Fairy Winner

Chapter 3146: What means

Zhou Shu was stagnant.

I really said it in detail.

It is also sent by feelings, the more you understand, the more ideas.

Maybe the saint is like this, constantly surpassing the limit, jumping out of the circles that limit himself, but in the end, when he understands the true meaning of the changes in the heavens and the earth, he knows that he still can't jump out, so he stays in seclusion, watching the clouds. Yun Shu.

Will Zhou Shu do the same?

Maybe, maybe not, after all, unlike a saint, his starting point may be higher.

But now is not the time.

Qingque looked at it for a while and whispered, "I can't understand it at all, but there seem to be words embedded in these lines, right?"

"Well, it's the ancient Chinese character for'Yu'."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Most of the formation masters and talismans will mark their own in the lines, and it will not affect the effect of the formation and talisman. The person who made this teleportation formation is called Lin Zhenyu, so he embeds his name. Go in."

Qingque nodded lightly, "That's it."

Zhao Yueru followed, "The hundreds of thousands of array talisman on the Tongtian Pagoda at the time. If you look carefully, most of the array talisman has the word'zhu' on it. That's Lin Zhu's mark. It's similar to this."

Qingque nodded, "I didn't pay attention at that time, it looks very obvious here."

"The Yin patterns used by Lin Zhu are different from the ones here. They are indeed harder to see," Zhou Shu paused and said slowly, "When the situation here stabilizes, it's time to go to the wizarding world. Maybe you can. Knowing Lin Zhu’s news from the Jiang family, the situation over there is very complicated, and the distance is a little farther away. The soul shadow cannot be replaced with the body, and you must be fully prepared."

Zhao Yueru said quickly, "I'm going."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I know that when we pass through the phosphorescent demon world, it will be more convenient in the demon world without going to the territory of the Xuan Ming witch god. I can come here as expected, and I will find news about Xiao Gun," he said. Glancing at Qingque, "Are you going, Qing?"

"I'm not going, I'm looking at Xiancheng here, and I have to condense the true soul."

Qingque shook her head and smiled contentedly at the corner of her mouth, "I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to use Jianmu Leaf to condense the true soul body. I even feel that the true soul body condensed this time may be stronger than myself. ."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Vitality will definitely be better."

He could also use Jianmu Leaf to condense the true soul body, but after thinking about it, he still gave up, or the soul shadow is more convenient.

The essence of the soul shadow is the real shadow, that is, the clone. It is not like the true soul body as a separate individual, so it is also limited by the master's ability. If the soul shadow contains materials higher than the master's ability, the result is that it cannot be with the body. Mutual integration and conversion, then the value of the soul shadow will be lost.

"Satsuki, you are lazy here again!"

A group of green shadows rolled in and fell in front of a few people, but it was Caiying.

She was furious, "You are in charge of the dojo today. Why don't you go to the dojo?"

Zhao Yueru stagnated, pretending to be calm, "I should have remembered the time wrongly and will go right away."

"No need to go."

Caiying waved her hand, "Several people were cursing, and the palace looked unhappy, so they all drove away, and the door will not be opened today."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "It's hard for some people to come to the dojo. If you don't teach it well, you can just rush it. You say you, how many rushed out this month?"

"Thirty, forty?"

Caiying had the final say, and said indifferently, "They are not teachable talents, they can't learn kendo at all, and their character is not good...Speaking of which, it's all to blame. My palace did not encounter these situations in Chen Liucheng. , The people over there are very obedient, it's not that the Xiancheng you are in charge of is not good, so you can get some ignorant people."

Zhou Shu did not argue, "They do have a lot of problems, but there will always be one or two talents."

After a period of screening, Zhou Shu also saw it.

This group of people is indeed not good at it. Good practitioners are all left behind by Hachi Country. Those who send to Xianshu City are selected for the rest, that is, they are full of popularity, or they do some coolies and pretend to be many people in Xianshu City. You can’t count on too much.

Good talents are not sent, they are attracted willingly.

Caiying turned her head, "There are really talented people, I can teach well without going to the dojo, anytime, anywhere."

Zhao Yueru smiled, "How can you teach others? You are looking for a training partner."

Caiying looked at her, her eyes suddenly burst into light, sharp and compelling, "Then practice with you today! Do you remember to use Taoist tools!"

"I don't understand it anyway, so it's okay to hit it."

Zhao Yueru looked at him, as if two sword lights collided.

The two went out one after another.

Zhou Shu paused and followed out.

Qingque smiled, "Are you itching too?"

"No, I'll pick someone up."

Zhou Shu shook his head and was already in the city in a flash.

"Who wants you to pick it up by yourself? Has your face changed?"

Qingque muttered in a low voice, thinking for a while before calming down.

She now discovered that after she came back, every bit of Zhou Shu seemed to affect her, which might not be a good thing.

But it is not a bad thing.

Zhou Shu did not stop, but continued to go up, out of the sky, straight into the void.

He frowned.

Soon, a group of people appeared in sight.

To be precise, it is not a person, but ten emperors.

The one at the head was very mighty, with blood stains all over his body, as were the Emperor Rivers behind him, and some Emperor Rivers could not fly at all and were carried away by other Emperor Rivers.

"Xiangru, someone is chasing you?"

Zhou Shu looked condensed, "Go in first, don't worry about the others."

That Dijiang is Xiangru.

The blood on his body was not the blood of other people ◇net 00ksw◆, but broke out from the body. Obviously, too much blood was used, the body was overloaded, and he couldn't even change into a human shape.

"No, no one is chasing us, but... I'll talk about it later."

Xiangru waved his wings and panted quickly, "Zhou Shu, many people from his tribe have been injured, is there a way?"

Zhou Shu was very calm, "As long as there is a trace of life, you can save life, you can't die."

Xiangru breathed a sigh of relief, "That's the best, and finally come out, if you die, you will lose, huh."

Zhou Shu looked at him for a while, and a soft and warm light appeared on the palm of his hand, covering all the Dijiang tribes. After a while, Xiangru's fatigue gradually disappeared, and the blood stains on his body faded a lot. Suddenly regained his human form, and other Dijiang tribes also gradually regained their vitality~www.ltnovel.com~ This is the case first, and then they will recover after entering. "

Zhou Shu turned and walked, and a cloud bridge stretched under his feet, supporting the group of Dijiang tribe to fly slowly towards Xianshu City.

Xiangru turned around and said in a deep voice, "I said, I'll be fine when I come, don't worry about anything."

Those emperors followed Yunqiao forward, looking at Zhou Shu, they were surprised.

"What is this method, how come it doesn't hurt suddenly?"

"I don't know... But it is indeed a capable person, following him, it is probably better than the Star Sea Realm."

"You still think about Xinghai Realm! Are they really nurtured into slaves? Wouldn't we be like this if it wasn't for them?"

"I can't blame them all..."

(Ps: Thank you for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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