Fairy Winner

Chapter 2692: Blood Pool Demon Cow

After strolling in the ranch for a while, the old cow strode over and looked at Doza and said, "Have you chosen?"

Doza shook his head, "I don't understand it, and I can't see it. Of course, I want you to help us choose the old cow."

"Good to say."

The old cow smiled and walked to an animal pen, "Since there is no shortage of money, why buy a magic cow, it is not better to buy a magic horse! I only bought a polyhorn horse here, which is much taller than the magic cow. It's fast and easy to use, as long as ten immortal jade is sold to you, if the magic jade is sixty!"

A magic horse stands in the animal pen.

Compared with the average horse, it is several times taller, and the whole body is much darker. The original mane has many sharp horns, which is very mighty.

Doza flashed a hint of surprise, and after observing for a long time, he said, "There are many wildebeests, which are rare in the Xishan realm. Compared with the magic cow, the magic horse is faster and more stable, that is, it carries less cargo. Some, but adults won't use it to carry goods...the little ones think it can."

Zhou Shu glanced at it and shook his head, "It's better to be a demon cow."

The old cow retracted his gaze on Zhou Shu, looked at Dozha and shook his head disdainfully, as if to say, I was right.

Doza hurriedly said, "Old Niu, adults have their own considerations, but they are not stingy. The guide fee he gave me was ten times that of others."

The old Niu stagnated, his eyes fell on Zhou Shu again, seeming to be thinking about something.

Zhou Shu didn't care, "Choose the best demon cow for me, and I can give you ten times, one hundred immortal jade."

The old bull's expression changed slightly, and he didn't say anything, but Dozha was stunned and said quickly, "My lord, the best demon bull doesn't need three fairy jade, one hundred is too much... this kind of thing. If someone else learns about it, you will be scolded to death, and the old man and I will have no face in the future to stay in Xishan Town."

"I am a businessman, and the price is worth it."

Zhou Shu waved his hand calmly, his eyes fell into the distance, "Remember, take the best horse."

As if he understood something, Lao Niu took a deep breath, "The best is more than a hundred immortal jade."

Zhou Shu smiled, "No matter how much I can afford, how about a thousand immortal jade?"

"Are you crazy?"

Seeing the two of them, Dozha stood on the side anxious, and didn't dare to say Zhou Shu, but desperately tossed the old cow, "Don't talk nonsense, don't offend the adults! You don't know, there are no guests for many days. I'm still waiting for the fairy..."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "After doing Doza, your guide fee will not be low. If you can buy it this time, I will also give you ten fairy jade intermediary fees."

Doza was stunned, and decided not to speak any more, just to see what the two of them were going to do.

Old New paused, pretending to be calm, "When did you see it?"

Zhou Shu showed a bit of sincerity, "When you caught the cow, I was pretty sure that that was the magic cow I wanted to buy, and the others couldn't be compared."

"How can you as a cultivator understand this... forget it," the old cow said solemnly, "it is not an ordinary demon cow. If you ride out, it will probably cause you trouble, otherwise I won't keep going. where to put it."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Normally, I don't want it. You don't need to worry about other things, just sell me."

"Don't blame me if something goes wrong!"

The old cow stomped heavily, "Come with me!"

Zhou Shu followed behind and walked to the blood pool.

I smelled a scent before I walked there. It was rich but not smelly. Compared with the demon blood pool that Zhou Shu had seen in the Xuanhuang Realm, this blood pool was much calmer, with no boiling bubbles or waves. The slightly thin blood water, you can see a black shadow lying on the bottom of the pool.

"A thousand celestial jade!"

The old cow glanced at the blood pond reluctantly, and stretched out his big hand like a fan in front of Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu waved his sleeves, and the fairy jade rained down on his hand, exactly one thousand, no more, no less.

The old cow counted it, put it in his arms and put it away, and then jumped into the blood pool. Strangely, no blood splashed out. The huge body fell into the water, but it was like a grain of sand falling in. Not surprised.

This is not the ability to dive, Zhou Shu can see clearly, for an instant, his body seems to merge with the blood pool.

Is the bond between the demons and the blood pool?

"Lao Niu, what are you doing?"

Doza looked at this scene in amazement. He didn't know what was going on. No wonder, as an ordinary demon, he couldn't even see the dark shadow at the bottom of the pool.

After a while, the blood pool surged. The waves were several feet high, and a few drops of blood splashed outside. Doza hurriedly avoided, and did not forget to pull Zhou Shu, "Be careful, your lord, this blood pool cannot be touched."

Ordinary demons can only bear the devil qi, and the water in the demon blood pool is too violent, and so are practitioners, of course Zhou Shu doesn't care.

He picked up the blood water, but it looked crystal clear as beads, rolling in his hand, urging a little Shu Zhili, the blood water turned into smoke and dissipated.

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Shu's mouth.

The power in the blood pool was similar to what he had seen before. It was quickly dissipated, but there was a bit of power in it that was very strange, and Shu Zhili, which combined the power of multiple laws, could not disperse it, only the pot was used. The old strength training tactics can barely be obliterated, and the strength training tactics consume more.

You must know that the strength training tactic comes from the power of the law of energy that has not been fully understood.

This shows that a trace of strange power in the blood pool is at least as high as the law of energy.

The only possibility for this kind of power to appear in the blood pool is the power of the demon god, this blood pool has been favored by the demon god.

He read it right.

While thinking about it, the old cow had already walked up, with a demon cow behind him.

"What...what is this?!"

Doza took a few steps back in shock~www.ltnovel.com~ The figure of the demon cow is similar to that of a normal demon cow. It is only dark and full of power with red stripes on the body, the stripes are regular and neat. It is painted, but the texture is deep, and the muscles behind the fur can be seen in the same color.

Generally, the devil cow has three horns, but this one has four. There is also a vertical sharp horn in the middle of the head. The black and red stripes are thick to thin, much like sharpened rebar, sharp. Extremely.

The demon cow is very docile and is one of the easiest monsters to tame, but this demon cow looks very rebellious and aggressive. If it weren't for the old cow to pull his horns hard, he would rush out immediately.

The demon cow seemed to be very dissatisfied with the situation of being caught, lowered his head and pedaled hard with his front hoofs.

The ground seemed to vibrate.

With a muffled sound, two reddish smoke sprayed from the nose of the demon cow. Feeling the pressure, Doza stepped back and said in surprise, "What kind of monster is this? Old cow, let go. Open! If it hits you, it won't stop it!"

"I raised it, I can't stop it?"

The old bull glared at him, grasping the horns with both hands, and pressing them down hard, the bull also stubbornly used force, unable to hold each other for a while.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Pretend it first, don't let other people know that it came from you."


The old cow thought for a while, stretched out a black leather bag, and covered the corner of the demon cow's neck.

The demon cow disappeared in no time, and the old cow fell to the ground and took a few breaths.

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