Fairy Winner

Chapter 2819: Hazy moon

Before long, Zhou Shu came out of the secret realm.

The Soul Art of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect is very strong, and it is easy to manipulate the corpse with the help of Soul Art, and it will not take a long time to become familiar with it. As for how to use the real power of the corpse, it depends on the future use, and it is meaningless to look at it more.

In the valley, the real Chongyang person is slowly pacing.

He looks very haggard, but he can move freely, indicating that he is recovering well.

Zhou Shu took a few steps and raised his hand, "Chongyang real person, is it accustomed to live here?"

"Friend Zhou, you are here."

Seeing Zhou Shu, the real Chongyang person came over quickly and said with a smile, "It's very good here. I would like to thank my fellow Daoist for saving my life. It will be good to call me a fellow Daoist Chongyang in the future. I really can't be regarded as a real person, that's a disciple in the door. They barked."


Zhou Shu said calmly, "Friends, do you want to ask about Qilin's blood?"

Madam Chongyang's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly, "Exactly, if there is a problem with that drop of blood, the old man may be able to help."

Zhou Shu nodded and told the whereabouts of Qilin's blood a little bit. He didn't need to conceal too much. This was in the demon refining world. The destiny of Chongyang was in his hands, and he also felt that Chongyang could help.

"On Daoyou Yang, and she doesn't know whereabouts."

The real person on Chongyang showed a little hesitation, and suddenly said, "The old man can help find it."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "How to find?"

Real Chongyang said seriously, "The blood of a unicorn has followed me for many years. The old man thinks about it day and night. The old man is convinced that as long as he is in the same realm with it, he can quickly perceive where it is."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "If you are in the Demon Realm? Or if you are imprisoned by the formation of the big sect, are you sure?"

Although it is related to Yangmei, he is very calm and will not be overjoyed because of the words of the real person on Chongyang Ninth Festival. He knows very well that looking for Yangmei is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

Real Chongyang froze for a while, thought for a while, and shook his head with difficulty, "I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Zhou Shu didn't hit him too much, "But you have a good idea. Fellow Daoists, you can think more deeply. Since you know the characteristics of Qilin's blood, you can refine some charms or magic weapons that can detect it. It works."

The Chongyang real person's expression was slightly condensed, and he muttered, "I can try.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "Do you think it is friendly? You can tell me any suggestions or results. Like you, I also want to find the blood of the unicorn."

Saying goodbye to the real person, Zhou Shu left the demon refining world.

In the thick fog in the distance, a small figure was flying fast against the ground, and the wings behind him kept moving, making a sound similar to thunder and lightning.

Zhou Shu argued for the direction and appeared in front of her soon.

Xiao Su stopped, with some anxiety on his face, "You... it's almost two days, I thought you were dead."

"Not dead yet."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Go back to town, what's the situation now?"

"That practitioner, Cai Gang is dead."

Xiao Su was quite solemn, "The demons all say so, and I think it may be, he has never come out, and he never thought that the guards in Qishan Town were so powerful. Last time Cai Gang could escape, he died this time. , I heard that the capital of the corpse did not stay.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Are you reminding me?"

Xiao Su shook his head and said seriously, "I'm afraid you are dead and can't take me out."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Now that Cai Gang is dead, the Demon Soldier Pool should also be opened, so we will go and see it again."

Xiao Su glanced at him, "You can, don't behave like Cai Gang."

Zhou Shu's face was indifferent, "No, I don't need it, just watch it and leave."

In the Kunlun Mirror, he saw some changes after Dodor became a demon corpse, and he had a preliminary understanding of the power of reincarnation in the demon pool. He has already gained something, and he does not need to venture into this demon pool. Besides, he does not expect to get everything in the Xishan realm. There are too many demons here and it is too lively. It is not conducive to his understanding of the law. If he really wants to get anything, he must go to a quiet and unmanned world, a time-honored demons. The pool of soldiers or the pool of demon blood, where I felt for decades.

Xiao Su looked at him suspiciously, and thought for a while without speaking.

The Demon Pool has returned to normal, and the mood of the demons is still high, but Zhou Shu encountered some troubles when he entered, and fortunately Xiao Su came forward.

After staying for almost forty days, I witnessed the birth of eleven magic soldiers.

It's a pity that there is no way to get another piece of equipment for Red Bull, and Zhou Shu can only go angrily.

"Where to go?"

"Moonlight Town."

"For those prisoners?"


Red Bull galloped on the road, Zhou Shu was very comfortable lying on his back, Xiao Su Fei was around, chatting with Zhou Shu, and also understanding the style and personality of the immortal world.

Yuese Town is probably the most beautiful town in Xishan.

I don't know if it is due to the thin demon energy or other reasons, the fog here is pale yellow, like moonlight.

No matter day or night, this hazy moonlight always envelopes the town, giving people a feeling of peace and tranquility.

However, it’s not peaceful and peaceful here. Moonlight Town is actually a prison in the Xishan realm. Almost all the other races caught are held here. Well, there are no Mozu prisoners, Mozu crimes. Either you owe your life to continue to live, or you die.

"Trouble you, Xiao Su, I won't go in."

"Got it, wow."

Xiao Su flew in without touching the ground, while Zhou Shu separated a few strands of spiritual knowledge and hid them on her body.


The guard saw Xiaosu~www.ltnovel.com~ and immediately warned loudly, but after a few closer glances, he was stunned, "My lord... why are you here?"

Xiao Su said dissatisfied, "Can't I come? I sent in several people here."

The guard hurriedly said, "I understand, the adult has caught the prisoner again?"

Xiao Su said coldly, "No, I'll go in and take a look, and find some suitable demon slaves by the way."

"My lord is here to find the demon slave. Please wait a moment. I will report to Lord Sway."

The guard saluted and went in a hurry. After a while, a demon with an unusually tall figure came over and saw Xiao Su, his blue-black face immediately put on a smile, "It's you, Xiao Su , You haven't returned to Dark River Town for a long time."

Xiao Su still looked cold, "Swee, I want to see if there is a demon slave suitable for me."

Swee grinned, revealing a black fang, "No problem, but you know the rules, you can do everything else, but the practitioner can't take it away."

"Take it or not."

Little Su paused, "I'll take a look first, all the prisoners must watch."

Swee seemed thoughtful, "Xiao Su, you never liked demonic energy and blood, why did you think of looking for a demon slave?"

Xiao Su snorted coldly, "I have a way, I can turn others into demon slaves without being infected with devilish energy... Just leave it alone."

"There is such a thing?"

Swee burst into laughter, "Xiaosu, aren't you talking nonsense? Then let me see and see, if you can do it, I will choose the people here."

"you said."

Xiao Su didn't look at him, and strode into the town.

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