly said, "You set up the formation, I broke the formation, no matter what the formation, I have no problem, but It’s better to be faster, I don’t have much time, and it’s even better if it’s already set."

"What a big tone!"

"Any array can be broken? Your Excellency is too arrogant."

"Have you learned all the formations?"

"Take our dojo as a soft persimmon."

Everyone was angrily. Although they were all calm people and would not stay here, they were still irritated by Li Zi. Li Zi’s mocking skills had obviously reached a very high level. Of course, Li Zi didn’t think that, just Take it for granted.

Li Zi said calmly, "You guys get started."

He said that he smiled at the woman behind him, "Junior sister, if I don't break it right, you can point it out at any time."

The woman was speechless, she understood a little bit. Li Zi did this not entirely because he wanted to provoke the dojo, but more because he wanted to show the line before him.

Everyone didn't talk nonsense anymore and started to make formations.

The Array Dao dojo has a large space. In order to simulate the influence of various environments on the array method, it includes ten different terrains, such as the void, desert, grassland, sea, etc., just like a small world.

Li Zi took a closer look and nodded secretly.

Although it is a lot worse than my own sect's formation training, it is not bad. Most sects can’t compare with it. It’s very rare to have this kind of dojo in Outer Realm. Most of the sects are good. It can be seen that the master of this world has put a lot of effort in this aspect, and at the same time, he has become more curious about that Yang Rong.

However, curiosity is far less than hatred.

If it weren't for this Yang Rong, Junior Sister would not deliberately travel so far to find, and even refuse his help!

It’s rare that Zongmen doesn’t pay much attention to Junior Sister and is unwilling to teach her too much. She has the opportunity to give charcoal in the snow. This shouldn’t be difficult. Junior Sister’s talent is far above most of the disciples, but she is suppressed by many seniors. You can't even make it on the Immortal Miao ranking. As long as you pull it out by yourself, Junior Sister will be grateful to herself, even... at this critical moment, Junior Sister heard the news of Yang Rong.

It is simply unforgivable.

When he found Yang Rong, no matter whether Yang Rong could help Junior Sister promote to Da Luo, he didn't intend to make Yang Rong feel better. In his opinion, Yang Rong took away what belonged to him. Only he could help Junior Sister. Others Will not work.

Several hours later, someone completed the formation.

He looked at Li Zi with a lot of self-confidence in his eyes, "Please Li Daoyou break the battle."

Li Zi stepped forward, without even a glance at the person.

"Wait a minute."

The presiding Jin Xian suddenly spoke, with a condensed expression, "Friend Li's cultivation base is much higher than the average person. If you want to rely on the cultivation base to break the formation forcibly, no matter how strong the formation is, I am afraid it will be useless, and...this is not a formation way."

"Yes, that's what Zhang Daoyou said."

"I almost ignored it. Is it possible that Fellow Li Daoist intends to break the battle with his strength?"

"In this case, we can't compare."

Everyone suddenly realized, their faces changed slightly, and they looked at Li Zi with suspicion, with a hint of contempt in them.

"You don't have much skills, but you have a lot of thoughts."

Li Zi shook his head slightly and pointed to the well-arranged formation. "The four-pole patrol array has sixty-four formations. Unlike most formations, its formations will continue to move in the formation. It’s a good formation, but the movement of its eyes follows the sixty-four hexagrams of Zhou Tian, ​​and there are only more than three hundred changes in total..."

He glanced at the somewhat sluggish Jinxian, and said indifferently, "I can break the formation without going in."

When he finished speaking, he stretched his fingers and a lifelike little man appeared in front of him.

The villain bowed to Li Zi and ran into the formation. He quickly missed the formation. After twenty breaths, there was a thunderbolt in the formation. Then the villain walked out, stood in front of everyone and raised his hand. , And that formation has disappeared, only some formations are scattered on the ground.

Li Zi said faintly, "You can see clearly that the cultivation base of this sword shadow can't even be compared to a true immortal."

The Jinxian deployed the formation to look at the formation, then at the villain, completely speechless, his entire face turned pale.

The villain quickly dissipated without a trace, and Jin Xian's heart also dissipated, and he only raised his hand to Li Zi, "Tao friends are great, juniors are inferior." After speaking, he walked out frustrated and looked at his appearance. I'm afraid it won't come for a long time.

He left ~www.ltnovel.com~ Many people who were still in the formation stopped, their faces turned gray.

Their formation skills may not be as good as the golden immortal just now, and the quadruple patrol star formation is also one of the most difficult formations that can be learned in the dojo. Even this formation was broken by a single finger. What if they are deployed?

Li Zi looked up, shook his head regretfully, did not speak, only looked back at the woman and smiled.

The woman secretly bit her lower lip and said against her will, "Brother Li's formation is better than them."

Li Zi smiled slightly, "Hehe, a hundred years of hard work is not in vain. Of course, it doesn't take much effort. Talent is talent, not hard work can be replaced. Without talent, no matter how hard it is to succeed."

The words are very light and plain, but the faces of those practitioners are even darker.

Someone couldn't help saying, "Maybe we are not as talented as you, but we may not be better than you in the future. This is what Master Yang said!"

"That is, Master Yang's talent is by no means inferior to you, but he will never say such a thing. He will only teach us how to make better use of our talents."

"Even if you are strong in the formation, it is incomparable with Master Yang."

Li Zi frowned, barely suppressed the anger that was about to come out in his heart, and said faintly, "Then your Master Yang taught you this? A formation that can be broken with a single finger?"


A young man suddenly stood up, holding a formation, "Try this formation!"

(PS: Thank you for your continued support of the fake roller shutter generals, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~)

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