Fairy Winner

Chapter 3074: 1 must be fast

Zhou Shu's attitude towards the winter solstice was a little surprised and very happy.

It's not unreasonable to be able to be in Outland for so many years. When you can, you can afford it, but it is to say that you should really do it.

"General, are you sure?"

The winter solstice has already flown a lot, and his face is very serious.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I can be sure of everything in the Yunquan world, and I have fought him."

"This matter, the old man did."

The winter solstice took a deep breath, with a decisive aura as if he accepted the name.

It seems very satisfying, it's hard to tell if it's sincere, but this momentum has obviously infected other people.

Hao Xiaoxin, who had awakened from fear, nodded quickly, "General, count me."

Xu Jiang followed, "I'm here too, just talk about what you want me to do, but... Do you really want to be paid, General?"

The Winter Solstice stared at him, without concealing his disdain, "I said Brother Xu, your nature of lack of money is really deep-rooted, when you were in the secret realm just now, you didn't want to exchange money for me?"

Xu Jiang paused, "Hey, Brother Dou was joking."

The winter solstice ignored him, his gaze fixed on Zhou Shu, and slowly said, "The old man doesn't understand, why are you planning this? The believers of the Sabi Corpse, have you also acted on the Haechi tribe? You hold the token. , But you shouldn’t be the Hachi tribe, why do you want to take care of Hachi tribe’s affairs? If you are also a cultivator, then doing this is also a bounty. Why don’t you ask the immortal world for the bounty? Let’s talk about your ability alone , I'm afraid I can deal with him, right?"

Xu Jiang and Hao Xiaoxin were both stunned by a series of questions.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly. This Winter Solstice is really a good talent, what a pity.

"I am now the general of the Hachi country. The internal affairs of the Hachi country are naturally to be taken care of. You should know that Shebi is the public enemy of all living creatures, like the Hachi tribe. He is the priest of the witch **** in the Yunquan realm. I will definitely As for the bounty, I don’t need it, and I don’t need it."

He calmly said, "If I go alone, I have already told you that he can escape."

These reasons are easy to come by without thinking about them, but the real reasons are not these.

He was very sure that the existence of the followers of Shebi Corpse would affect Xianshu City.

Originally intended to be taken over by Hachi country, the auxiliary country would be fine, but after he got the specific information from Xie Xun, he felt that it was wrong. The believer had a background. Once there were problems in Hachi country, the auxiliary country might not It would kill people and let the believer live, which Zhou Shu didn't want to see very much. He didn't want Hachi Country and Shebi Corpse to be linked together, and he didn't want Xianshu City to be affected.

The lure of the power of the extra corpse may be great, and once that person survives, this evil force is likely to spread in Hachi country.

Although the probability is small, no matter how small it is, it is also a probability. It must be completely absent.

Therefore, he planned to eliminate the followers of Shebi corpse in advance before the arrival of the auxiliary country.

If Zhou Shu is alone, it may be possible, but the success rate is not high. In case the believer escapes or cannot be killed within a few days, when the auxiliary country arrives, he will directly take over the matter. Zhou Shu will not kill anymore. Reasons.

After seeing Xu Jiang and Dongzhi, he immediately made a decision.

Work with others to eliminate the believers of Shebi Corpse.

The winter solstice pondered for a few breaths and nodded, "The old man will listen to you, and you will decide what you should do."

"Yes, general, you can speak quickly, you can do anything."

The other two can't wait.

When has fought such a wealthy battle, not only the powerful and unknown Hachi country general, but also the boss of the twenty-four thieves also participated, no matter how strong the enemy is, it is not afraid, and what is more wonderful is that the most important person is still Regardless of bounty!

Very comfortable.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Hao Xiaoxin, you go as a bait and lure him out."

Hao Xiaoxin was stunned, his emotions collapsed and crooked, and he cried out sadly, "General, you can't be so ruthless, I've been with you for so many days, doing everything, never complained, no credit and hard work..."

Zhou Shu glanced at him, "The young man is not promising, I will go with you."

"no problem!"

Hao Xiaoxin stood upright, banging his hands in front of his body, Bangbang said, "I would like to be a forerunner!"

Zhou Shu didn't bother to care about him, "I'm behind you, and you pretend that I'm not here, so that your opponent can't see it."

Hao Xiaoxin was a little puzzled, "Listen to them, that guy can swallow the soul and consciousness, can't hide it, right?"

Zhou Shu frowned, "I can hide it, you don't need to care about these details, just do your business well."

Perceiving Zhou Shu's displeasure, Hao Xiaoxin didn't dare to say more, and whispered, "Then how can I lead him out?"

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "Let go of your mind and soul in the ground, as far as you can. I think it shouldn't be difficult for you to use your skills in a radius of tens of thousands of miles."

"It's not difficult, is that enough?"

Hao Xiaoxin's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe it.

The winter solstice secretly shook his head. This general thought was so gloomy. To make Hao Xiaoxin do this is almost tantamount to death. The power of the corpse is the most sensitive to the spirits of human practitioners. As long as he notices it, he will definitely follow it. If the distance is close A little ~www.ltnovel.com~ or Hao Xiaoxin could not move freely and was invaded by the corpse of Shebi, even Zhou Shu could not be saved by the side.

"Don't worry, I will keep you."

Zhou Shu watched the winter solstice speak to Hao Xiaoxin, and said slowly, "If you notice the attack, you will use the iron flag to message them."

"And when you receive the news, come and surround him immediately, I will limit his extravagant power, I promise to contain at least 70%," Zhou Shu said slowly, "Winter Solstice, the rest, don't need me to say more. ."

"If you can contain the power of 70% extravagance than the corpse, I guarantee that he will not live for two hours."

Winter Solstice nodded and said loudly, "Xiaohan's blood debt will be paid by the old man!"

Xu Jiang couldn't help but smile, "Winter Solstice, let alone your brotherly love, I remember that the previous Xiaohan was sold by you, and you pushed him to avoid some immortals on the celestial pole list. out."

Now that they are all teaming up, he just said something jokingly, but he regretted just saying it.

It was originally a relationship, but now it has become a mockery. This is also to blame for the Winter Solstice. There is really no good thing to say.

Winter Solstice snorted, but didn't care.

This kind of trivial matter has no value in mind, as long as he is in the winter solstice, the other twenty-three thieves are not difficult.

Xu Jiang hurriedly said, "General, don't worry, as long as the news comes, we will rush over immediately, and we will not waste time!"

Zhou Shu nodded and looked at the winter solstice again, "It must be fast. If you run this time, it will be difficult to catch it next time."

"The old man does his best."

Winter Solstice nodded seriously, "Try to solve him at once."

(PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your long-term support, thank you~~Thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~~)

(PPS: If you have time, just make up the missing ones, sorry.)

Wonderful book house

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