Fairy Winner

Chapter 3071: Carry in hand

Zhou Shu's soul shadow in Yunquan Realm has returned to the Dead Sea.

Just wait ten days, and then come out to help the national positioning, the problem will be solved.


If Fu Guo didn't kill that person, and thought he could be saved, and brought him back to the country, what would it be like?

For human practitioners, the power of the corpse is extremely evil. It can eat the soul, which means that even the golden fairy of Hunyuan may be planted in the hands of the believer of the corpse. Xiaohan is an example. A cultivator cannot escape unless he cultivates the highest law and consigns his soul to the highest law, and as long as he is not a cultivator who cultivates the highest law, facing the power of extravagance, even the Golden Immortal will die.

Zhou Shu didn't worry about himself, his Shu Zhi power was similar to the highest law, and he could resist the power of the extra corpse, but others could not.

If Hachi country insists on keeping that person and regards the power of extravagance as a means to protect himself from the immortal world, it is not impossible that Zhou Shu must reconsider the relationship with Hachi country, he It is impossible to threaten one's allies in Xiancheng at any time.

Besides, the believers of Sabi Shi don't talk about covenants.

"General, you are back."

Hao Xiaoxin walked over in a hurry, with a greedy expression on his face.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "How is the situation here?"

"Nothing has changed," Hao Xiaoxin nodded, with a little frustration on his face, "Is this really a secret world? I got a trace of soul thought, but I couldn't get out, I didn't find anything."

Zhou Shu was indifferent, "Why don't you go in by yourself."

Hao Xiaoxin shook his head quickly, "Don't dare, I won't dare again next time."

Zhou Shu didn’t even look at him. He sat down straight and leaned into the soul thought purely for death. It was the door of the **** descending. If nothing else, the power of the witch **** is definitely there. It is not difficult to completely block the soul thought. How much is equal to how much to send, it is better to go in by yourself.

He didn't tell Xie Xun about the gate of God's descent, because he felt that the two things were not related.

When the auxiliary country comes, we will talk about how to destroy it, and it is up to Hachi country to use its brains.

Speaking of the auxiliary country, Mr. Xie revealed some information about the retrograde.

You can travel through a realm in two days. It can be regarded as the long-distance movement method in the heavens second only to the teleportation array. It is not as evil as the gate of the gods drop. Is it activated by the power of blood? If it is not... Yes, Zhou Shu in the Xuanhuang Realm had heard of a special magic weapon called the Reverse Star Lantern. According to the starlight that could be randomly transmitted to various places in the Xuanhuang Realm, the bayberry was transmitted.

The two methods are quite similar, except that the anti-star travel is much better, not only positioning, but also farther away.

You need to find out the detailed information of the star-reversed light, and try it out at that time to see if you can push the star-retrograde. If it can be used without relying on the power of blood, then it’s good. Two or three years.

The body searched for memory in the city and explored with Kunlun Mirror, but found only a few information.

I had known it earlier, I should have asked Wei Shang to come over for the Star Inverse Lamp.

But it's not impossible. When Caiying comes back, you can ask her, she swallowed Wugou sword spirit, Wugou has followed Wei Shang for thousands of years, and she should also know the situation of the star-reversing lamp. These memories are deeply hidden in reincarnation, carefully It should be distinguishable.

A few days passed without knowing it.

"General, general!"

Hao Xiaoxin's voice came from outside, hurriedly and flustered, as if he had been stepped on his tail, "moved, moved, the whirlpool seems to have moved!"

"I saw it."

Zhou Shu was watching the vortex on the bottom of the sea.

Around the whirlpool, the jet-black water suddenly surging up, and the water flow became much turbulent.

Hao Xiaoxin watched carefully, but unconsciously hid behind Zhou Shu.

After a few breaths, two shadows flew out from inside, and swept out of the sea in the blink of an eye.

Someone really came out.

But Zhou Shu didn’t panic at all. He could see clearly that they were not the witches who were sent by the gate of God’s descent, but two cultivators. To be precise, they were two great Luo Jinxians, one of which was given to Zhou Shuyi. An unusually cold and familiar feeling.

A hint of joy appeared on Hao Xiaoxin's face, but he was busy greeting him, "General Xu! I am here!"

The two were already very separate. One of them heard the shout and flew over immediately, with a lot of joy on his face, "Hao Xiaoxin, you are here!"

Hao Xiaoxin greeted him, and said quite complaining, "Xu Jiang, what are you doing? I will use the iron flag to give you a message and you won't reply. What are you going in? Is there a secret realm inside? Also, who is that fellow Taoist? ?"


Xu Jiang's figure was stagnant, with some fear on his face, "He...he..."

The Hun Yuan Jin Xian in the distance smiled, "Old man Dou Chengtian, but people usually call me the Winter Solstice."

"Winter Solstice?"

Hao Xiaoxin trembled and shrank back in a hurry, and quickly retreated behind Zhou Shu, "You...Xu Jiang, why are you with the winter solstice? Are you also a member of the Twenty-Four Thieves, or are you caught by him..."

Xu Jiang hurriedly said, "You are wrong, it is not the case at all, I just..."

Before finishing talking, I was interrupted by laughter, and the winter solstice laughed a long way, "Hahaha, you can tell everyone, Brother Xu, don’t explain, this fellow Taoist, my old man and Brother Xu are like-minded. It's a friend of Mo Ni, I just hate seeing each other late, why don't you come and chat together?"

"I misunderstood you! I was leading a wolf into the room!"

Hao Xiaoxin cursed bitterly, and whispered to Zhou Shu, "General~www.ltnovel.com~ I'm really sorry, now I can only rely on you."

Seeing that there is great regret on his face, but his eyes are flickering, he is ready to escape at any time.

"not like this!"

Xu Jiang was very anxious and couldn't take care of face anymore, "He and I were chased by others! Hao Xiaoxin, haven't you seen that person here?"

Hao Xiaoxin was stunned, "What, you were chased by someone?"

"Yeah, I couldn't choose the way. Only here seems to have a place to hide, so I went in. It is indeed safer, although..." Xu Jiang hesitated for a moment, did not go on, just glanced left and right, as if relaxed. Somewhat, "Hurry up, if that person comes again, I don't want to hide in again."

"what happened?"

Hao Xiaoxin was stunned, Zhang Er couldn't figure it out, "You and Dong Zhi, two people, two Hunyuan Golden Immortals, were chased by one person, really?"

"When you see that person, you should understand," Xu Jiang sighed unconsciously. "Now I don't have time to tell you more. In short, what we are going to do is impossible to do. Let's go, and I will go together."

He couldn't help but wink at Hao Xiaoxin, and at the same time he was also transmitting sound.

It is impossible for him to escape with the winter solstice again.

Being in the same boat together in the gate of God's descent was forced by helplessness, and his heart was always hanging, worried that the winter solstice would suddenly be troubled. Now that he has encountered the same gate, it is naturally impossible to put himself in danger again.

The guy who chased him and the winter solstice before was really scary.

Now I think there is a lingering fear in my heart. The Xiao Han he and Hao Xiaoxin want to hunt down is like a lamb being carried by that person.

That's Hunyuan Jinxian!

There is no resistance, even the thought of resistance, and the despair in Xiaohan's eyes, no one dares to forget it.

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