Fairy Winner

Chapter 2689: Into the Devil


In front of me was a swamp-like thing, everywhere you could see a puddle of muddy water, soft and collapsed, and would sink several feet deep if you were not careful.

As soon as he fell on the ground, he immediately sank half of his body, Zhou Shu pulled up quickly, but it took some effort.

Obviously it is not ordinary muddy water, and I can't tell what substance it is. It must have nothing to do with the five elements. There are some strange things in the muddy water that constantly want to drill into the body, like tiny bugs, but also a kind of weird magic. .

What you see and what you get is very uncomfortable.

Zhou Shu couldn’t help but smiled bitterly. Unlike other demons’ realms, Xishan realm can be regarded as a window of the demons to the outside world, but apparently the demons are not ready to welcome guests from all races, or that they have never thought about it this way. If you don't want to come, then go back.

It is not convenient to fly. Except for the few meters close to the ground, the other air is densely covered with magic.

Of course it is not difficult to resist, but as a businessman, it is obviously not a good choice to show strength at all times.

The magic qi is dark green smoke, like thick or light clouds, but compared with the magic qi that Zhou Shu has seen before, the magic qi here has no smell, giving people a very pure feeling, think about it Not surprisingly, the demon qi that I saw before was smelly because it was contaminated with the blood of countless other races, etc., but in the established Demon Realm, this kind of thing would hardly happen.

The Demon Realm is completely different from other realms.

The obvious fact is that most realms of the Demon Race do not have an aura, and this is because most of the Demon Realms do not have an origin core, and naturally they will not protect themselves. The origin core is the basis for the existence of almost all realms, but the Demon Realm On the contrary, as long as there is the core of origin, it is not suitable for the survival of the demons.

Without the original core, there is not much vitality, so flowers and plants, birds, beasts, insects, and fish are very rare, and some only have all kinds of strange monsters.

It must be mentioned that in the real Demon Realm, most of the laws cannot work. This is due to the lack of the origin of the realm, and more of it is subject to some peculiar restrictions. Zhou Shu also does not know it, guessing It may be something like the source of the demon clan, but it is definitely not demon energy and blood.

The laws forbidden by the demon world basically cover all low-level and middle-level laws, such as the five elements, good and evil, devouring, soul, etc., so the demon world has no such things as soul good and evil, but there are a few laws that can be used in The demon world is common, for example, the law of life and death is one of them, and of course the law of the immortal world is also very limited.

In the general demon world, the laws are difficult to run smoothly, and the deeper the world, the stronger the restrictions on the laws. It is said that the unitary mirror world in the center of the demon world, except for the highest law, other laws cannot pass, ah, unity mirror The name Jie, of course, was taken by the practitioners who had been there, saying that there was an ancient transparent mirror outside the Jie that could block everything out.

This kind of enchantment-like weird existence is probably an important reason why the Demon Realm is difficult to be occupied by other realms.

Putting away his thoughts, Zhou Shu continued to walk forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot. When he came to the Demon Realm, he became like a mortal.

As if thinking of something, he slightly used the eighth sense to find a fair passage.

If you use Divine Sense here, you will soon be eroded and perished by Devil Qi. Even if it is Taiyi Daluo Jinxian, it is difficult for Divine Sense to exceed one hundred miles around you, unless your Divine Sense is attached to the power of high-level laws. Inside,-not all demons are like this, Xishan Realm is considered to be a realm closer to the immortal realm, so prevention will naturally be tighter.

Well, before coming here, Zhou Shu inquired that the master of Xishan Realm was a great demon king with the same strength as Demon Lord.

The Great Demon Lord, regarded as a kind of honorific name, is the demon race that is expected to become the Demon Lord.

The three major demon masters of the devil world and the top ten demon lords are facts known to all heavens, but it is by no means to say that the demon world is the only one who is strong. In fact, there are many great demon lords with strength close to or even more than the ten major demon lords. Because of the lack of space, they cannot become Demon Lord or Demon Lord, but as long as there is an opportunity, they will replace others without hesitation.

A cultivator would definitely be a little dangerous in the Xishan realm, but only here can Zhou Shu get more news he wants.

As I walked, there was a string of hoofs behind me.

Looking back, it was a very strange creature, with a length of ten feet and a cow appearance, but with three horns. Except for the head protruding from both sides, there was a long horn on the neck, and a strange looking alien was sitting on the creature. On the body, holding the horn tightly with both hands, sitting very firmly.

The alien race was obviously not a demonic race, and he couldn't feel a trace of demonic energy on his body, but the pair of familiar wings behind him looked like a Yasha.

Zhou Shu didn't have a good impression of the race that had invaded the Xuanhuang Realm, so he glanced at it and ignored it.

The sound of hooves paused beside him.

That Yasha turned sideways, with a kind smile in his triangular eyes, "Brother, went to Xishan Town?"

Zhou Shu froze. He turned out to be speaking the language of the immortal world, and only nodded, "Yes."


Yasha paused.

Zhou Shu nodded again, "How did you know?"

"It's not a businessman, who is a cultivator who will come here, haha," Yasha smiled contentedly, "I am also a businessman, and I often go to the immortal world. Just call me the old man. This is me. The name used in the fairy world."

Zhou Shu gave a gift~www.ltnovel.com~Old De, a good name, my name is Yang Rong. "

"Yang Rong, I seem to be familiar with this name..." Old German touched his forehead and smiled again, "Forget it, haha."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "There are so many people with the same name and surname in the world, and I am not a famous businessman."

"Yes, especially you practitioners in the fairy world have the same name and surname the most," the old man nodded in agreement, subconsciously wanted to pat Zhou Shu's shoulder, suddenly he took his hand back after thinking of something, and said with a dry smile, "you Practitioners don’t like contact and almost forgot."

Zhou Shu didn't deny it or nodded, "Are you going to Xishan Town, too? This is my first time here."

"It can be seen, otherwise you won't have to rely on walking, the road of the demon world is not easy to walk," Old De patted behind him, "Come on, I will take you for a ride, the demon cow can sit a few people."

Zhou Shu didn't refuse, and he went up with a swipe, and said with a smile, "Thank you old man, this thing is called a demon cow?"

Old De nodded again and again, "Yes, it is the best transportation tool in the devil world. Most merchants ride this. If you don't have one, go to Xishan Town to buy one in a while, and there is also a special magic cow bag. Come and raise it, and just get some magic mountain grass and it will last for hundreds of years."

Zhou Shu raised his hand thoughtfully, "Thank you, old man, it seems I have a lot to ask you."

"Hahaha, everyone walks together and walks together, just ask if you have anything."

Old German laughed very happily, and then he grabbed the horns in his hands, and the demon cow suddenly ran forward at a very fast speed.

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