Fairy Winner

Chapter 3084: Ignore no one

Liangmiao country, near the mountain boundary.

Deng Baixian looked at a group of people in the distance and scolded bitterly, "This group of trash is becoming more and more presumptuous. When I return to the fairy world, let's see how the old man teaches you!"

"The Sacred Fire Gate is indeed too presumptuous. A few days ago, I even snatched what Brother Deng liked. I can't bear it!"

Wu Yong didn't know when he came over, he laughed, "Why go back to the immortal world, can't you teach me now? I'll help you, brother Deng!"

"Don't fan the flames!"

Deng Baixian turned around and glared at him, "The talents of the Suspended Bell Sect came here yesterday, let us stop making trouble with the Sacred Fire Gate, are you giving me this kind of idea now? Do you want the old man to violate the rules and put him on fire? Baked? What good is this for you!"

Wu Yong touched his beard, "Haha, since Brother Deng is going to shrink his head, then I have nothing to say."

Deng Baixian snorted, "Don't talk cold words there. The Sacred Fire Gate is now so against us, there must be a conspiracy. You are also the elder of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. If you don't want to think about how to deal with it, you want to deal with your own people?"

Wu Yong stagnated, "This group of doglegs went crazy in Outland, and waited until the fairy world to fix them."

"This is Outland."

Deng Baixian said in a deep voice, "Don’t you think it’s strange that when the elder of the Suspension Sect came yesterday, he only said that as the master of the sect, we should lead by example, but they didn’t say that they took the initiative to pick things. Together we must be obedient, but they Just don’t listen."

Wu Yong paused and sighed, "It's their business what the Hangling Sect thinks and does, so what can we do."

"It seems that our Ten Thousand Soul Sect is really in trouble."

Deng Baixian shook his head slightly, his eyes fell on the group of disciples of the Sacred Flame in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I'll go back after I finish the task. I knew this was the situation, so the old man would not come," Wu Yong said helplessly. "Liangmiao Country, when will he be willing to take action on Hachi Country? I have been preparing for so long. "

"It depends on the sorcerer's meaning, who knows what we are waiting for? Anyway, we are stuck here and can't leave."

Deng Baixian sighed, as if thinking of something, "Have you seen Yunliu these days? How is he? Nothing happened, right?"

Wu Yong spread his hands, "It's okay, but the same way, no one cares."

"What's the matter with him, have you asked clearly?" Deng Baixian looked slightly condensed, "How can I say that he is also Elder Yueming's person, even if Lei Tong ignores it, we have to think of something, what's the matter? Help him solve the difficulties."

Wu Yong looked up and smiled, "Then you can kill Lei Tong."

Deng Baixian paused, "Is it really related to Lei Tong?"

"It is 80%," Wu Yong nodded. "Although Yunliu didn't say anything, I asked some disciples who have been here for a long time. The reason should be Lei Tong."

Deng Baixian looked at him and was quite puzzled, "What the **** is going on? Lei Tong is in charge of all the disciples of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect in the Liangmiao Kingdom, so he won't cause trouble, right? Besides, Yun Liu first arrived, why did he hate him? "

Wu Yong paused, "Brother Deng, do you know Zhou Qing?"

Deng Baixian thought for a while and nodded, "I have a bit of an impression and a very talented young man. It is said that he will soon be on the Immortal Miao ranking. He has performed very well in the door and is very loyal. He has been promoted to a disciple of the second door. , Seems to have gone to the soul world again?"

"Yeah, it was said that she had gone to the soul world, but who thought, she actually came out alone."

Wu Yong shook his head, "Ten years ago, she arrived in Liangmiao Country and said she was commissioned by the sect and listened to Lei Tong's orders."

Deng Baixian quickly understood, "She also wants to find that Zhou Shu, most of the people who come here are for this, but what does this have to do with Yunliu, does it..." He thought of something, "Ah! No? Did Yunliu come after her?"

"I also find it strange."

Wu Yong nodded, "I heard that the two met in the soul world. Yun Liu also helped her, otherwise she would not be able to leave the soul world. I don't know the specific relationship, but it should not be shallow."

Deng Baixian suddenly said, "It's no wonder that Yunliu will participate in this mission. It turned out to be for this. Does his Master Yueming know?"

Wu Yong thought for a while, "I should know, I can't hide this from the elders."

"Then Yunliu is here, why don't you want to pass with Lei? Could it be..." Deng Baixian was startled suddenly, "That Zhou Qing, won't be killed by Zhou Tong? Then the problem will be big. Up!"

"Brother Deng is so old in the end."

Wu Yong said in a slow voice, "It's not that he killed him, he's not good at geniuses, ah? I heard that Zhou Qing was sent to do a very difficult task. He went with his disciples. When he came back Only his disciple, the disciple said that he met the demons, and finally ran back."

Deng Baixian didn't realize it, "Don't say anything else, at least one of the crimes for not being saved is not gone."

Wu Yong nodded, "Yes, everyone else is gone, but you came back well. Your strength is not as good as others. What do you say about taking back half of your arm from the void storm, or the arm of the true soul body, everyone has already It’s gone, it’s too obvious."

Deng Baixian snorted, "Is it so stupid that I didn't mean to frame it?"

Wu Yong shook his head, "I don't know, but Yunliu will definitely not cooperate with Lei Tong now. It seems that he doesn't want to take care of things about the Ten Thousand Soul Sect~www.ltnovel.com~ This is really troublesome. If there are other things, we too It’s easy to talk and talk, and it’s easy to do if you live. Now everyone is dead.” Deng Baixian followed and shook his head, “How can you say Yunliu would like Zhou Qing? Don’t think about this great future.”

Wu Yong paused, "Maybe something happened in the soul world. He doesn't say that we won't know, and I don't want to guess randomly."

"The place in the soul world..."

Speaking of the soul world, Deng Baixian was inexplicably palpitated, "It's really not something that humans can treat, no matter how high the cultivation level is, it's useless."

Wu Yong followed, "The cultivation level there is secondary. The important thing is whether the soul can withstand it. Anyway, I don’t want to go anymore. I refine my soul three days a day, a mountain on three days, and a river on five days. Suffering, I don’t know who came up with it, so let us go to the soul world to experience."

Deng Baixian said in a slow voice, "The talented people, those who can stay in the soul world for a long time are the strong, and those who have always lived in the soul world, I am afraid that the immortal world will be shocked after coming out, the mountain long, the river long, you Can you imagine their strength outside the soul world? Let alone the tower master," he looked at Wu Yong and said with interest, "By the way, when you went to the soul world, did you go to the Soul Burning Tower? "

Wu Yong snorted, "I don't have the qualifications to go to the Burning Soul Tower, which one is not a genius among geniuses?"

Deng Baixian smiled, "Then you are wrong. You have gone a lot, but only the geniuses can come out."

"Yes, it seems that until the establishment of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, there are only a dozen people who can get out of the Burning Soul Tower," Wu Yong nodded, not without envy, "Yunliu is one of them, but now...oh."

Deng Baixian paused, "When the Zongmen learns about the news, they will definitely deal with it. During this time, we should be more optimistic."

Wu Yong sighed, "Yeah, I came with us. I can't let him have an accident. It's really troublesome."

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