Fairy Winner

Chapter 3106: What to do then

Not long after, everyone felt the wonder of the eight formations.

Two people came in and they were divided into two places, but they were besieged by everyone in the formation at the same time.

The constantly changing position of the stone pillars cleverly placed every defender in front of the invaders, and smoothly made moves. When the opponent just reacted to fight back, the stone pillars once again changed positions and appeared in front of the invaders. It's a completely different defender.

How to prevent the attack again?

Soon, the two Hunyuan Jinxians who came in first slid left and right and sent out a distress signal.

Originally, Zhou Shu could block these signals, but if he didn't, let more enemies come in, it didn't matter.

After a while, the opponents became eight.

The four Hunyuan and the Four Luos were all well-trained dead men. They found their respective positions when they came in. One Hunyuan brought a large Luo in pairs, placed in a diamond shape, watching and helping each other.

But they didn't know that they could do it because Zhou Shu asked them to do it.

As they set up their formation, the eight formation map changed again.

The stone pillars are like revolving lanterns, rotating around the invaders.

How about eight people?

In the eight formation chart, there is no difference from two people, no matter how many.

As long as they can't find a way to break the formation, even if they have thousands of troops, they will be deeply surrounded.

And every defender stayed by a different stone pillar, attacking every enemy he saw, using the best or most vicious technique.

At no cost.

They have already understood that no matter what moves the opponent makes, what kind of power they use, they will be blocked and absorbed by the stone pillar.

Don't worry about yourself, this kind of battle is really comfortable, and it feels extraordinary.

After a while, the winner will be decided.

The four big Luo Jinxians, when they encountered an attack next time, chose to blew themselves without hesitation.

Suddenly stirred up a huge storm.

Everyone I saw was palpitating, as if he had also exploded.

But to no avail.

The eight formations are infinitely mysterious, and the rotating stone pillars react extremely fast, but after a few breaths, the storm will be invisible.

Rather, it sucked the storm into the stone pillars.

This specially made soul shadow, because the power of order has not been transmitted back to the body, there is almost no power of order, but the power of reincarnation is not lacking, and there is also the support of the old man, a large amount of energy power is injected into the soul shadow, At this time, they are the basis for constructing the eight-array graph.

I have to say that this is a big advantage of Soul Shadow.

It was Zhou Shu's body. Without the Demon Refining Pot in his hand, it would be difficult for him to store so much energy. After all, Zhou Shu didn't understand the laws of energy and couldn't transform them, and it would be difficult to guarantee the way of Shu by simply storing them. The current Shu Zhi Dao is not as good as the highest law. Of course, it may also have a good impact. But for Zhou Shu, the power that cannot be fully controlled is necessary only when he is in danger.

And Soul Shadow does not have such a problem, it can open up a separate area to store various powers, and it will not affect the Dao body at all.

However, something unexpected happened to Zhou Shu and others.

After Daluo Jinxian blew himself up, those Hunyuan Jinxian also blew himself up.

Four Hunyuan Jinxians blew themselves up at the same time. Compared with just now, it was not an impact at all.

The power of the condensed law merged into the soul, and suddenly burst out in an instant.


Ordinary practitioners explode, the power of the law spreads out, and they naturally give way when encountering too big obstacles. This has a way to weaken and prevent them, and these golden immortals blew themselves up. Be prepared to destroy the stone pillars. When the strength is stronger, the spirit of the spirit draws the power of the law, and it hits the places where the obstacles are the most blocked.

Even the stone pillars blessed by the power of energy can't stand it either.

For these three breaths, Zhou Shu has done his best.

He must give those people a chance to survive, no matter how vain, it must be so much.

The result is that the power of the law of energy is temporarily gone.

If you don't resist the three breaths, Zhou Shu can quickly regain his strength, and it won't be exhausted.

But don’t worry too much. The power of the scattered energy law is like a cloud. It will not be annihilated, but will only spread. It will draw other powers everywhere to strengthen itself. Of course, Zhou Shu must quickly take them back and let them absorb it. If there is too much impurities, with Zhou Shu's current ability, he can only give up.

In fact, we must give up a lot now.

The three breaths that Zhou Shu fought for gave the defender a chance to breathe.

But it is only a trace.

With the stone pillars completely collapsed and scattered, only four people were able to stand, staggering back to Zhou Shu's side.

One Hunyuan Jinxian, two Daluo, one Hachi clan, and the others could not stand up again, including Lu Zhongguang.

Zhou Shu's eyes swept across, clearly without distractions.

What should be done has been done, and I have a clear heart.

"They... really want to die!"

Wu Fang was the closest to him, hardly suffered any injuries, but his body was trembling constantly, and he lost the power to speak, "Hunyuan Jinxian, Hunyuan Jinxian, he blew himself up like this, and he didn't even want to stay behind. What do these people want to do?"

He has seen countless practitioners, but this is the first time he is not afraid of death.

Isn't the practitioner for longevity? After working so hard to reach Hunyuan Jinxian~www.ltnovel.com~, he blew himself up without hesitation?

What do you work hard to do, isn’t it better to enjoy it?

The others were also depressed, all of them crying, and they couldn't believe what happened just now. Hunyuan Jinxian blew himself up. This... completely incredible, the cognition has been broken, and Hachi Country is really terrifying.

Those people died unjustly.

And they are really lucky to survive.

Those three breaths saved their lives.

Realizing this, they all cheered up and thanked Zhou Shu.

"There are enemies."

Zhou Shu remained calm. He expected that these opponents would behave astonishingly, but he did not expect to be such a decisive death.

Knowing this a long time ago, I divided the formation into two tiers, so that all the pots would not be discarded.

"Then what to do?"

The faces of several people changed drastically, and they looked into the distance with fear.

Across the killing array, nothing can be seen, but it seems that the killing intent can be felt, and the killing intent is getting stronger and stronger.

"You just stay here, I'll just go."

Zhou Shu glanced at the power of the law of energy roaming around in the jail, shook his head slightly, and walked out slowly.

I can't count on these people anymore, they are exhausted, and the remaining strength cannot keep them going, even the state of mind does not allow them.

Going out again can only die.

For the time being, there is no energy law to support, and it is not a big problem. After all, there are only four opponents, and there are only two Hunyuan Jinxians. However, one person's cultivation base looks extraordinary, about three to five Hunyuanjin. Compared to cents.

These people are probably the main fighting force of a family, right?

Are they all buried here?

For their own sake, the first three imperial families also tried their best.

(Ps: Thank you Mao Dao Tianxia for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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