Fairy Winner

Chapter 3115: 2 formation 1

Lu Lun spoke resolutely, and the lord of the country stagnated, and said slowly, "City Lord Zhou, the Lu family will leave it to you for the time being."

Zhou Shu pondered for a moment and said lightly, "Let’s talk about state affairs first, and afterwards I will go to the Lu family to see and see the first three imperial families."

"Lu Lu respectfully welcomes the city lord, but the three imperial families must not dare to be the one, because others just yelled for fun."

Lu Lun felt relieved, nodded and walked back.

Someone over there has already sent a pledge of credential and so on, and Zhou Shu and the lord of the country have seriously discussed it.

Although they were allies before, they were actually hosted by the four generals. This time it was considered a real alliance. After all, the real power figures of the Hachi clan were not the four generals or the first three imperial families, but the lord Xie Zuo.

About half an hour later, the two had negotiated, and both signed and sealed their names solemnly.

The lord picked up the credential and announced with a solemn expression, "From today onwards, Hachi Kingdom and Xianshu City are allies that advance and retreat hand in hand, fighting against foreign enemies, living together, and sharing glory and disgrace."

This sentence was spoken to Zhou Shu, and it was also spoken to every Hachi tribe present.

For a while, there was a loud voice, but it didn't subside for a long time.

Zhou Shu repeated it again, his expression calm, and his heart agitated.

This formal covenant has determined many clauses. For now, it is definitely a great benefit to Xianshu City. Just by providing dark iron from Hazhi Country to cast a wall for Xianshu City, it can be It can be seen, not to mention, that Haze Country will also relocate one-fifth of the practitioners in the capital to the borders near Xianshu City... Population and resources are currently the most lacking in Xianshu City.

Of course, Xianshucheng also officially assumed the responsibility of Hachi's first line of defense.

Whether it is the Witch Clan or the Immortal Realm, Xianshu City will resist or do its best to deal with Hachi Kingdom.

It seems that the responsibility is very heavy, but for Zhou Shu, this is what Xianshu City is going to do. He chose to build the city in this crack and was ready to face all difficulties.

The covenant was certain, and Zhou Shu left immediately.

I went to the Lu family with Lu Lun. He understood the habits of cultivators. It would be hard to say what he could get if he went a little later.

It doesn't make sense to stay in the court meeting, is it the third major event announced by the Lord? This has little to do with him, and he knows what it is if he doesn't listen. After today, the Sky Key Realm will be greatly changed.

Lu Lian walked in front, and what he said to Zhou Shu was completely different from before.

Only occasionally when he turned his head, a hint of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Shu walked very slowly and peacefully, watching the unique beauty of Tianyao Mountain, expressing a few words from time to time.

"Good luck Zhong Shenxiu, yin and yang cut faint dawn."

Tiankey Mountain may be the most majestic and beautiful mountain range he saw after entering the heavens. Only those mountains in the Xuanhuang world can compare with it. This Tiankey Mountain does give him a feeling of returning to his homeland, and it is In the homeland hundreds of thousands of years ago, there is no such mountain in the Xuanhuang world today.

Of course, he didn't forget to use the power of reincarnation to comprehend.

Coming this way, he was equivalent to reading the history of Hache country, looking like a horse and watching flowers, how the Hache people founded the country, and the fetters of the families of several human practitioners, etc., are all clear.

Very good experience.

Combined with the experience Lin Qian gave, there was a feeling that the way of comfort had suddenly improved.

This feeling is similar to an epiphany. It is rare once a year. After all, the cultivation base is here, and the progress is made further, the more difficult it becomes as you get to the back.

He is very satisfied.

"Here, City Lord Zhou."

Lu Lun said as calmly as possible.

The resentment in his eyes had long since disappeared, leaving only deep helplessness.

This shouldn't have appeared in the eyes of a Patriarch.

But there is no way for him to take revenge.

Now that Xianshucheng and Hazhi are equal allies, Zhou Shu's status is already higher than him, revenge? Wishful thinking, besides the absence of Tu Yuan, he has no confidence to fight Zhou Shu at all. Up to now, he still does not understand why Tu Yuan, which used to be unprofitable in the past, suffered two big setbacks today?

It was first blocked by Zhou Shu, and then taken away by the lord, and Lu Yi died in vain.

——Is the Lu Family really going to flourish and decline?

I couldn't settle down at all, and I had to be careful to laugh at Zhou Shu, lest Zhou Shu would get angry and feel really uncomfortable.

It took more than an hour to walk back to the Lu Family on this road. For him, it was definitely the kind of torment that he had never experienced in nearly ten thousand years.


Zhou Shu nodded, but didn't look at Lu Lun, and strode in.

Lu Lian followed, sadly opening the formations one by one, presenting the whole family in front of Zhou Shu.

This is what he must do.

The situation today is very clear. The Lord wants to protect the Lu family, but he does not want to offend Zhou Shu. If Zhou Shu wants him to die and the Lu family die, it is by no means impossible. Now that Zhou Shu speaks, he can only do everything. Do your best to meet Zhou Shu's requirements, otherwise you really don't want to do it.

Zhou Shu glanced across.

The first thing of interest is the formation. The formation used by the Lu Family to protect the family is better than the one in the Sky Prison.

He paused, and said thoughtfully, "Five fire formations, devouring heaven and earth, two formations in one, more than three hundred and seventy changes, even if the gods enter, they can hardly escape. A strange formation created for Lu Yu, who was bright for a while."


Lu Lian stopped and was shocked, "City Lord Zhou, what formation do you see this is?"

I can’t tolerate him not being surprised. This is the first time someone has pointed out the connotation of the formation. That’s right, the Lu Family’s mountain protection formation is a combination of these two formations. Although other factors have been added, it is fundamental Or these two ancient formations.

Zhou Shu didn’t answer, and said slowly, “I now understand why your Lu family can make such an iron curtain. In the past, I thought that the Lu family’s heritage has long been extinct, but I don’t want to keep it. It is so well preserved. what."

The Lu family used to be a family of soldiers in the Xuanhuang Realm. There was also a person like Lu Yu in the family. He was also called the two masters of the military and the first Zhuge family. They were the same in the limelight, but the direction of the two families later. Different.

The Lu family disappeared from the Xuanhuang Realm inexplicably, and the Zhuge family finally became the four great families because of the establishment of the military dao~www.ltnovel.com~.

Zhou Shu also learned from Samsara that not long after Lu Yu died, the whole family of Lu family ascended to the heavens and founded the nation together with the Hachi family.

Lu Lun's expression changed slightly, as if he understood something, "I remember you came from the Xuanhuang Realm, but how did you know the Lu Family? It's been so many years..."

"There are only a few families in the Xuanhuang World, even fewer hundreds of thousands of years ago. It's not hard to guess."

Zhou Shu looked at him with a more respectful expression, "Excuse me, Lord Lu, please explain this formation for me."

The change of attitude is not because of asking others, it was originally what Zhou Shu deserved.

The Lu family still retains the ancient inheritance of the Xuanhuang Realm, and has not let it be completely lost. From this point of view, Lu Lun is a man of merit to the Xuanhuang World, and it is necessary to maintain some respect for those who have merit.

Zhou Shu has always been like this.

Wonderful book house

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