Fairy Winner

Chapter 3143: Loyal person

There is no delusion.

Zhou Shu raised his hand and said, "Fu Guo, I am looking forward to you."

Xie Zheng shook his head, "City Lord, don't call the word auxiliary country, old man Xie Zheng."

"Get used to it, it's not easy to change, the auxiliary country will go down."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, and said slowly, "Fu Guo is really relaxed now, and one person will be brought to each world."

Xie Zheng said indifferently, "That's what you want for confession. I'll take it away later. Have you brought the idol?"

"With her."

Zhou Shu pointed to Bian Xue behind him, and said slowly, "She is called Bian Xue and she is practicing the law of fate. Every month from now on, she will come here for ten days, and at the same time will bring the idols over. When the time comes, you and her Study the idols together, can you?"

"Ten days are more than five days."

Xie Zheng calculated it a little bit, "Maybe it takes a day to think about it for a month, but I still don't think about it clearly. I am old now and have less energy than before."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "Fu Guo is self-effacing, you will not grow old, you will only grow stronger."

Xie Zheng didn't notice a slight smile, "You can talk more and more. By the way, you won't stay here to study? Not interested in idols?"

"I'm interested."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said helplessly, "But my understanding of the law is far from enough, and I can't touch such advanced things. It's good to wait for Xuemei to tell me about it. It's Fuguo, you must not hide your privacy. I also look forward to learning from you."

Xie Zheng said indifferently, "You are hypocritical. You have been talking with the lord for so long, why do you still need to listen to me if you don't understand?"

"If you listen a lot, it doesn't mean you understand."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "Fuxiguo, what I talked about with the lord of the country that day, whether it was a Tao or something, I clearly told Xuemei, if you want to know, you can ask her at any time. "

Bian Xue lightly chins her head, "The auxiliary country asks at will, it's okay."

Xie Zheng's face changed slightly, and he said, "Then thank you City Lord."


Zhou Shu hesitated, "Fu Guo had better remember a little..."

Xie Zheng stared at him and said before he was finished, "There will be no second prophet in the Hachi clan, is this the sentence? It was also said by the Lord?"

Zhou Shu smiled bitterly, very calmly, "The Lord didn't say it clearly, but it did mean that. Although the Hachi country has long been established, the old rules are still there. If a second prophet appears, the Hachi tribe will suffer disaster. "

Xie Zheng looked into the distance and pondered for a while, "Zhou Shu, you can tell him that if you lose, you lose. I don't mean to make a comeback. Over the years, he has hidden his identity as a prophet for so long, obviously better than me. Qiang asked me to guide Hazhi country, and gave me years of sentiment before leaving. I am very committed to his love, and I have no face to go back."

"I will tell him."

Zhou Shu nodded, "What are Fu Guo's plans in the future? I mean after learning about the gods."

Xie Zheng paused, "If you understand, let's talk about it. Maybe I will be stuck here for the rest of my life."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I am not satisfied. With the help of the country, I believe that is a matter of hundreds of years."

Xie Zheng looked at him and suddenly shouted, "Thank you!"


A Haechi tribe walked over quickly, standing still like a javelin, expressionless.

Xie Zhengning said, "In the future, you will listen to City Lord Zhou. If it is not his order, don't come to the old man again, can you remember?"


Xie Bai was stunned, and a lot of hesitation appeared on his expressionless face.

Xie Zheng looked at him, his eyes were softer than ever before, and he waved his hand, "Needless to say, you are the one who has followed the old man for the longest time. Now that you have worked so hard for so long, you should rest well and help me see the guests off. This is the last command the old man gave you."


Xie Bai saluted and turned around, in one go, looked at Zhou Shu and said, "City Lord Zhou, please!"

Zhou Shu paused, "Fu Guo, I just want a real shadow, and there is no one by your side, okay?"

Xie Zheng had already turned around, only Xie Bai stood in front of Zhou Shu, and said motionlessly, "City Lord, please!"

Zhou Shu was a little helpless, "Sister Xue, you just study hard here, I will go back."


Bian Xue nodded vigorously with a firm expression, "Brother Shu, my little sister will never let you down."

Studying the law of destiny with the prophets of the Haechi clan, and the magical pen of the mysterious yellow world, this is an opportunity not to be missed.

Everyone can see this, but there are others who can’t see it. Without Zhou Shu’s knowledge, she used money to calculate her own destiny, which is very vague, but one thing is certain, she will be When Zhou Shu's life star dimmed, it still became an indispensable part of being bright. The key was this time.

Looking at her expression, Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "I believe you, but you don't have to swear. Sometimes a hit is necessary. It's yours and yours."

"No, it's not the younger sister's. You have to fight over, and your destiny can change."

It is rare for Bian Xue to fail to comply with Zhou Shu. Her voice was as soft as before, and her tone was as gentle, but her stubbornness was also obvious.

Zhou Shu smiled at the difference between Bian Xue, only admiration and support, "You know more about destiny than I do. Just do what you decide, but you can't do anything excessive. I still expect you to help me. Well, don't be too tired."

He had a premonition, and he felt a little worried. Bian Xue was very crazy when she practiced seriously, day and night, no one was missing.

In Cihangzong, he had seen it before. At that time, he was particularly worried that Bian Xue would become a miraculous truth, half withered and half glorious.

"Senior Brother Shu, it's not that the younger sister won't go back. I saw it every few days."

Bian Xue smiled, as gentle as before, turned around and followed Xie Zheng.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, too, you can see in a blink of an eye, how can it be like parting, now is not the past, and this is not the Xuanhuang World.

"City Lord Zhou, we should go now."

Xie Bai was still standing there, very persistently carrying out the final orders of the auxiliary country.

"Let's go."

For such a loyal person, Zhou Shu really needs and pays attention to it, but he can't cultivate it.

He and Fu Guo and others have different ideas. He believes that there is no absolute loyalty in this world. When a group of people come together, the key is like-minded people. If they have a common goal, they will be together. If there are differences, they will separate. He does not insist on others. You must be loyal to yourself ~www.ltnovel.com~ and when loyalty is particularly needed, you must use imprints, etc., while Fu Guo and others believe in absolute loyalty and use various means to secure a person to yourself. Tie them firmly together so that they will always be loyal to themselves. Judging from the thanks, they have done it, but it is not really absolute.

Zhou Shu is suspicious.

Xie Bai looked resolute and took the lead. He couldn't help stopping when he only flew halfway.

Gazing at the unwonderful realm not far away, it is hard to calm down.

Zhou Shu understood very well. After following so many years, he would certainly not give up if he wanted to leave. "Thank you, don't be too nostalgic. I will often send you to Wuwangjie in the future and there are still many opportunities to meet."

"Thank you City Lord!"

Xie Bai hurriedly saluted, only paused, then hesitated to look at Zhou Shu, "However, I think I still rarely see Fu Guo."

Zhou Shu was stagnant, "It's up to you, I don't force it."

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