Fairy Winner

Chapter 3148: No way

On a mountain in the West End.

An old man was standing alone, pacing back and forth, as if thinking about something.

Zhou Shu suddenly appeared in front of him, smiling and saying, "Old Hu, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah, master."

Old Hu hurriedly saluted, "The situation in the world of demon refining is very good now. Little Stone seems to be able to understand words. I believe she will be able to speak soon. The number of Xue Nui has been few recently, but Tianchi's savings are still increasing. There are a lot more creatures..."

"I'm not asking about this. I feel relieved to have you."

Zhou Shu shook his head and walked slowly, "I think you are very anxious these days, what's the matter?"

Old Hu stagnated, "No, it's okay, I just practice slowly, and I'm a little worried."

"Is trapped in Xiancheng, can't find the chance like in the past?"

Zhou Shu glanced at him, seemingly thoughtful, "How about letting you go out and practice everywhere? Now you can also manifest human form, plus the energy law protection, there should be no danger, even if it is a golden fairy. do not worry."

Hu Lao's expression changed instantly, and he quickly said, "Master, I will never leave."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I'm not testing you, you can indeed go out and have a look, maybe you can cultivate faster."

Elder Hu hesitated, then resolutely said, "The master does not need to say much, I have said and knew that only by following the master, people have the best development, and it is better to stay with the master wherever you go. This is certain. ."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "Also."

Still hesitated, if he responded directly, Zhou Shu might not beat the pot like this anymore.

He paused, "It is indeed the best to stay here. You are different from other people. You are born with the best laws. You have your own realm from the beginning. After so many years of floating in the Xuanhuang realm, it is not at all. What you need experience or something, what you need most is accumulation, and at this point, nothing can compare to Jianmu, let alone the Yunjuan realm core that is similar to the Xuanhuang realm core. As long as you mix well with them, you can do it. Get it, just feel relieved."

"Master, I am anxious."

Old Hu nodded respectfully and hesitated, "But I haven't been able to help the master for a long time, I'm sorry."

Zhou Shu was very indifferent, "Old Hu, now I have time to improve myself, don't waste it, maybe it won't take long before Xianshu City will face continuous trials, and then there will be places where you can contribute. What anxious. "

Old Hu quickly agreed, "Yes, I know, no matter who it is, if you dare to move the master, I will not let it go."

"Come with me."

Zhou Shu smiled, and strode forward, Hu Lao following behind, stepping forward.

In a short while, I have arrived in the North District.

Although there are good immortal veins everywhere, it still appears to be very empty. Currently, there is only one foreign race living here.

But there are two people in the palace today.

The two women were sitting opposite each other, one charming and enchanting, the other simple and elegant. They seemed to be arguing, but their attitudes were different, one excited and the other calm.

"How did you come?"

When he noticed Zhou Shu, he floated over safely and took his hand.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "What are you doing?"


The simple and elegant woman was a snow girl, coming over and bowing down.

When she came over, there were snowflakes blooming under her feet, reflecting the ubiquitous Utambula in the palace. A bunch of white peaches grew like a mountain of peach blossoms, which looked very special.

Xue Nu whispered, "Uncle Ping An, let the disciple study the Way of Patching Heaven with her."

Study together?

Zhou Shu was shocked subconsciously, and looked at the two of them carefully, as if nothing was abnormal, his face was cold, and Zhou Shu squeezed severely, "Zhou Shu, what are you thinking? We are just talking! "


Zhou Shu was stagnant, and said with a serious face, "Xue Nu, how do you call her Master Uncle?"

The Snow Goddess looked respectful, "Master Ping An said that this is the most appropriate."

Xue Nu's talent on the road can be described as a genius of heaven, and may not even be comparable to Zhou Shu, but she does not understand some common sense, and it is difficult to understand.

Zhou Shu has taught many times to no effect, so she just let her learn. Anyway, no one in the city dares to disadvantage her and is willing to teach her. It’s just that it’s okay to meet other people, and it’s possible to learn when you meet some people. Not so good.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu couldn't help taking a triumphant glance.

Ping An covered his mouth and smiled, "Why, can't it? Do you think I and her generation, the uncle is already very good, besides, I am a character to be a female emperor, and all the women in the heavens in the future can't be better than me high."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Snow Girl, you can do whatever you want, call it if you like it, don't call it if you don't, don't be cautious."

"I see, Master."

The Snow Girl saluted, "I went to the dojo, and now the snow puppets are not enough."

Zhou Shu nodded, Xue Nu went away, and Ping An glared at Zhou Shu, "Having finally found someone to accompany me, and you took it away for me, then why don't you come with me?"

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "I'm here anytime."

Ping An snorted, "All that comes is shadows."

Zhou Shu smiled, "I found you a neighbor."

"is it him?"

Ping An looked at Hu Lao behind Zhou Shu, "I feel like I've seen it before, what kind of race is it?"

Zhou Shu frowned, "It's not him, it's the Dijiang Clan."

"A group of beasts?"

Pinging stagnated, and curled his lips, "You found me a group of good neighbors, do you think I'm a bully?"

Zhou Shu said irritably, "Nonsense. It's good enough if you don't bully them. Where is the mythical beast now or the mythical beast of the past? Only two of them have survived the calamity, and they are very peaceful."

"I'm angry, hehe, I just talk about it casually."

Ping Ping shook Zhou Shu with a smile, "You are the lord of the city, so it's fine if you call the shots. You don't need to ask me specifically."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "You are the first to come to the North District. It is very important to both Xiancheng and me. What if you don't listen to your opinions."

Ping An stared at Zhou Shu with bright eyes and couldn't hide his excitement, "Although I know that even if I say no, you will definitely convince me, but I am still very happy to hear you say that!"

"Cultivate hard, I'm even more happy that you become the empress."

Zhou Shuwen said, "Peace, if you are really free, go to open a dojo, and talk about the Tao of Heaven, which is good for you."

Safe and surprised~www.ltnovel.com~? You are actually willing to let me open the dojo, don't you worry about my accident? "

"I'm more worried about other people's troubles, but it should be okay now. Your understanding of Tian Tian Dao has reached a higher level and will not mislead others." Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Let Xue Nu help you a little bit, I I just listened carefully. She doesn't seem to be much worse than yours in mending the sky, but she can't have too much time. She has a lot to do on her own."

"I think it's better than me. How long has she just learned to mend the sky?!"

Hearing this, Ping An felt a little bit unequal, "Master is a genius who was born out of the world, and the disciple is a freak, you two, it's damned!"

Zhou Shu spread his hands, "You are right, but I can't help it."

Ping An glanced at him, resentment seemed to be more, but could not speak.

Yes, what can he do? This is a natural gap.

Wonderful book house

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