Fairy Winner

Chapter 2827: He got it

Good seed country.

I heard it again.

Zhou Shu knew about the Liangmiao Kingdom when he was in Xuchang. This small country that suddenly appeared on the edge of the outer domain for hundreds of years started from a small area, and then quickly expanded. Now it can threaten the Hachi country. Medium-sized countries in dozens of circles.

Tian Ning is not like a liar. He is a disciple in charge of the sect in the immortal world, what will he do in Liangmiao Country?

Why did the Liangmiao country rise up, because the young practitioner who knows how to fight, was supported by the wizard god, or even the immortal world, or both? In a place close to the realm of the devil and the unknown wizard god, what is the purpose of such a country?

Zhou Shu couldn't think of the answer for the time being, but what was certain was that the heavens began to develop chaos again.

But these have nothing to do with him temporarily.

Opening the black shell, Zhou Shu turned and flew towards the demon world in the distance.

To find a realm suitable for cultivating the law of reincarnation, he must wander among the realms controlled by several demon lords, and a long journey has begun.

An unnamed small world.

Li Zi shook his head, "There is no trace of Yang Rong's presence here either. I should have never been here."

Zhao Yueru stared into the distance, her expression indifferent and did not speak.

Seeing this scene, Li Zi sank his face, "Junior Sister, what are you thinking?"


Zhao Yueru gently shook her head, "It's hard to find, we don't have any news at all, and the Outland is so big."

Li Zi seemed thoughtful, "You said, did King Mu deliberately fail to inform us? I think he and Yang Rong are very familiar, maybe he is covering Yang Rong."

Zhao Yueru said indifferently, "I don't know, Brother Li can look at it no matter what."

A cold light flashed in Li Zi's eyes, "If he really doesn't give it on purpose, then don't think about living well in Xuchang."

Zhao Yueru thought about it for a while and said, "He is a descendant of the Dragon Realm and has a relationship with Hachi Country. It seems unnecessary for Yang Rong?"

"It's necessary, if he knows who Yang Rong is, but doesn't tell us."

Li Zi looked at Zhao Yueru, suddenly serious, and said deeply, "Junior sister, do you think Yang Rong is just an ordinary Crescent City monitor? How can an ordinary monitor be trusted by King Mu? I have entrusted Master I went to New Moon City to investigate, and I believe news will be passed on soon."

"Oh, brother, you can do it yourself."

Zhao Yueru said calmly, "This has nothing to do with me. I just want to find him and see if he can be promoted. If I can't find him, it's also my miss."

The face was like Pinghu, but thunder thundered in my heart.

It's been decades since Li Zi said this to her. Could it be that he has noticed something?

He knew that Yang Rong was probably Zhou Shu on the list of all evils?

This is likely to be the case. If not, he would never get tired of looking for Yang Rong, even letting go of his usual practice. She doesn’t know how much Li Zi attaches importance to his cultivation. Li Zi even entrusted Master to help. , His master Gai Yubai is the elder of the sword in the mountain of Shu, the golden immortal of Yuan Yuan, who does not easily go out of the mountain, but now he leaves the mountain to inquire about the news for one person. Is this just to help her?

It's absolutely impossible, there must be other reasons for this, it's probably because of Zhou Shu.

Although Zhou Shu is only three thousand and five hundred on the list, it was ordered by Master Taiwu himself. Others may not know what the situation is, but the core disciples of Shushan know very well. This shows Zhou Shu’s threat. Sex is far above 3,500, which is already the top 100 treatment.

Moreover, Zhou Shu's threat is very high, but his strength is very poor. Although no one knows his specific cultivation base, he will never exceed Jin Xian.

For so many years, no one knows where Zhou Shu is. Now that a clue is discovered, how could Li Zi miss it? As long as he seizes Zhou Shu and brings him back to Shushan, he will receive a generous reward of the top 100 in the list of all evils, enough for him to become a golden fairy.

For this, let alone practice, Li Zi can give up even Master.

Could it be that I have leaked something?

I knew that Yang Rong might be Zhou Shu, and he was very careful about what he did. How did he see it.

For a while, she suddenly felt a deep self-blame.

Li Zi slowly said, "You are only for promotion, so you must find him."

Zhao Yueru said lightly, "Yes."

"Don't worry, I will help you find him, Junior Sister."

Li Zi calmed down, nodded with a smile, and suddenly raised his head to look towards the sky. A silver meteor broke through the air layer and charged straight down.

It was a sword light, and it was a unique method of communication in the Shu Mountain. It was called a sword order. It could reach accurately even if it was thousands of realms away, and the speed was quite good. Anyone who saw it did not dare to intercept and intercept the Shu Mountain sword order. It is a big bogey and will be revenge from Shushan.

Zhao Yueru's heart tightened, so he came, while Li Zi flew into the sky and copied the sword in his hand.

Jian Guangyin entered the palm of his hand and quickly disappeared, but Li Zi frowned, showing a trace of sorrow.

Zhao Yueru paused, and slowly flew to him, pretending to be calm, "Senior Brother Li, is it the letter from Uncle Gai? What news did he find?"

Li Zi looked at her with a faint smile, "Junior sister, do you really want to know Yang Rong's situation? I think you didn't seem to be very concerned before."

Zhao Yueru condensed her mind, looked at him directly, and said lightly, "It's about promotion, I... just ask."

"It's not the sword order from my master. He might still be looking for it~www.ltnovel.com~ but don't worry, Master will definitely notify me if he finds it."

Li Zi shook his head, "This is a sword order from the sect, as long as the Shushan disciples nearby can receive it."

Zhao Yueru seemed to think, "What's the matter, does Zongmen tell us to go back?"

"What are you going to do? Zongmen asked us to go to the Xishan realm of the demons."

Li Zi said bitterly, "Damn, I wanted to keep looking...I would not pick up the sword order if I knew it."

Zhao Yueru was shocked, "Let's go to the Demon Realm?"

"Yes, a disciple who went out to perform a mission should have been captured by the Demon Race, and may be imprisoned in the Xishan Realm. The sect asked us to find him and redeem him. The faster the better, the better, don’t let the news spread, and , Try not to conflict with the Demon Race,” said Li Zi, irritated again, “Is there a conflict possible? The Demon Race in Xishan Realm is not easy to provoke. It’s fine to find trouble. What will the guy do in the Demon Realm? , We have to save it, damn! What about our own affairs, but also..."

Hearing his constant complaints, Zhao Yueru didn't speak, but she was secretly relieved.

Before going out, she wanted to find Yang Rong to promote herself, but now, she only hopes that she will never meet Yang Rong. Once she meets Yang Rong, Yang Rong will definitely be caught by Li Zi, and her fate is... …

"Brother, maybe you can find someone in the Demon Realm?"

"Go to the Demon Realm to find Yang Rong, he is a golden fairy, no matter how stupid he is, he will not go to the Demon Realm? Don't talk nonsense, let's go, you can't delay."

Li Zi finally finished cursing, and the two of them discerned the direction and flew to the devil world together.

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