Fairy Winner

Chapter 3086: Follow the heart

This time it was Zhou Shu's turn and was shocked.

When he heard the name Zhou Qing from Yun Liu, he was taken aback for a while.

Yun Liu suddenly mentioned Zhou Qing. How did he know Zhou Qing? He mentioned Zhou Qing. What happened to Zhou Qing? Or did Yunliu know his true identity and use Zhou Qing to test himself?

Settling down, when he was about to answer, he heard another news that shocked him to the heart.

The blue bird is dead? Are you kidding me? !

Zhou Shu couldn't help it, and immediately returned the message.

Yunliu was also a little surprised when he saw the news, but he didn't think much about it, and only replied, "I can't be sure, so I want the city lord to help me determine the truth."

Zhou Shu gradually calmed down, "What's going on, you have to tell me the specific situation in detail."

Yunliu paused and told Zhou Shu what he knew. He didn't hide it. He stayed in Liangmiao Country for nearly two years and didn't find any clues. Now he came out and asked Xianshu to help. City Lord, even if it is poison, he must drink it first.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Zhou Qing and Wu Fang went on a mission together and met the Demon Clan. Wu Fang came back and brought back half of Zhou Qing's arm."

Yunliu added, "It's the arm of the real soul body, but I haven't seen it either. Lei Tong said it was destroyed."

Zhou Shu stagnated, "Zhou Qing and Wu Fang have hatred, or are they hatred with Lei Tong?"

Yun Liu pondered for a moment, "I have investigated. Zhou Qing and them should have no hatred before. Zhou Qing has been in the Ten Thousand Soul Sect and has hardly been out of the house. Lei Tong is the White Seal elder stationed abroad, and the two have no intersection. The same goes for Wu Fang."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Then why do you say that Lei Tong deliberately let Zhou Qing do difficult tasks?"

"Zhou Qing has just been promoted to Da Luo, Lei Tong asked her to go to the realm of Blood Wish Demon Venerable to investigate the situation. Isn't this intentional?" Yun Liu was very angry, "You may not know the city lord. Blood Wish Demon Venerable is for cultivation. The worst demon lord, his demon world does not allow practitioners to enter."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Blood Wish Demon Sovereign has been expanding some time ago, and they have all hit Phosphor Light Demon Sovereign."

Yun Liu couldn't help but shook his head, "It's good for the city lord to know. The Devildom of the Blood Wish Demon Lord is indeed not far from the Liangmiao Country, but it has always been well water that does not offend the river, but Lei Tong let Zhou Qing pass. It must be unkind. The Miao country didn't know the truth, so he obeyed his orders, hateful."

"There was no enmity before, and Zhou Qing was suddenly sent to die. It could only be from someone else's instruction."

Zhou Shu paused, "Who is that person, you should have an answer, you have been in Ten Thousand Soul Sect for so long, let alone you don't understand the situation."

Yunliu hesitated for a while, but couldn't speak.

Zhou Shu seemed to understand something, "Is it your Master Reading Ming?"

Yun Liu was shocked. Although he also understood that what Zhou Shu said was true, the fact that he said from others still made him unacceptable, "You, don't guess."

"This is not a guess."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "You are the proud son of Ten Thousand Soul Sect, but you almost died in the Soul Burning Tower. Without Zhou Qing's help, you would not be able to get out. She helped you. Great grace, but to your Master Yueming, she is a stain on your path to genius. How can a true genius be planted in the Burning Soul Tower? You will succeed the Sect Master and the Elder Xianting in the future. There cannot be such a stain, so she should no longer exist."

"You... why do you say that..."

Yunliu understood that what Zhou Shu said was right, but his years of mentorship made him involuntarily refute.

Zhou Shu's face was very calm, but her heart was full of anger, "I guess, Yue Ming wanted to keep her in the soul world so that she could never get out, but because of you, she went out, but she couldn't guarantee her safety after going out. I was sent to the Liangmiao Country by the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, and then Yueming asked Lei Tong, who was guarding the Liangmiao Country, to start. If you are not there, it is easy for him to start. The fake hand is for the demons, and you have nothing to say."


Yun Liu was completely stunned. What Zhou Shu said was like experiencing it with his own eyes, and he didn't know how to refute it.

What's more, he thought so too.

Why did Lei Tong attack Zhou Qing inexplicably?

He thought for many days, and finally thought of his master, and this was the source of his incomparable suffering.

It was the master who harmed Zhou Qing, what can he do? Do you want revenge from the master? But without revenge, Zhou Qing would not die in vain. Without Zhou Qing, his soul would also die that day. How could the Burning Soul Tower come out so well?

Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one reincarnation, repeated eighteen times, constantly training his heart and burning soul, and he suffered a catastrophe on the tenth stage...

If this kind of great grace is not repaid, how can it be called a human being, and how will the original mind be stable?

On one side is the benefactor, on the other side is the master and the enemy, he can't find any other way to solve it besides drinking to survive.

A genius has changed his decadent appearance within a few years, he should not practice cultivation, no matter how good the law is.

Yunliu was angry and suffering, while Zhou Shu was completely angry.

At this moment, he had the impulse to immediately destroy the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, as for the reading, he would definitely die.

He knows Qingque very well, and Qingque is kind in nature, she must be from her heart to help people, and she has no idea of ​​seeking profit~www.ltnovel.com~ She doesn't want to hurt others, but she is hurt by others, helping the cloud On the contrary, Liu offended Yueming, causing him to kill himself.

There is regret in anger.

If she could return to the Immortal Realm earlier, maybe Qingque would not have time to go to the Soul Realm, and she would be able to get news from Zhou Shu from the ninth pawnshop and leave Ten Thousand Soul Sect as soon as possible.

Regret is useless, after investigating the matter, there must be a decision.

Quickly calmed his mind, Zhou Shu said solemnly, "It was Wu Fang who saw Zhou Qing last, right?"


Yunliu nodded quickly, "I can't find Wu Fang. I heard Elder Wu said that Wu Fang was sent to Hachi country for a mission very early, and has not come back. I don't know if it is true, but in Liangmiao In the country, I really can’t find it, only the good seedling world I haven’t looked for, and I’m still trying to get there."

Zhou Shu quickly determined the direction, "Okay, I will help you check Wufang, there should be news soon."

"Thank you City Lord, if you can get certain news, the juniors can do anything."

After spending so long in the dark, Yunliu finally saw a little light, and there were other expressions on his face.

Zhou Shu sneered, "You can do anything, let you rebel out of the teacher's school, and then avenge Zhou Qing, can you?"

Yun Liu was speechless for a long while. He had asked himself this question countless times, and there was no answer, and there is still no answer. Does he want a certain news or do something for Zhou Qing? clear.

He didn't understand why the city lord of Xianshu City was also angry, as if he was even more angry than himself.

"As a practitioner, you must follow your heart. If you don't understand this, it's useless to get news."

Zhou Shu said something frankly, then stood up and strode towards the distance.

By the way, he doesn't need to use Yuhuan to communicate. He has the origin of the demon refining world left by the old man, so he can directly communicate with Yunliu.

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