Fairy Winner

Chapter 2830: Thunderous

What can I say?

This is the place of heaven-sent miracles.

Zhou Shu can be sure that there is no better way for him to understand the law of reincarnation than here. If Zhou Shu can't understand the law of reincarnation in this solid power of reincarnation, then there is no need for him to practice the law of reincarnation, that means He has no understanding and is not suitable.

Zhou Shu looked towards Xiangru and Caiying, his expression condensed, "I will be here for a long time."

Xiangru's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to Zhou Shu, and said with relief, "Congratulations, Brother Zhou."

Caiying jumped up and rushed to Zhou Shu's side with tears in her eyes, "Zhou, have you finally found it?"

She could see how hard the journey was.

"Yes, I found it, but finding it doesn't mean I can get it."

Zhou Shu remained calm, "The road to go is still a long time, and now I can only say that I have found the intersection so that I can continue to walk down."

"Zhou, you will be successful!"

Caiying didn't care about those, shouting in excitement, clenching her fists and waving vigorously, happier than when she got the evil.

Xiangru smiled faintly, "Yes, if you can't, no one in this world can do it."

Zhou Shu didn't speak any more, walked to the side of the pool very calmly, and sat down gently on the surface of the water, where the origin of this blood pool is still in control, and it is more important to seize the time to understand the law.

Caiying looked at him with some doubts, "Since the water is harmless, wouldn't it be better to go down and understand, you should go down too, right?"

"There may be something else below."

Zhou Shu is very cautious, "I don't perceive it clearly right now, and I don't know whether it is bad or bad. For the time being, it's better not to touch it. Besides, the water surface is enough."

He understands the power of reincarnation, but he can't talk about using and controlling it. His spiritual consciousness can't penetrate the pool of water filled with the power of reincarnation. Even with the eighth sense, he can only see some vague shadows. To be sure, these shadows have a strong power, the power of reincarnation.

It may be a magic soldier.

According to past habits, he will definitely clean up in advance, and then concentrate on comprehending it after he is completely safe, but now he just wants to comprehend the law as soon as possible, and will not touch it, because the following things are likely to be very strong, and he is not an opponent. As long as they don't actively attack, don't worry, first understand the law, and then wait until you understand the law of reincarnation.


Caiying was startled, "Is there something under the water, is there a demon in it? No, there is something, come on, Zhou!"

She pointed to the not deep pool water and reminded Zhou Shu loudly.

There was a wave of waves in the pool, and a cold breath rose from it, followed by a howl.

The sound was like the howl of a resentful ghost in the deepest part of the ancient hell. It made the bones cold, as if stained with ink. Suddenly circles of black ripples appeared on the water surface, and a thin palm several feet wide waved from the ripples. After coming out, the dark green back of his hand seemed to have been chopped several times by a sharp knife, and the wound showed white dense bones. The broad palms held the water surface, and a huge figure immediately stood up from the water surface.

It was a warrior with a halberd, completely without flesh and blood, and his skin was supported by thick bones, showing the dark blue of death, and his once strong body was covered with scars that could not heal.

Eerie and terrible, there is no vitality, but there is no death, exuding an unparalleled breath of vicissitudes.

The hollow eye sockets were facing Zhou Shu's side, and only Pi's face seemed to show a sorrowful smile.

Caiying was already shocked, still shouting "Be careful..."

Zhou Shu directly accepted her into the demon refining world, and the same is true, and now he can't help Zhou Shu.

It's still here, and it really is not so easy to get a miracle.

The demon corpse who walked out of the pool lost the cover of the pool. Zhou Shu clearly saw its situation clearly, and he was slightly startled.

How could this demon corpse be a demon?

How could the demons form a corpse? This is beyond Zhou Shu's cognition.

No, such a thing can never happen! Zhou Shu knows very well about the devil world. This iron law can never be broken. If this samurai is really a demon, after losing his life, he should merge into the blood pool and become devil energy and then dissipate. How could it be possible to stand here for hundreds of thousands of years.

This is a huge flaw, something that is impossible in reality has appeared.

The demon corpse in front of you is definitely not real!

In an instant, Zhou Shu had such an idea. Although it was just a guess, he believed in himself with certainty.

Looking at the halberd in the hands of the demon corpse, Zhou Shu suddenly figured out something.

The halberd is undoubtedly a 100% demon soldier, and the demon corpse is a person who has used a demon soldier. He has already died and his body has long since disappeared, but because of the power of reincarnation in the demon soldier, he is manifested. Now, this demon corpse is essentially an illusion formed by the power of reincarnation, and the reason why other people can see the illusion and think it is real is because they have entered the domain of reincarnation since stepping into this blood pool.

The power of reincarnation here is so abundant, how can there be no domain of reincarnation?

Zhou Shu understood it at once, and at the same time realized the huge crisis that might come. In this domain, he might face many demons who had appeared in reincarnation. They would be pinned on one by one and become Some of your opponents ~www.ltnovel.com~ will be weak and some will be strong.

If you want to feel reincarnation in this pool, you must defeat these opponents.

This is a crisis, a challenge, and an opportunity.

There is the realm of reincarnation around him, the opponent comes from reincarnation, he fell into reincarnation, everything is close at hand, so real, fighting with such an opponent can give Zhou Shu the deepest insight.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu took a deep breath, feeling agitated.

bring it on.

The demon corpse stepped on the surface of the water and slowly walked over. Every step he took made the air ripple out of layers, and the whole world seemed to vibrate.

It is the blessing of the domain, and the effect seems terrifying, but in fact his power is not too strong. Zhou Shu can feel that this demon corpse should be a demon during his lifetime, not to be afraid, just outside the power of the demon. And the power of reincarnation wrapped around him.

It's not powerful, but it's scary.

It’s hard to describe the feeling of depression. It feels like a piece of thin paper covered with water, covering your face. It is gentle but can make you stop breathing at any time. This feeling can’t be given by other forces. Zhou Shu also First experience.

Before it got close, Zhou Shu felt drowning.


With a loud shout, Zhou Shu broke free from the addiction.

Thousands of punches were thrown in an instant, and the meteor-like fists rushed directly at the devil's corpse, covering it completely.

This demon corpse is just a demon king, just to try his hand, to understand and exercise the law.

(PS: Thank you Hong Niu for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)


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