Fairy Winner

Chapter 2821: Collect talent

Away from Moonlight Town, Xiao Su stopped with a group of people and walked not far away alone.

Zhou Shu appeared and stopped beside her with a smile of satisfaction.

Xiao Su was cold, "I did what you said, I just don't understand, what do you want so many people to do, I think you can find two or three people at most, and... these are mostly not immortal cultivators. , Do you really want to get some slaves?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "What I want a slave to do, I don't have to let you take a risk if I want a slave."

"I do not understand."

Xiao Su looked at those former prisoners in shackles in the distance, "Then what are you going to do?"

Zhou Shu pointed to two round heads and round brains, "Look, those two are round puppets, that is, they are all round. They look like they are made of many parts. They are born masters. Wisdom is quite high, and they are also very good at puppets. Look at the tall and thin one with four hands and two feet, and four joints on both hands and feet. This is the bamboo joint tribe. They are very good at planting. The output of ordinary Linggu upgrades has greatly increased. Looking at the fish head human body, they are not murlocs, but fish repairers. They are the nemesis of murlocs. No one can compare with them in terms of fishing. ..."

After listening to Xiao Su patiently, looking at Zhou Shu's slightly excited face, he seemed to understand something, "Are you collecting talents in various fields?"

Zhou Shu smiled first, "Smart."

Xiao Su is still dissatisfied, "What do you want talents to do, build a city? Can't you find other places, you have to come to the prison of the demon?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "These talents are very rare. If I go to other worlds to find them, most of them will not leave their homes. If I want them, I need to persuade them and even use force to rob them. How troublesome it is now. I did these things for me, and I just rescued them directly. Not only does it save trouble, but it also gains their favor. They will really help me because I helped them, isn't it?"

"You are really cunning."

Xiao Su stagnated, "I have nothing to say."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Actually, I didn't come here specially. Who asked you to find such detailed information? I just saw them, and I always felt like I couldn't bear to miss it, so please help me."

Xiao Su thought for a while and said, "But how are you going to take them away, there are so many people now?"

"This is not difficult."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "You bring the people I said here to solve them, I will take them away one by one."

Xiao Su brought all the people over with suspicion, and saw Zhou Shu giving a speech, and then those people thanked Zhou Shu one by one, and then a door of white smoke appeared in front of Zhou Shu. The smoke was full of smoke, and it was quite immortal. I mean, those people walked into the gate, and disappeared one by one... She looked a little bit stunned, "You... have the Immortal Dongtian Artifact, no, it’s impossible to use Immortal Dongtian Artifacts in the Devil Realm. If you can, I I have long thought of a way to leave..."

The Dafan Dongtian Immortal Tool borrows the space in the Immortal Realm, which is naturally restricted in the Devil Realm and cannot be used freely.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It's not the Immortal Immortal Tool...I don't have to hide it from you until now."

He looked at Xiao Su and smiled, "You go in and try? It will be a little obstructive, but try not to resist."

Xiao Su hesitated, "Try it, as long as I can leave the demon world, I am not afraid."

Soon, she walked into the gate, and after a while, she walked out of the gate, with many doubts on her face, "Where is that, immortal world? But why didn't I see those people just now."

That gate was naturally the temporary gate opened by Zhou Shu for the demon world.

These talents from all races are prepared for the demon refining world and their own world. They are of great use. The demon refining world is large enough to accommodate different races. These outstanding talents should not be missed when they encounter them. They are the first batch of the demon refining world. Immigrate.

And the door Xiao Su entered was a special secret place specially prepared for Xiao Su.

She couldn't perceive the existence of the demon refining world and other people there.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't ask where it is, I can only say that you are safe there and will not be noticed by anyone."

Xiao Su understood at once, "You plan to use this to take me out of the demon world. In other words, there is no need for things like buying and selling commodities to destroy the demon blood pond to spy on intelligence?"


Zhou Shu was very calm.

"You lied to me!"

Xiao Su glared at Zhou Shu, and suddenly became angry, "I thought you were going to take a great risk or even die for helping me, so I kept listening to you and did so many things for you, and now you tell me, It's as simple as taking me out of the Demon Realm, there is no need to do anything at all, and there is no danger at all!"

"You didn't ask clearly."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head and said slowly, "I have such an ability to take you away, easy and not dangerous. This will only be better for you. What does it matter if you do something? Other people want to help you leave, he is very dangerous, but if he fails, you will do nothing for him, and I can guarantee that you will not suffer, right?"

"You, you should tell me earlier."

Xiao Su thought for a while, Zhou Shu seemed to be right, but he always felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Okay, now you know that I can take you safely away, you should be more at ease to help me do things, Xiao Su."

Xiao Su nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ but muttered to himself, "Obviously, I only need to open a door, and I will be a businessman, hard work and..."

Although it was a complaint, her mood improved, and she was much more relaxed than before. She thought she had to face the demon Lord and the Great Demon Lord, but now there is no difficulty at all, she can leave the Demon Realm, and her dream goal is How can you be unhappy?

"The two monster races, are you really preparing for me?"

In the distance, there were three cultivators in shackles, a stupid human being, and two trembling monster races.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "They are both from the Mu family. The Mu family and I are old. We rescued them when we met. By the way, Xiao Su, do you know that your half-demon body is also from the Mu family? ?"

"The Mu Family?"

Xiao Su shook his head blankly, but his eyes quickly became firm, "I only know where I am longing for, and I must go there. Only there will truly belong to me and will truly accept me."

"Well, I believe you can do it."

Zhou Shu did not go on, saying that he was afraid that Xiaosu would be sad. Compared to the Yu, Mao, Ba and other demons, the Mu family is more exclusive. Going to the Mu family as a half-demon and half-demon like Xiaosu, I’m afraid It's hard to be accepted, he said warmly, "Bring the two of them, the practitioner, put it there first, I have to think about it."

Soon those two monster races also entered the world of refining monsters.

Xiao Su looked at the human cultivator in the distance, and curiously said, "Listening to Swee, he seems to have a lot of background. Do you know him? I specially asked me to bring it out, and also borrowed my hand to imprison his soul, isn't he Very important?"

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