Fairy Winner

Chapter 2810: Long in a daze

Xiao Su is petite, much smaller than human cultivators, and is far from ordinary demons. Suspended behind Zhou Shu, almost no one noticed. Until then, many demons paid attention. To Xiao Su.

Although she could not perceive much demon energy, it was indeed the demon race, and because of her unique appearance, some high-status demon races quickly recognized.

"So it was her."

"Sir, do you know?"

"The only descendant of Great Demon Xishan, I heard that he is very disobedient, but the Great Demon still loves her very much."

"Of course, it is his heir in the end, it is the guarantee of rebirth, and it is impossible for her to have trouble for herself."

"Unexpectedly, the magic soldier chose her."

The Demon Lord shook his head slightly and backed away. If a practitioner gets it, he will not hesitate to kill someone, but he can only give up if he changes to the Demon Clan, let alone a back-stage Demon Clan.

The Demon Lord took the lead to retreat, and the other Demon Races could only retreat and return to their original positions, only keeping their eyes here, paying attention to the Demon Soldier and Xiao Su.

Zhou Shu smiled and raised his hand, "Congratulations, Xiao Su."

"How can you choose me?"

Xiao Su frowned, "Impossible, I haven't revealed any demon aura. It's you again, right?"

Zhou Shu did not deny, "Thank you so much anyway, you can put it away first."

Xiao Su shook his head in disgust, "I don't want it, and I don't want to put it away."

It’s not difficult to put away, the magic crystal of the demon clan can store a lot of items, but Xiao Su’s magic crystal is very pure, and has hardly been contaminated with demon energy since she was born. She is required to collect this demon-powered Thousand Dark Shield. Magic Crystal, that is absolutely impossible.

"Then I will help you."

Zhou Shu smiled and put the shield into the demon refining world and threw it beside the Red Bull.

Unexpected things happened. The Thousand Dark Shield seemed to be attracted. For example, the iron piece encountered the magnet and flew toward the Red Bull. From bottom to top, it tightly stuck to the abdomen of the Red Bull, bringing the most vulnerable of the Red Bull. Protect the part.

With an extra layer of shield armor, Red Bull was also a little excited, shaking his head there.

At the moment when the two were connected, Zhou Shu clearly felt that the vitality of the shield had disappeared.

To be precise, it is not disappearing, but it merges with the vitality of Red Bull, and the two become a whole.

"It really fits."

Zhou Shu seemed to be thinking, the monsters and the magic soldiers merged with each other. Such a miracle is not seen in the fairy world, but it is certainly not a bad thing. Red Bull's ability should be improved a lot. Think about it, if it can attract a few more Demon soldiers, will they become stronger?

Of course, Zhou Shu didn't forget to take two shots with a Kunlun mirror.

no effect.

It can be seen that the power of reincarnation in the Thousand Dark Shield has been emptied by the Kunlun Mirror, and it may no longer be able to retain memories.

In other words, it is possible to absorb the power of reincarnation only when it is just born, and after the time has passed, the power of reincarnation will be integrated into the magic soldier and exert the effect of reincarnation in the magic soldier, and Kunlun Mirror cannot absorb it. Can only perceive the reincarnation.

After further confirming the guess, Zhou Shu randomly took out a fairy artifact and took a photo with a Kunlun mirror.

The method he used was to recover it in a hundred times.

The mirror surface shook slightly, Zhou Shu also felt the power of reincarnation, and his mind tightened.

Resurrection of a hundred lives is another usage of the reincarnation state. It reflects the various past lives of objects or people in the mirror, regardless of whether the object has the power of reincarnation or not. However, this is only useful after understanding the law of reincarnation.

Zhou Shu had many expectations, but there was nothing in the mirror except the fog.

Sure enough, it is not enough to improve the understanding of the law of reincarnation at present, but what is different from the past is that after Zhou Shu used the law this time, he clearly felt the reaction of Kunlun Mirror, that is to say, he was slightly close to the law of reincarnation. Instead of relying entirely on Kunlun Mirror, this is a good improvement.

Maybe it won’t be long before we will be able to realize the real world recovery.

At that time, borrowing the power of Kunlun Mirror, he can open a brand new world.

As for now, still try to absorb as much power as possible.

In the future, when using the magic formula, it will definitely consume a lot of the power of reincarnation, it is rare to find a place to supplement it, and it is not to be missed.

Xiaosu behind him said, "You have been in a daze for a long time."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Why do you always pay attention to me."

"Then I'll go. Anyway, I'm not interested in the magic soldier and the magic soldier pool at all. I have time to think about how to make money." Xiao Su turned around, his wings almost touched Zhou Shu, bringing out a burst of light. wind.

"Don't, don't," Zhou Shu hurriedly stopped, "You are here, I have something to ask you, I won't be in a daze."

Xiao Su Li stopped, with a trace of pride.

Zhou Shu nodded, as if to understand something, "Do you want to talk to me, do you want to learn about the immortal world through me, or to learn from me?"


Xiao Su is very calm, "You are interested in all the information of the demons, but I am on the contrary. I am interested in everything in the fairy world. I stay in the Xishan Town Tavern, just to learn more about the race, especially your practice. The...I will definitely go to the fairy world in the future."

Zhou Shu smiled, "I paid a price for getting information from you. What price are you going to pay for getting information from me?"

Xiao Su's mouth tightened, as if he was making a decision. Just when he was ready to speak, Zhou Shu spoke first, "Just talk, I don't need any price, what do you want to know, I will tell you~ www.ltnovel.com~ But one thing, when I am thinking, try not to disturb me."


Xiao Su raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhou Shu angrily, but soon lowered his head and lowered his eyes, "Fine."

Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, "You must be planning to become a cultivator in the future, right?"

"of course."

Xiao Su raised his head, his eyes firm, "I am not a demon, I am a practitioner."

"I don't know how your obsession came into being..." Zhou Shu paused, "It doesn't matter. Since you want to be a practitioner, you have to recognize that you are a practitioner from your heart."

"I know this. I have asked many people. The most important thing for a practitioner is the heart, and I will definitely hold it."

Xiao Su answered very seriously, with a stubborn light in his eyes.

Zhou Shu nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, appearance is not important. Even if you are a qualified practitioner who understands and guards your heart, not many immortal realms can do this, Xiao Su, I believe you can You can do it, but some of your habits have to be changed. You have to make yourself like a cultivator. It's not enough to just keep your body away from the devil energy and blood, and not to practice the magic power."

Xiao Su wondered, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "It's hard to tell. I will show you a few books on the Great Dao of the Immortal Realm. If you don't understand, you can ask me, but there is one point to explain. If you can accept it, you can accept it. If you can’t accept it, you don’t have to change it forcibly to avoid problems.”

"Then I will try."

Xiao Su seemed thoughtful, "Actually, I have read some books in the fairy world, but I don't quite understand it. If you are willing to help me out, thank you."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, took out a few books and handed them to her.

Righteous Qi Songs, On Gods, and Heavenly Questions, are all great classics, which contain laws that are not in the devil world, the law of good and evil, the law of soul, the law of the five elements, etc. Can Xiao Su who has never left the devil really understand anything?

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