Fairy Winner

Chapter 2816: Don't come over


Cai Gang was stunned, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It's nothing, show me that Zhang Yujian, brother."

Cai Gang paused, "It's gone. It's just a broken jade slip that records some of the Kunlun past. It is not a secret code of law. It caused me to kill a lot of people in vain. They were destroyed after reading it. I wrote down some information. If it weren’t for the situation of Xishan Realm, I wouldn’t remember it.”

Seeing his expression, Zhou Shu nodded, but he was quite regretful in his heart.

Duoduo is a famous power in the Xuanhuang world. He was once the elder of Hengshan. He joined Kunlun after Hengshan withered. He is also a master of two schools. Zhou Shu also learned from the scroll left by him that the broken root thunder sword is used to deal with Kunlun. Special tactics...

As if thinking of something, he said solemnly, "Then, this demon corpse is Duduo?"

Cai Gang shook his head, "How do I know this? I just started with it, and I don't know anything, but this demon corpse is very strong, but I don't know if he used Kunlun tactics. I have never seen Kunlun tactics. Few people know where Kunlun is now, or even if it still exists."

Zhou Shu looked at the devil's corpse, and could not perceive much except the devil qi.

Cai Gang looked at Zhou Shu and said cautiously, "Junior Brother Xiang, I have already answered the question. You have also taken the devil's corpse. May I leave?"

He knew that he was not Zhou Shu’s opponent at all, so he had to bear it. This guy called Xiang Nisi was as scary as the young monsters in the door. Alas, the big sect disciples were not good at this point. There were always a few in the door. A genius who has crossed the realm, even if other people's cultivation is high in front of them, it is not a big deal. Others will not be able to catch up unless they encounter some great opportunities, but they have just been taken away from them.

Thinking of this, there was a burst of hatred in my heart, and the killing intent was about to spread.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Senior brother, don't worry, I have another question."

Cai Gang suppressed his anger and swallowed, "Junior, you said."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Brother has a lot of knowledge, I want to ask, besides Qi Sansi in our Ten Thousand Soul Sect, how many worthy geniuses are there? In addition to the Soul Dao, what principles have they practiced, and what are their weaknesses. Or is there any way to deal with them?"

Cai Gang was stunned, "Could it be that you...you are really vicious."

Zhou Shu squinted and smiled, very kind, "Brother blamed me wrong, I'm just curious."

Cai Gang’s smile looked very gloomy. He felt tight and thought for a while, “How can I know what weaknesses they have, but I have also heard some rumors, such as Lu Yimin, who practiced The law of destruction, he likes female cultivators, especially the female cultivators in the realm of Sanxian, and Bao Jinliang. I heard that he practices the law of faith..."

Zhou Shu wrote down one by one, and said in a deep voice, "Is there only these?"

Cai Gang was stagnant and quickly said, "Junior, all I know is this. You know, they all know how to keep their secrets. These are still passed on when they took part in the competition. Many others will not. know."

"Okay, then you go."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and looked indifferent. He didn't want to know the situation of the geniuses of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. He just wanted to make Cai Gang believe that he was a disciple of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. At the same time, he also wanted to learn about the situation of the Blue Sparrow. Qingque hadn't entered this rank yet, but he couldn't directly ask Cai Gang about Qingque, which was completely exposed.

"Thank you brother."

Cai Gang felt relieved and stepped back slowly, always facing Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu looked at him with a faint smile, "By the way, brother, you wouldn't tell anyone, I took your demon corpse, right?"

"Of course not, this is not a good thing, I'm afraid you will talk about it everywhere, Junior Brother."

Cai Gang nodded hurriedly, seeing that the distance was enough, and immediately turned and left, but the hatred in his heart grew more and more, just now, his true soul body completely collapsed in the blood of the sky, how could it be such a coincidence!

The true soul body that had been lost for thousands of years, plus the demon corpse of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and the best immortal weapon, this time I lost a lot.

I will never let you go, Xiang Nisi.

Cai Gang secretly cursed Zhou Shu, and soon disappeared.

Zhou Shu clearly perceives this hatred, but he does not intend to cut the grass and remove the roots. Cai Gang is not going to die. In fact, after the Yinkui Realm and his party, he is also changing his mentality and retributing endlessly. There is no need to be afraid of revenge. Just fight it again, and besides, he will only get stronger and stronger. As long as he keeps improving, no previous enemies can pose a threat to him.

Back on the road, quietly changed his appearance, and brought the demon corpse into the world of refining demon by the way.

Hu Lao and Caiying were arguing around the ghost hammer. Seeing Zhou Shu approaching, Caiying immediately said, "Zhou, my palace feels that this immortal tool is extraordinary!"

Old Hu also nodded, "There is a very strange power, but I can't tell what it is."

"It should be the power of cause and effect."

Zhou Shu looked at the ghost hammer, seemingly thoughtful.

Old Hu was stunned, "Causal power?"

"I guess so," Zhou Shu nodded, "Its rank is very high, and when facing its attack, it gives me a feeling that I cannot escape and must face it. If it is determined to be the power of law, it may be There is nothing else about cause and effect, only cause and effect cannot escape."

Although he only fought Ghost Head Hammer once, the feeling was so special~www.ltnovel.com~ it was hard not to think so.

Old Hu fell into deep thoughts, but Caiying frowned and muttered, "Cause and effect, cause and effect..."

"It's better to try."

Zhou Shu picked up the ghost hammer and said, "Caiying, you shoot out your sword at me and then run away. Old Hu, you try to protect Caiying."

"Try it!"

Caiying was not long-winded, she pierced directly with a sword, Jian Guangsenhan, the sword intent turned on Zhou Shu's body, then walked back, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Shu stood still, just perceiving the ghost head hammer in his hand, and injected a little celestial power. The ghost head came back to life. It trembled and wanted to break free from Zhou Shu's hand. Zhou Shu held it for a while until Caiying was no longer visible, and then he let go.

The Guitou Hammer slid into the ground at a very fast speed, and saw a pothole continuously extending downwards. Zhou Shu was shocked and hurriedly followed.

Everything in the demon refining world was in his perception. He naturally felt that Caiying had already escaped deep into the ground with the help of the old man, while the ghost hammer, a fairy tool, could also perceive it, really strange. .

After a while, Ghost Hammer caught up with Caiying.

Caiying was wrapped in a layer of white smoke, and her face was also pale, "Okay, this palace knows that you are great, don't come over, don't come over!"

Guitouhammer would naturally not listen to persuasion, the light flashed, and it had fallen on Caiying.


Caiying Huarong faded, almost forgot to resist, only the white smoke wrapped around it, quickly enclosing it.


Zhou Shu appeared in front of her, clutching the Guitou hammer with both hands, and stalemate for a while before stopping the Guitou hammer.

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