Fairy Winner

Chapter 2813: One more time

Zhou Shu closed his eyes slightly, as if meditating leisurely.

At the moment when Cai Gang appeared, the divine consciousness he placed on Cai Gang returned, showing one by one what Cai Gang did in the Demon Blood Pond.

There was indeed a demon corpse in the demon pool, a demon corpse transformed into a golden fairy.

I don't know where Cai Gang got the news. He came to Xishan Realm specifically for this demon corpse.

This demon corpse is very powerful. The average Daluo Jinxian is not an opponent at all, but it is different for the disciples of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. As long as the obsession in the demon corpse is wiped out, or it can be liberated, you can use your own Soulcraft takes possession of the corpse, turning the corpse into its own corpse.

Of course this is also difficult. It took Cai Gang nearly five hours to subdue this demon corpse.

Zhou Shu didn't have much interest in the devil corpse, but he accidentally discovered something during the battle between Cai Gang and the devil corpse.

The demon corpse has a strong power of reincarnation!

This should have been self-absorbed by the devil corpse after sinking in the demon weapon pool for many years. The devil corpse had no idea how to use it. For Zhou Shu, this was an opportunity not to be missed.

To some extent, this demon corpse is like a combination of a demon soldier and a cultivator. What impact did the reincarnation have on him, what Kunlun mirror can get, and what insights can Zhou Shu get from it? It is Zhou Shu. Something to look forward to.

Determined to capture the devil's corpse, Zhou Shu began to make arrangements.

He seemed to be meditating, but in fact he was also paying attention to the battle over the Demon Pool.

The return of God's mind does not mean that he cannot see it, nor does it mean that he cannot influence the situation of the battle.

The soul concealment was not only placed on Cai Gang. When he left the magic weapon pool, in order to understand the situation of the magic weapon pool, Zhou Shu released the soul concealment technique on at least ten demon guards, and also buried the gods. Read, so as to be able to release all kinds of spiritual skills at any time.

I have to say that Cai Gang's true soul body is very strong, blocking the offensive of the three demon kings, has not been seriously injured, and is still trying to escape.

Obviously, this true soul body uses a lot of top-quality materials, its body is tough, its soul is solid, and it can resist the sixth-grade immortal artifacts, and it also turns into nothingness at any time.

But it’s hard to escape. The demon king who has never taken action is concentrating on using his demon blood to coagulate the sky. That is one of the best ways to deal with practitioners. It won’t be long before the entire demon pool is filled with richness. The demon blood and devil qi of the cultivator are flooded, and the cultivator's ability will be greatly reduced, and the true soul body will not be able to display its strength. This is also true for Zhou Shu.

Similar to a domain, but the effect is better, but it takes a little longer for the demon lord, if it is the demon lord, it can be achieved instantly.

Cai Gang noticed the crisis, and kept attacking the demon lord, but he was besieged too tightly and couldn't find a chance.

Appearing to be anxious, there was an explosion in the true soul body, and the whole right arm broke apart, turning into a golden light, rushing towards the demon king.

The castration was extremely fast and the strength was great, and none of the demon kings came to intercept.

Seeing that the light was about to hit the demon who cast the spell, the two guards around the demon suddenly stood up and stood in front of the light.

Pop, pop!

The two guards broke apart one after another, but Jiguang's power was greatly reduced, and the Demon Lord easily escaped.

"Damn, this guy can even guard against demons. Could it be that he is the Great Demon Lord?"

Cai Gang couldn't help but screamed, abandoning part of his body in great pain, hoping to escape the crisis, but failed. As for the demon, it is the demon means that the great demon king and the demon can hope to master. The demons of their own low ranks, let them do anything, and they will naturally be among them.

Seeing the demon blood and demon qi slowly filled the demon army pool, and his heart was upset for a while, most of the true soul body could not be kept.

Although the true soul body can be practiced again, thinking of those precious materials, I feel hatred in my heart.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Shu asked knowingly that he used spirit magic to control the two demon guards.

Cai Gang gave him an angry look, "It's okay."

Zhou Shu stood up slowly and said slowly, "Brother, can you let me see the demon corpse?"

The demon blood coagulation over there has been successful, Cai Gang's true soul body will definitely be trapped and fall into a crisis, and Cai Gang's avatar lacks skills and can hardly take care of both sides. This is a good time for Zhou Shu to take action. He is not worried that he will not be able to beat it. , But wanted to make Cai Gang and the true soul body unable to hold, both sides must win, otherwise let Cai Gang use the swap again, he would not get the devil corpse.

By the way, Zhou Shu didn't feel any guilt when dealing with Ten Thousand Soul Sect.

He has already helped Ten Thousand Soul Sect find a lot of enemies, so he doesn't mind to do it again.

And a Xiangni thinking that has never existed, there should be no future troubles.

"what did you say?"

Cai Gang became vigilant and said in a deep voice, "Do you want the demon corpse too? Hum, I remind you, the demon corpse of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal is not something you can touch. If you want to move your mind, I will immediately If I can kill you, even if you are a core disciple, I won't keep my hand."

"I just want to see it, brother."

Zhou Shu was very sincere, "Who doesn't want to look at the demon corpse that Hunyuan Jinxian has turned into."

Cai Gang sneered unconsciously, "Junior Brother Xiang, you are really an outstanding disciple of the Ten Thousand Souls Sect. You have perfectly inherited the characteristics of the Ten Thousand Souls Sect. You are greedy and ruthless. If you haven't learned anything, you have learned how to deal with your own people. , Ha ha, you think there is something wrong with my true soul body over there, you can take advantage of it, right? I really don’t know where you have the courage, a golden immortal, even if the soul art is good, can enter my soul silk cloud , It's just rubbish."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly and raised his hand.

With a few slaps, a few azure blue thunder lights fell from the sky, falling above Zhou Shu~www.ltnovel.com~ The heavy soul silk barrier surrounding Zhou Shu was instantly dissipated by the thunder light, and to be exact, completely disappeared. No traces are seen.

Those few thunders even penetrated through the heavy demon energy. The clear holes in the demon energy were extremely clear, the sky became clear, and there were traces of thunder light everywhere, and the lightning flashed everywhere. move.


Seeing Zhou Shu standing in the thunder light, Cai Gang's figure was shocked, "The law of thunder, no wonder you dare to come to the devil world."

"It's still far behind the senior brother."

Zhou Shu looked indifferent, and suddenly there were two brilliant thunder lights on the palm of his hand, like a solid whirlpool.

The brilliant electric light reflected all the fields brightly, but Cai Gang on the opposite side looked so small.

The Law of Thunder, one of the few laws that can be used in the Demon Realm, even the devilish energy is restrained by the Thunder, and it is best to use it in the Demon Realm.

"You are very smart. You know how to use the environment. No wonder you dare to do something with me here, but you are too naive. Can the difference in realm be erased by the power of thunder?!"

Cai Gang's expression became solemn, and he already regarded Zhou Shu as an opponent that must be taken seriously. The true soul body over there was temporarily ignored, and a strange six-sided sledgehammer was suddenly raised in his hand, and the hammer was covered with a thick layer. With thick red light, the head of the hammer is a grimace, with fluff around it, like a living thing.

The right hand shook slightly, and a huge celestial force dispersed, washing away the devil energy around.

"Seven-Rank Immortal Tool?"


Cai Gang smiled contemptuously, and the Ghost Hammer shot out and approached Zhou Shufei.

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