Fairy Winner

Chapter 2823: Think of a way

"I can only get here. Going forward, he knows I'm in Dark River Town. If he comes, you can't do anything."

Xiao Su stopped and pointed to the west, "Keep the speed of the demon cow and walk in this direction for two more days, and you will see Dark River Town. What you should pay attention to is that although Dark River Town is small, the inside Every Demon Race is a strong man, and there are two Demon Lords resident. Once discovered by them, you can no longer enter the Demon Blood Pool under the town. If the Great Demon Lord Xishan knows the news and rushes back, you may not be alive. come back."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "I understand."

Xiao Su frowned, "I still don't understand why you have to go to see the Demon Blood Pond. Even if you want to destroy it according to the previous plan, you don't need to risk it yourself. It's easier to manipulate the sacrifice materials."

Zhou Shu smiled without answering.

If it wasn't for more understanding of reincarnation, he didn't want to take a risk, even if he didn't know whether he could really get something from there.

Practice is like this, in order to understand the law, for the slightest progress, even if there is only one ten thousandth of the illusory possibility, one must pay 100% effort, at all costs, because if you don’t do it, then there is really nothing. If you die until you are stuck in the shackles and cannot break through, then what is the point of practicing?

Xiao Su shook his head and pointed to the front, "I will wait for you for three months there, and I will return to Xishan Town if I can't wait for you."

Three months later, Great Demon Xishan will return to the Demon Blood Pond. If Zhou Shu hasn't returned, he will obviously not return.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, when this happens, I will take you away from Xishan Realm."

"You'll talk after you survive."

Xiao Su glanced at Zhou Shu, turned his head and flew away.

Zhou Shu rode the Red Bull and stopped not far from Dark River Town.

Through the eighth sense, he had already clearly seen Dark River Town. A small town with a radius of less than five miles, with more than one hundred demons and three monarchs, is indeed heavily guarded, and he can hide in demonic energy. It was not discovered by the demons, but it was very difficult to enter the demon blood pool.

The Devil Blood Pool is underground, with only one entrance.

The entrance was surrounded by a strong demon energy, and there were two demon monarchs and dozens of demon races standing beside it.

The two demon kings were exceptionally tall, completely blocking the entrance door.

The soil here is magical soil, which has nothing to do with the five elements. All kinds of five element escape techniques are not used. You must pass through the entrance to enter.

Removal is not feasible. Even if a large cutting fist can be used to cut out a space door, it is impossible to sneak in silently, because the demon energy around the demon blood pool is too strong. Qi will surround the space gate, and even pass it to Zhou Shu's side through the space gate. The movement and shock of magic power will definitely be noticed by the guards.

Sneak attack on a demon guard, and then disguise as a demon, this can be done, but still can not enter the demon blood pool.

You will be stopped at the door.

Only Demon Refining Master and Great Demon Lord can enter the Demon Blood Pool here, and Zhou Shu cannot pretend to be them.

Zhou Shu thought for a while, but there was no good way.

There is no good way, it's not that there is no way, there are ways, but they all have many shortcomings.

For example, if you forcibly break in, use the Eight Form Talisman to temporarily trap the Demon Race, repel or even kill the Demon Lord who is guarding the door, you can enter the Demon Blood Pool, but in this way, the Demon Lord will rush back and leave it to Zhou Shu to check. There won't be a lot of time, unless, he can kill all the demons here in one or two talisman time, which can delay a little more time.

For example, disguise yourself as a sacrifice and wait for the demon master to take him into the demon blood pool.

This is very dangerous, and the time is uncertain. I don't know when the demon refining master can sacrifice. It may be a few days or more. The randomness is too great, and the time to check the demon blood pool is very small.

Then Zhou Shu thought the most feasible way.

Leading the two demon guards at the door, taking the opportunity to enter, using the unrestricted law of thunder, maybe ten breaths are enough for him to enter.

It’s just that the person responsible for leading away the Demon Lord is difficult to find. It must not be too strong or too weak. It must be able to protect itself and not let the guards feel that the Demon Blood Pool is dangerous, so as to inform the Great Demon Lord... Hey, why should it be a human?

Zhou Shu thought of something and took out the packed Red Bull again.


After a while, several low cow sounds came out of the thick fog.

Several demons looked at the distance and whispered, "There is a demon cow?"

The two demon kings changed their faces slightly, "This demon cow is very strange!"

"You can also see that it may have the power of the demon god!"

The two looked at each other and were a little excited, "If you can catch it and give it to an adult, you will definitely get a lot of rewards."

"If it is really a demon cow with the power of a demon god, whether it is used as a mount or as a sacrifice, it is very good, I will get it?"

"Don't leave this half step, just let the guard go."

"Yes, you can't miss the adult matter."

The two summoned a group of demon guards and pointed the direction. Those guards quickly gathered and moved towards the demon cow.

Before long, I heard a series of screams.

The two demon monarchs felt through the devil qi, and suddenly stagnated.

"How is it possible that a demon cow knocked them all down?"

"It's just a bump, Sibai is about to reach the Demon Lord, and he can't bear it."

"I am sure now that the demon cow has the power of the demon god!"

"That kind of power, can it be the Demon God of Hercules? That is the divine power that the adults are looking forward to!"

"Wait... Look at the demon cow, is there a demon soldier?"

"It's really ~www.ltnovel.com~ Demon Cow with Demon Soldier. I have never seen such a situation."

"Such a demon cow is worthy of a demon soldier, but this also shows that this demon cow has a master!"

"There is a demon cow with a master? Who can accept such a demon cow, it must be the great demon lord! But, this great demon lord brought the demon cow to Dark River Town, did he come to show off his power on purpose? "

The two demon kings glanced at each other, and both revealed some doubts.

Perceiving the conversation between the two, Zhou Shu was stagnant, feeling self-defeating, but it was not that he had never thought of taking down the demon soldier, but could not do it. Qiandangshi and Red Bull were completely integrated and connected with vitality. Can't take it down at all.


"Yes, in the Xishan Realm, who dares to show off with the adults? The adults control the best demon blood pools in the Xishan Realm. Any demon king who wants to develop here must obtain the adult's permission. Go away."

"The demon cow ran out by himself!"


"Look carefully, this demon cow hasn't been domesticated by our demon race, it's unruly, plus it's very strong, it must have been sneaked out!"

"You are right! That's it!"

"Don't worry, take the demon cow and hide it first, and wait until the adult comes back and give it to him. No one else will come!"

"Just do it!"

"Then you go! I'll just stay here, if it doesn't work, let me talk about it."

"How could it not! I'm going!"

Zhou Shu felt relieved, he was indeed the demon, the most straightforward race to do whatever he thought of.

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