Fairy Winner

Chapter 2850: Under control

The demons have moved.

The four great demon kings flew over like cannonballs, thousands of miles away in an instant, and behind them, the group of demon kings did not slow down at all, vying to get ahead.

The dark cloud covered it, seeing that the boundless **** hand was about to touch him, but Zhou Shu didn't move or resist.

It seemed that he was really shocked, but the great demon laughed even more grimly, but when he was about to catch Zhou Shu, his hand suddenly crooked, turned his way, and hit the great demon on the head. And the same thing happened to the other three great demon kings. The four seemed to have lost their goals at the same time, and they all hurt their own people.

"What are you doing!"

"I didn't say who robbed it, you dare to do it to me?!"

"It's obviously yours who beat me first!"

Several great demon lords scolded bitterly, and one of them took advantage of the chaos and grabbed Zhou Shu again.

Still grabbing the empty space, it was obviously close but still crooked, as if his hands were suddenly shaking, and all his strength fell on the Mozu not far away, staggering him.

"Are you coming? Don't think I'm afraid of you, Gerbass!"

"I... I didn't hit you!"

Gebasi shook his head, knowing that something was strange, "I will try again, don't move, Dogra."

After thinking about it, he slammed a punch into the blank space, and saw that the magical power of the substance converged into a long rainbow, rushing to the distance with great strength, but disappeared shortly after flying out, and soon appeared in another place. , The group of demon kings following behind.

Gabasi's face tightened and he hurriedly withdrew his magic power, but it didn't seem to be fully effective. He waved the magic whip like a whip, and beat the demon kings to pieces.

"You even beat your subordinates?"

Dogra was stunned, and soon understood, "No, you don't know this weird method, there is a problem here?"

The four great demon kings saw the abnormality, and they didn't make any more moves, looking around Zhou Shu thoughtfully.

Zhou Shu still looked dull.

He expected it to be like this, but these have nothing to do with him.

The current situation was caused by the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. What he cultivated was the law of power, and he had reached the level of control, and he also learned one of the most powerful domains of the immortal world that relied on the law of power.

To put it simply, it is to form a unique area. All the forces in the area will become chaotic and disordered, and then lose control. Once trapped in this area, it is difficult to get rid of it.

And its effect is not only for practitioners, but also people whose overall power is not as good as the users. Whether it is the demons, the monsters, or even the witches, this is also an important reason for the power of this domain, and it only applies to everyone. The magic tricks and domains are truly powerful.

Moss has a very secret domain, because there are not many practitioners who can learn it, and they will not use it easily. Even if it is used, most people will think that this is a special technique that can disturb perception. As for Zhou Shu, he has gained countless knowledge in Samsara, and he knows this kind of domain very well, perhaps better than anyone here, and he also knows that the Hunyuan Golden Immortal used it before the Demon Clan made a move.

With self as the center, a radius of thousands of miles, all under the control of unwarranted domain.

Because of this, he didn't plan to move, nor was he worried that anyone could catch him in the domain. He only shook his head secretly. This Hunyuan Golden Immortal seemed to be unfamiliar with it.

Speaking of Zhou Shu himself, most of Zhou Shu's methods were also unreasonably restricted. For example, many immortal artifacts and the Great Escape Talisman could not be used. Shu Zhili could only exert one-third at most. Of course, the power of reincarnation is very small.

However, the demons only paused and thought for a few breaths before attacking again.

The goal is right in front of you, and you will not give up what happens. Just fight when you encounter a problem. There is no problem that cannot be solved by fight. If there is any, then fight a few more times.

This is the root of the demons.

Soon, there was a mess.

It’s hard for people who don’t understand the unwarranted to break free from this situation. Fortunately, the demons are thick-skinned. Even if they beat each other, it doesn’t matter. On the contrary, they get more and more vigorous. This situation is cracked.

But they don't know that no amount of attacks will damage the domain, but will only make the situation worse.

Bai Jian stared at it, with many doubts, "Elder Dian, what is your technique?"

Dian Duyun's expression was condensed, "The old man dares to come to the Demon Realm, and naturally there is a way to deal with them. Are you still not doing it? The old man can't hold on for long!"

"With the elders, we will be sure of victory."

Bai Jian smiled, and rushed straight to him. At the same time, a little white fire light appeared in his palm, and he floated away towards Zhou Shu.

As the fire elder of the sacred fire gate, he has been handed down by the sacred fire sect master. This white fire is a special technique created by the sacred fire sect master. It incorporates some of the characteristics of the law of space and is called a white prison. It only needs a little touch of the target , The fire can quickly envelop it, and take it to a certain location in an instant, of course it won’t be here. He shot it to take Zhou Shu away, not to help.

In his opinion, Zhou Shu is already in the middle, and it is impossible to escape.

As soon as the white fire flew close to Zhou Shu, it suddenly changed its direction, its speed increased a lot, and it fell on a demon in an instant.

The demon king was immediately enveloped by the flames and disappeared.

Then came the roar of the Great Demon Lord, "Damn you, how dare you do it with us? Give me back!"

Several great demon monarchs immediately changed their directions and flew towards Bai Jian. They can fight each other in peacetime, but they must be unanimous at critical moments.

The other disciples of the Sacred Fire Sect saw that something was wrong, and flew towards Bai Jian, wanting to support them.

Watching the demons fly awkwardly ~www.ltnovel.com~ and like them, their actions have become obscure. Every bit of power seems to have lost the target and lost control. Bai Jian suddenly understood. It's not against the demon clan, but against everyone's domain, so he turned around and cursed at Dian Duyun, "Dian Duyun, are you still not the elder in charge of the sect, even the immortal world yourself?"

Dian Duyun was very calm, "It's you who are selfish, and it's something about the old man."

"You are just embarrassing Xuanling Sect!"

Bai Jian bitterly beat and scolded, and he could only scold. He could provoke and ridicule, but he could not bear the consequences if he really attacked the governing sect.

There are many demon races, and the group of holy flame disciples in the Baijian are quickly encircled, but the demon race still can’t control their own power. Basically, they still fight their own ways. They just involve him in it. The situation is very chaotic. It may be the winner.

Bai Jian suddenly yelled, "The person who got on the chariot is a believer of the wizard **** Zhurong, you still don't save it!"

The Liang Miao clan froze for a moment, and soon joined the battle group, but did nothing in the unsuspecting domain, which could only make the situation more chaotic.

But dozens of breaths, the situation seems to be controlled by Dian Duyun.

Only one domain was arranged, and the four parties were in chaos, and they could wait to reap their profits.

Looking at Zhou Shu in the center of the storm, he was very satisfied with a smile on his mouth.

There was also a trace of doubt in his eyes. Those real shadows had not moved, and their expressions were a little anxious, as if they were waiting for something, but the doubts quickly disappeared, just a few shadows, and they couldn't make waves at all.

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