Fairy Winner

Chapter 3113: keep quiet

Xie Xun took two steps and said in a polite manner, "Lord of the country, you can't say that. Master Fu is also dedicated to the country, so he can do so many things."

"Collecting evidence from other people is just for the country?"

The lord looked at him calmly, "Zhenguo, don't you feel bad when you say this?"

"Why did the country master say this?"

Xie Xun was stunned, and felt a little annoyed, "I distinguish between loyalty and traitor for the country, find out the treacherous ministers, promote good and punish evil, why not just serve the country?"

"Is it true or not?"

The lord shook his head slightly and sighed, "Fuxiguo, Zhenguo, we are all Haechi tribes who are best at distinguishing right from wrong. If you think a person has a problem, you can see it with the real eye and the corner of the law to observe. , Do you need to use all kinds of extra methods? And Fu Guo, you also have a righteous roar, that is the best way to distinguish right from wrong, but you feel that to distinguish the loyalty of the first three imperial families, you need to send many people to Concentrate on collecting evidence?!"

Fu Guo was shocked, "I..."

Seeing him hesitate, the lord of the country said in a concentrated voice, "Are you deliberately not going to see it, or don't mind, I will not say more, and will not pursue it, but the matter ends here."


Fu Guo stagnated, but choked in his throat, unable to say anything he wanted to say.

Weiguo hesitated for a moment. Just as he stood up and wanted to speak, the country lord waved his hand, "You don’t need to say any more, I see the three imperial families every day, why don’t I know whether they are loyal or evil? No matter what they do in private, But the sincerity of Haze is not a display, let alone hypocrisy. As long as the heart is upright, I can ignore other things, and you don’t have to worry about it."

Lu Lun took two steps, seeming to have tears in his eyes, "The lord of the country is beloved, and the ministers are terrified. As the lord said, the ministers are pure-hearted for the country and have no two hearts."

The Lord didn’t pay attention, he only looked at Fu Guo and others, and said, “Actually, you are the same. Each of the four generals is an unparalleled scholar, loyal to the country and loving the people. I respect you very much, no matter what you do in private. , I think it’s all for the good of Haechi, no matter if you ask, but you let me down today, what is this place? Have you all forgotten?!"

"Above Chaotang, before the ancestors, among the many people, you can't tolerate your disturbance!"

His tone gradually became severe. "You all remember, as the Lord of Hachi, I will never allow the ancestors’ ceremonies and sacred court discussions to become a battlefield for anyone to attack each other, no matter who it is, here. We must respect our ancestors and every Hachi tribe! Otherwise, I will never be merciful."

The lingering sound surrounds the beam for a long time.

The Hachez clan and practitioners in front of the imperial court seemed to be infected, and they all shouted.

"Lord, you said so well!"

"Never allow anyone to mess around in court meetings! No matter what general or three!"

"That is, your ancestors are watching every move, what do you want to do? Let us follow you to shame?"

"Fighting on weekdays is endless, and fighting in front of the idols is extremely arrogant!"

"Someone wanted to kill just now, it's so hateful!"

The public opinion is hard to violate, and the situation knows that the general situation is gone, and the auxiliary country bows its head, "The master of the country taught me that I was wrong."

He took two steps back and stopped talking.

The collected evidence of crimes was not available, but was blocked by the lord of the country. As soon as the phrase "in front of the ancestors" was spoken, they would say more, it would be equivalent to insulting the ancestors, and the sin was unforgivable. After arousing public opinion, they got the chance to win, and then they could take advantage of the situation to attack, but the result was a complete defeat.

Why didn't Zhen Guo and the others understand that they couldn't export a word with Fu Guo's side.

It's a thousand calculations, but the country's lord is omitted.

The basis for their completion of the plan and sanctions against the first three powers is a state master who only promises to go with the crowd, but the fact is not what they think. On the contrary, the state master is not only very independent, but also very powerful, and is stronger than the auxiliary country. Much strength.

However, this does not seem to be a bad thing.

They are all people who are extremely loyal to the Haze country. Now that the country's lord is much stronger than expected, it is a blessing for the country and yourself, how could it be a bad thing.

It's just that they couldn't accept it for a while, and the previous performance of the country lord was all pretended.

Did you do something wrong before?

Several people have such thoughts in their hearts, secretly tightening.

When I look at the country lord again, the contempt in the past has completely disappeared, leaving only awe.

But Lu Lun and the others got rid of their awe, and their hearts quietly relaxed. The Lord pointed out that Lu Yi's matter had nothing to do with the Lu Family. They might be fine this time.

It’s just that the lord seems to have completely changed himself. If he is no longer the former lord, how should we deal with it in the future? Can our first three imperial families be able to firmly control the government as before?

What to think about, of course impossible.

The state owner should be content if he doesn't pursue the previous things. Do you want to continue and seek death?

This country's master is not the country's master tens of thousands of years ago, and the three are not the three in the past.

Lu Lian settled down and looked at the lord, his face was full of respect, "The minister bears an unshirkable responsibility for Lu discussing the matter, and the lord also asks the lord to condemn him."

"I said, Lu Yi's matter has nothing to do with the Lu family, but..."

The lord shook his head slightly, "Lu Lu, as the lord~www.ltnovel.com~, the mistakes you committed yourself are related to the Lu family."

"Ah, didn't the country master say..."

Lu Lu's heart shook, but he soon realized something, and bowed, "The minister just moved on impulsively. Although he did not despise his ancestors, he did make a big mistake. The minister was willing to accept the crime."

The lord was expressionless, "Just understand, what sin do you think you should receive?"

"The minister is willing to accept any punishment," Lu Lun hesitated, his eyes fell on the altar, and said earnestly, "It's just that I hope the lord can return the sword to the minister. The knife is there, and the Lu family is here."

The Lord said calmly, "This is the treasure of your Lu Family, and it is also the result of the hard work of the Lu Family's ancestors. Naturally, I cannot stay, but I can't give it back to you now. Let's wait for your Lu Family to choose a new one. After the owner, let him come and get the knife."

Lu Lu was shocked and said, "Yes."

Lin Baixu and Zheng Tu behind him were all shocked.

A seemingly simple sentence deprived Lu Lan of the position of Patriarch, and this punishment was not serious.

The four generals were quite surprised.

I thought that the first three imperial families could be safe and sound this time, and it was only on their own side. I didn’t expect that the lord still lifted Lu Lun’s position as the head of the house, and it was easy and there was no resistance at all. You know, the auxiliary country has prepared for thousands of years and arranged Many thanks, maybe just for this moment.

The crowd on the side cheered, very excited.

Whether it is the four generals or the top three, they are always on top. Now that these people are deflated, no one is happy.

Moreover, a strong national leader is what any tribe wants.

Today, I finally saw it.

For a time, many people chanted various slogans, only to get a scream from the lord.

"This is the Imperial Court, everyone keep quiet!"

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