Fairy Winner

Chapter 2860: Just 2 breaths

Slowly, the power of Gai Yu's white sword increased a lot.

Most of the phantoms were killed by sword intent as soon as they appeared, but the eight phantoms kept resurrecting, no matter how fast Gai Yubai could do it, he was not tired at all, but the Qing Shui in his hand gradually became obscure, although not Obviously, but the sword intent is indeed slower to condense.

"I'm afraid this will not work."

Dian Duyun noticed, "They seem to be endless, don't go as follows, directly find the root of the guardian reincarnation pool, and then find a way to crack it."

"Do it in a place full of reincarnation?"

Without concealing the disdain on his face, Gai Yubai actually said such words, which is really not worthy of Hunyuan Jinxian's IQ.

The lack of results for so long has made him very depressed. The two Hunyuan Jinxians joined forces. Gai Yubai, who is alone in such a thing, has never tried this. This time he reluctantly combined with Dian Duyun, but there was no effect. Let him have a lot of doubts about Dian Duyun, people who are not on the celestial pole list are indeed unreliable.

Dian Duyun pointed at Zhou Shu, "He can stay in it, can't you and me?"

"Most of them have restrained treasures on his body, or..." After hesitating, Gai Yubai reluctantly said, "He understands the law of reincarnation."

"This is impossible!"

Dian Duyun's face changed, "It is impossible for a golden immortal to understand the law of reincarnation! The Suspense Sect cannot do it, and Genting City cannot do it. He is absolutely impossible to do it! There must be something that can temporarily avoid the power of reincarnation. , So we can stay inside and not be attacked by those phantoms. What we have to do is to **** that thing from him and avoid the phantom here."

Gai Yubai said solemnly, "If you want to go, the old man can't and doesn't need to take risks."

The higher the realm, the higher the horizon, the more you know about the world, the easier it is to feel awe, especially for those unknown highest laws. If Gai Yubai is still a golden fairy, or even a big Luo Jinxian, he may go straight down and feel closer. There is no fear in reincarnation, but now, he knows the horror of the Supreme Law, and he is unwilling to enter in dangerous situations, and it is really unnecessary.

Slowly, sooner or later, these illusions can be completely destroyed, and the secrets under the blood pool can be completely revealed. Then, it is the most suitable and only choice to go down and feel reincarnation easily.

He is already the Hunyuan Golden Immortal on the celestial pole list. It is just fine to continue his practice step by step. The risk is not worth it.

Of course, there is another concern that he doesn't want to hurt Zhou Shu. Zhou Shu and Samsara Pool are of equal importance. It is the bargaining chip he wants to make. Even if there are any treasures in Zhou Shu's body, he doesn't want to take a killer.

"Then I will go down."

Dian Du Yun seemed to be waiting for the result and nodded immediately.

He didn’t want to wait any longer. The sooner Zhou Shu was killed and the sooner he entered the Samsara Pool, the better. It was not his wish to be sent to supervise Zhu Rong Chariot. Even if he could get some secrets from Zhou Shu in the face of the lure of Samsara Pool. Don't worry about it anymore, besides, the return of all forces is very expensive, the small ball is equivalent to the heart of the law of its own cohesion, the more power it absorbs, the greater the loss to yourself, and now you have to risk losing them completely.

If there is too much wastage in this respect, and he will occupy the reincarnation pool later, he will definitely get less than Gai Yubai.

"Return your powers to the Yuan?"

Gai Yubai was puzzled, "No need?"

Dian Duyun smiled, "Don’t worry about this Elder Gai. I don’t need my full control of all the powers to return to the Yuan. I can also exert the effect, but the effect is a little bit worse. Besides, it will waste dozens... hundreds of breaths of time. It's ok."

"It's up to you."

Gai Yubai continued to attack Illusory, and didn't want to say more, he only made a decision in his heart. If Dian Duyun really wanted to kill Zhou Shu, he would not sit idly by.

Dian Duyun paused, and walked towards the blood pond in a stride, within a few blinks of a tens of thousands of miles.

He quickly approached the blood pool. The moment he felt the power of reincarnation, his expression was condensed, and he immediately put on several shields. As the deepest sect who studied the law of power, he had many techniques in this area. The strongest ones are used in one go.

Slightly letting go, he cast his murderous eyes on Zhou Shu.

He would not keep his hands like Gai Yubai did, and he also guessed that Gai Yubai might stop it, and the shot was a killer move.

A golden light flew out of his sleeves, heading towards Zhou Shu.

The golden bricks are refined by Huaguang Xuanjin. It is one of the most suitable magic weapons for exerting the laws of strength. The disciples of the Suspended Bell Sect are standing by, and his golden bricks have long been the ninth-grade immortal tools, which can exert the power of his laws. To the extreme, Zhou Shu will die if one brick goes down, and it is difficult for Gai Yubai to stop it.

The golden light does not seem to shine, but in fact it has already used a lot of effort.

Gai Yubai was stunned, and he didn't expect Dian Duyun to kill him directly. He couldn't wait to fly over immediately, but in the end he could only have a flash of sword light, and a sword intent with full strength, cut through the sky and rushed straight past.

At the same moment, Zhou Shu felt a strong sense of oppression that he had never felt before. He was like a broken city shrouded in thick black clouds. Wind, rain, thunder and lightning were raging all the time, and would collapse at any time.

However, he is ready to face all this.

The moment Jin Guang just appeared, he stood up, and at the same time, a huge mirror suddenly appeared in front of him.

The mirror cage was full of gray smoke, and no power was felt, like nothingness.

Dian Duyun only glanced at him, and felt that he was trapped in the smoke. There was chaos in all directions. He could not perceive anything in an instant, and some familiar or unfamiliar memories completely ruled his sea of ​​consciousness, as if it had become To another person, or to another world.

What is that mirror, and why am I suddenly here?

Why can't I move, there are so many leaves on my body, so familiar leaves, am I a plane tree? It should be.

Who is he, he is here, he is holding an axe, what is he going to do, dare to destroy the plane tree?

Don't cut me~www.ltnovel.com~ It hurts, is that blood...

It seemed that he had gone through thousands of cycles, and he had completely forgotten what he was going to do.

Dian Duyun's head was covered in cold sweat, his eyes were blank, his arms were waving unconsciously, and the golden light slowly fell into the blood pool, disappearing.

All this happened in just two breaths.

Soon, Dian Duyun came back to his senses, but the look in Zhou Shu's eyes changed a lot. He didn't know where the killing intent was, but there was a little more unconcealed panic. He backed away without hesitation. Like a rabbit seeing the tiger, he left the blood pond in an instant, even though there was no mirror in front of Zhou Shu that plunged him into an unknown abyss and fear.

Gai Yubai's sword intent was too late to withdraw, but he took a turn in the air, passed through two phantoms fiercely, and penetrated deeply into the ground.

The ground cracked, and the blood pool trembled, but it shrank again.

(PS: Thank you liangjun for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who have booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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